Seeing the running water in the underground passage, Monica suddenly thinks about how she and Ye Feng escaped from the clutches of wolves and alligators in the underground passage. At that time, Ye Feng could only care about his own life and death, not come back to save herself, but Ye Feng didn't do so.

Although Monica also knows that Ye Feng's purpose of saving herself may not be to save herself, but to save his two women who were kidnapped by her brother Virgil, at least not from her original intention, but in her heart, no matter what, Ye Feng's saving herself is a fact.

As long as Ye Feng has saved herself, this kindness will be returned by herself. I can think so. I didn't mean to save Ye Feng, but to return this kindness.

But before I could think about it, Rex's voice came from behind, "where have you been? Have you found water? "

Monica just regained her mind. She immediately turned back and went to Rex and Ye Feng. She took a look at the Rex track and said, "I didn't find it!"

Rex heard that Monica's face didn't change. He frowned and said, "the sound of the river is so loud. It should be nearby. Have you seen it carefully?"

"If you don't think I'm looking for it carefully, you'll find it yourself," said Monica, looking impatiently at the track

When Rex saw that Monica was angry, he didn't say much. He just said to her, "I'm just asking. If I can't find it, I can't find it!"

But Monika looked at the track and said, "do you know the way out? How far have I led you?"

Rex heart next burst of empty, avoid Monica's eyes way, "this forest is too big, it's not easy to go out!"

Monica listened to Rex say so, can't help but toward the Rex track, "do you know how to get into the underpass? I feel that if I walk on the ground, I will encounter wild animals again sooner or later. I can't deal with them at that time! "

As soon as lexer heard this, she was shocked. Yes, Monica said that it was very dangerous on the ground. She just came out of the underground and met a black bear at the entrance of the cave. She was chased all the way and almost lost her life.

What's more, Rex knows that he doesn't know the road on the ground at all. If he goes on aimlessly, he will encounter monsters sooner or later. Although there are crocodiles in the underpass, he just sees one. It's not sure whether there are crocodiles everywhere.

At least for now, there are two advantages of the underground passage. One is that it is impossible to meet crocodiles. The other is that as long as you follow the underground passage, you will get out of the forest sooner or later. However, even if you are lucky on the ground, you will never meet wild animals again and you may get lost.

Thinking of this, Rexroth immediately said, "yes, you can go to the underpass. You're right!"

But Monica shook her head and said, "forget it, there are crocodiles under there, and there are no dead leaves on the ground of the underpass. I can't drag you two at that time!"

As soon as Lexy heard this, she was about to speak, but Monica continued to say, "besides, the underpass may not really be able to walk out!"

After listening to what Monika said, Rex said to her positively, "I can guarantee that if you go down the subway, you can get out. And I also think of a way. Isn't there a river in the subway? You get a raft, and then you put us both on the raft. Can't you continue to pull us away? "

Listen to Rex say so, Monica heart suddenly moved, nodded, "yes, this is a good way, but there may be crocodiles in the river!"

Rexay said, "it's only possible. We will definitely encounter wild animals when we go down like this on the ground. It's only possible to encounter wild animals when we go down the underground river. We should take the least harm from the two powers, or the underpass should be relatively safe!"

Monica looks at Lexy without speaking. Suddenly, she looks behind Lexy with a look of horror on her face.

Rex saw that Monica suddenly appeared this expression, thought that there was a beast behind him, and immediately looked back at him in horror.

But when Rex looked back, he only saw the thick fog, and the visibility was only one meter at most. Besides, he could hardly see anything clearly.

Rex suddenly realized something. As soon as he turned around and looked at Monica, he saw that she had rushed towards him. Looking at her expression, she absolutely wanted to hurt herself.

Without saying a word, Rex immediately draws out the dagger and touches Ye Feng's neck. Otherwise, Monica stops and looks at Rex. She obviously doesn't think Rex is ready.

Rex see Monica so, at this time a sneer, "this time, don't play any tricks?"

But Monica snorted coldly, pretended to be silly with Rex, and muttered, "who's playing tricks with you? What do you mean? If you want to play tricks, you are just playing. Do you think I can't see it? You don't know the way at all. You're just using me. Don't leave you behind! "

Rex is also a cold snort at this time, "it's true, but you can't blame me. No one wants to die. Otherwise, you will take me with you?"After Monika scolded shamelessly, she looked at the track and said, "you put down the dagger, I'll take you and go on!"

Rex looked at Monica with a sneer and said, "you go on, pull the net and start to walk back. Let's find the entrance to the underpass!"

After listening to Rex's words, Monica is sure that Rex doesn't know about the other underpass entrances, but she still asks, "we've all gone so far, now go back? Is there no other underpass entrance? "

Rex said, "there are other entrances, but now the fog is so big, even if there is no fog, we don't know where the other entrances are. As long as we go back the same way, it's the safest!"

Listen to Rex say so, Monica knows that Rex really doesn't know about other underground entrances, and he doesn't know that there is one very close to them.

However, if you go back the same way as lexer said, you can't guarantee that you will be able to touch it later. And since you will go, there's no need to come back, because they are going to the entrance of the underpass, just not the same entrance.

Monica doesn't want to go so many wrongs, but at this time, the dagger in Rex's hand is still driving around Ye Feng's neck, threatening herself. She must think of a way.

Thinking of this, Monica went to a tree and sat down without saying a word.

Rex see Monica didn't go back, can't help but frown, driving in Ye Feng's neck dagger immediately close to Ye Feng's neck, said, "what do you do?"

But Monika didn't say a word and said angrily to the track, "you have a look, my palm skin is almost worn out, I need to rest for a while!"

Rex, hearing what Monica said, frowned at her and snorted, "don't play any tricks. If I see that you're up to anything, I'll kill him right away!"

But Monika sneered, "if you want to kill, you can kill. I've had enough nonsense. It's better to leave you two and go to the underground by myself. Anyway, you said that the underground can go out!"

Hearing what Monica said, Lexy frowned at her and said, "don't pretend. Are you willing to leave him? If you were willing, you would not have left him before! "

But Monica shrugged to Rexroth and said, "he saved me. It's human nature that I didn't want to leave him before. But now I may not be able to leave alive. At the critical moment, who cares about the life and death of others? Besides, he took advantage of my brother to save me. It's his job to save me, but it's not my job if I can't save him!"

Rex's heart moved when she heard what Monica said, but she sneered, "I don't believe it!"

Monica shrugged her shoulders and said, "believe it or not, I'm tired anyway. I'll have a rest now. I'll leave myself later. You two and I don't care. You can kill them if you want. You two can't live anyway. He just has to die early for some time! Your account, on the way to hell, you two can count it slowly! "

Rex listened to what Monica said, but her heart moved again. After staring at her for a long time, she said, "I don't believe it!" Said to make a pair of to kill Ye Feng posture.

However, Monica turned her head and didn't look at Rex at all. She was praying secretly. She used this method to motivate her. Don't really encourage Rex to kill Ye Feng. That's not what she meant.

Rex saw that Monica didn't speak, and immediately said, "anyway, you're not going to take him away. I'll kill him now!"

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