At this time, Monica also wants to understand that it is impossible to kill Rex now, and she has been thinking about it. This guy will always be on guard against himself. It's not easy to start.

Thinking of this, Monica simply stood up and said, "OK, you win!"

Rex listened to what Monica said. She frowned at her and said, "what do you mean?"

Monica shrugs at lexer and says, "I found the entrance to the underpass ahead!"

As soon as Rex heard this, his face suddenly moved and he looked at Monica in surprise, which means that they don't need to go back, they can take the relatively safe road of the underground.

After all, if you walk back, you will encounter anything unknown, including the trapped black bear. It's not clear whether he has got out of trouble now, so the risk of going back is great.

The reason why Rexroth insists on going back is that Rexroth has no choice, but it's much easier to enter the underpass near here now.

At this time, Monica came over, pulled the handle of the net pocket, continued to walk forward, and said, "the sound of the water just now came from the entrance of the underpass!"

Rex heard this, can't help but suddenly, so, if it's not for her to take the dagger from Ye Feng's waist in advance, Monica is obviously ready to leave her.

Thinking of this, Rex was afraid for a while. This Monica always remembered that she had hurt him. She always wanted to kill herself for revenge, so she had to defend herself.

Soon, Monica dragged them to the hole, then put down the handle of the net pocket and turned back to the race track, "the hole is here!"

Rex looked at the withered leaves on the ground in front of him. There was a hole on one side. He was very happy and seemed to be saved.

But Rex soon realized a problem, his legs are not convenient, how to get down the subway?

If Monica asks one by one, she is likely to be retaliated, but if not one by one, it is impossible to go down at all.

Rex knows that he must come up with a way as soon as possible to ensure his own safety as the premise, but also to be able to go down the subway.

Monica is heading for the track, "now the hole is right here. How do you say we can get down?" Then a sly smile appeared in his eyes.

Rex immediately understood that what she had guessed was right. The reason why Monica exposed the hole was that she was counting on the hole to harm herself. Her heart is to blame!

After thinking about it, Rex finally came up with a relatively feasible plan, and immediately said to Monica, "you get him down first, then me down, and finally you get down by yourself!"

As soon as Monica heard this, her heart could not help but move. He also heard that Rex thought that he and Ye Feng would go first and continue to threaten herself with Ye Feng.

But Monica didn't say anything. She looked at the hole carefully, stood up and said, "there's no way to go down. There's no rope to go down!"

Rex said at once, "there are a lot of these willow vines in the forest. Go and get more. I'll make a rope!"

Monica can't, so she has to go around to find liutengtiao and give it to Rex to weave the rope. But she stares at Rex and Ye Feng, thinking about how to save Ye Feng while Rex is knitting the rope.

Rex looked at Monica and sneered, "don't try to save him. If you have any changes, I'll stab him in the neck the first time!"

Ye Feng saw that lexai was still holding the dagger in his hand even when he was weaving the rope, and his eyes looked at her from time to time, and even if he didn't look at himself, the remaining light of his eyes was also scanning himself, for fear that he would attack.

Monica knows that she can gamble, but she can't gamble on Ye Feng's life. This guy's life and death confidant, let alone kill Ye Feng, can do anything.

What's more, Monica's heart moved, and she thought of another idea. At this time, she sat quietly at the entrance of the cave and did not speak.

Soon Rex weaves a rope and gives it to Monica to try her tenacity. Monica ties one end of the rope to a tree and then tugs it hard. She finds that the rope woven by liuteng is really strong.

At this moment, Monica is heading for the track, "OK, I'll take him down first?"

Reksey nodded and saw that Monica came over. He immediately realized a well-known mistake. Once Ye Feng wanted to go down first, Ye Feng would leave himself. What else would he take to coerce Monica?

Rex can't help but secretly scold himself for being so stupid that he didn't find such a big loophole?

However, seeing that Monica's face was decadent, and her face was full of words of unwillingness, Rex's heart suddenly moved again. She didn't think of it, and Monica didn't think of it.

Thinking of this, lexer, in order to ensure everything, said to Monica, "you get me to the cave first!"Lexer thinks that in order to prevent Monica from taking Ye Feng away and avoiding her threat, she must sit at the entrance of the cave. Ye Feng is not threatened at that time, but she can hold a dagger and watch Monica. If she does anything, she can't kill Ye Feng, but she can kill Monica.

Monica smell speech eyebrow move, but still according to the requirements of Rex, Rex and Ye Feng together pulled to the hole.

Rex nodded at Monica and said, "well, you can get him down first!"

Monica also didn't talk much, picked up the rope to tie Ye Feng's waist, tried several times and found that it was very strong, then she began to put Ye Feng down the hole.

After Ye Feng slowly landed on one side of the bank, Monica suddenly found a problem, toward the track, "how to untie the rope?"

Rex is also a Leng, his tactful, unexpectedly did not think of this problem, thinking of bending over in the mouth of the cave after a look, immediately toward Monica way, "you continue to find liutengtiao, I make up another one!"

Monica couldn't do it, so she had to go and find some more willow cane. Rex was always sitting at the entrance of the cave to prevent Monica from suddenly going down the rope.

Think of here, Rex suddenly face and move, he can completely follow the rope down, to re weave the rope to do?

But at this time, Monica has come back with the willow cane and threw it to Rex.

Rex then thought, his legs and feet are inconvenient, if he is so prone in the air, in case he can't grasp the rope, he may fall down directly. He thought that he would make a new one to tie his waist, which is the safest way.

So Rex took the trouble to re weave a rope and let Monica test her toughness.

Monica took the rope and tied it to the same tree. Then she tugged hard. She felt that her toughness was OK before she came back to Rex.

Rex has been staring at Monica. After all, he is worried about whether she will tamper with the rope.

After he didn't find out what Monica was doing, Rex was completely relieved. He took one end of the rope and tied it to his waist to test its firmness. Then he said to Monica, "OK, now let me down. You can slide down the two ropes later!"

But Monica said to lexer, "you said, after going to the tunnel, make a raft out of wood? How else can I pull you? "

When Rex heard this, his heart suddenly moved, and he said, "yes, if you don't make rafts, even if Monica is willing to pull them down, he doesn't want to sit down. There are brick roads below, and some places are even stone roads. His buttocks can't stand such bumps. Moreover, even if liutengtiao has toughness, he can't stand such a long time of grinding. It's so fast The net bag will break.

Thinking of this, Rex looked around and suddenly saw a dead wood lying on the ground not far away. It looked very thick. He immediately said to Monica, "no raft, just a piece of wood!"

After taking a look at the wood, Monica immediately went over and dragged it to the hole.

Rex then said to Monica, "I'll go first. You'll put the wood down for a while. Although my legs and feet are not good, my hands are still useful. I can help you go down!"

Monica nodded, put the wood on one side, and then went to pull the rope. Rex immediately went down the hole. But in the middle of the hole, he found that the rope suddenly stopped moving. His heart suddenly moved, and he looked up at the hole and said, "what's the matter?"

But there was no echo at the entrance of the cave for a long time, and rexay cried anxiously to the entrance of the cave again. At this time, he saw that the entrance of the cave was suddenly dark, but he saw that the root of the wood stretched down from the entrance of the cave and hit him directly.

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