As soon as lexer saw the wood coming down, half of his soul was gone. He knew that what Monica had prepared for herself was to wait for her to come down, so that she could be trapped in the air, and then use the wood to kill herself.

Rex is very resourceful. Before he made up his mind, he almost thought of every way that Monica might harm himself. But at that last step, he saw that there was nothing unusual about Monica. He thought that he would go down first, and then help Monica get the wood down. At that time, he would express some goodwill with Monica and temporarily cover the hatred In the past, after all, I had to count on Monica to pull the wood and take him away.

But rex never thought that Monica was using this wood to kill herself. At this time, it was too late to regret it. Rex didn't even have time to think about it. The wood fell directly on Rex's head. Suddenly, Rex was dizzy. Suddenly, he felt that the rope woven with willow vine was suddenly falling Under such a strong force, it immediately broke, and his whole body fell to the ground under the pressure of wood.

Although Rex's head was heavy, he knew that once he fell to the ground, the pain of falling would not be mentioned. The wood would hit his body for the second time. At that time, even if he was not smashed into meat mud, at least a few ribs would be broken.

Good luck is also disabled, if bad luck, smashed ribs if directly hit his heart, he died on the spot.

Thinking of this, Rex shakes up at the last moment. He immediately uses his only leg to push the wood with all his strength. He wants to push the wood away with the help of this force. Secondly, as long as his falling direction is slightly deviated, he may fall into the river.

If that's the case, the wood must have been smashed to the bank, and Rex himself fell into the river. Although he is not a master, this is the only way Rex can think of with his survival instinct at this critical moment.

But Rex really did. After he kicked out, the wood did change the direction of falling, and the trajectory of his body also changed.

With the sound of water, Rex fell directly into the river. The cold water submerged Rex in a moment, which made his dizzy brain wake up.

When Rex came to the surface, he immediately laughed and said, "I'm not dead, I'm not dead!"

At the entrance of the cave, when Monica heard the sound of the water, she was already in a bad way. At this time, she was excited and didn't die in the underground passage, and her heart suddenly cooled.

Rex and Monica both know that the chance to kill Rex is just one time. If you miss it, it's hard to have another chance. Then Rex will be more on guard against her.

And Rex won't die. He knows that he is determined to kill him. At this time, Ye Feng is still down there. He will certainly take Ye Feng again to coerce himself, and even anger Ye Feng and kill Ye Feng directly.

At this time, Monika immediately began to slide down along the rope woven by liuteng. When Rexer saw this scene in the water, he immediately regained his mind. Of course, he knew that there would be no good for Monika to come down now. Then he immediately swam towards the bank. Although he lost one leg, fortunately, the river was not very wide. As long as he took the first step to the bank and carried it Making maple leaves, Monica will immediately fall into a situation where she can't help herself.

Rex knows this, and so does Monica. Now they're comparing speed, but after all, Monica doesn't have the experience of climbing. She's holding the willow vine on her hand, and the palm of her hand feels painful. She's worn out by the palm of her hand before pulling Ye Feng and Rex. At this time, she comes down from here, and the palm of her hand is wiped on the willow vine again, which makes her feel painful Grabbing Liu Teng, he didn't dare to slide down. He hesitated whether he would jump down directly.

Just in the hesitation of Monica, Rex has reached the shore. He immediately lies on the shore and climbs towards Ye Feng. He sneers, "I'll kill him first. I'll see if you dare to hurt me. I have to teach you a lesson..."

As soon as she was about to let go of her hand and jump down to fight against Rex, she saw a bloody mouth coming out of the river, biting the half of Rex's body in the water.

Monica was scared, and then she held the rope tightly. Looking down carefully, she saw that a crocodile was biting Rex in the river. The river was full of bright red blood, flowing down with the water.

At this time, Rex's face is desperate. The crocodile is dragging Rex underwater, and Rex's hands hold Ye Feng's hand. He tries to pull Ye Feng down and die together.

Seeing this scene, Monica felt the pain of her palm and immediately slid down the rope. Then she picked up a stone on the ground and rushed towards Rex. In an instant, she fell on Rex's arm.

Rex suddenly cried out in pain, but as soon as his hand hurt, he immediately let go of Ye Feng. After he lost his grip, he was immediately dragged down the river by the crocodile, and even had no chance to cry for help.When Monica saw Rex was finally dragged down the river by the crocodile, her despairing eyes couldn't recover for a long time. At this time, she saw the continuous blood bubbles and bloody water under the water. Suddenly, she felt soft and sat down on Ye Feng's side.

After a while, the crocodile in the water raised her head, grew her mouth, and swallowed Rex's body. At this time, Monica stood up in fright. She immediately carried Ye Feng on her back and walked quickly along the bank.

At this time, Monica has been scared silly. She is determined to kill Rex for revenge, but she never thought that Rex's end would be so miserable, which is beyond her imagination.

Secondly, there are crocodiles under the cave. This is what Monica didn't expect. Moreover, how many crocodiles are there in the river? Monica doesn't know. Now she regrets that she wants to go to the ground again, not to mention a comatose Ye Feng. Even without Ye Feng, Monica knows that she can't climb up. It's better to escape with all her heart instead of being there.

I don't know if it's because of too much fright or something, but I feel like I have infinite strength. Ye Feng, who has a real back, is soaring into the air and trotting forward all the way.

Monica didn't even dare to look into the river. She was afraid that after seeing the crocodile again, her legs would be too weak to run and she would collapse. Then she and Ye Feng would really have no way to live.

I don't know how long I ran. Monica gradually felt that she was not strong enough. At this time, she saw that the water in front of her was actually flowing down from a pipe on the wall of the underground passage. Further on, there was no water, but a dry waterway.

Seeing this, Monica was so excited that she laughed. She knew that there would be no crocodile in the dry waterway. What good news it was.

But Monica didn't get discouraged. She continued to run with Ye Feng on her back. After running through the water pipe, she ran for nearly ten minutes. Then she faltered and fell to the ground, but she still laughed.

The whole underground passage was echoed by Monica's laughter, but she laughed and cried. After all, she is also a girl. I guess I only saw what I experienced today in Hollywood blockbusters before. I didn't expect that after several reincarnations, I still survived. But I also thought that Ye Feng's life and death were uncertain, and her future was not clear, so I had to die Relying on himself to escape with Ye Feng, I don't have such confidence in myself. I feel that even if I have escaped the crocodile, I may not be able to leave alive. Suddenly, I cry again.

From crying loudly at the beginning to sobbing calmly, Monica finally feels tired physically and mentally. She has just run so far with Ye Feng on her back with all her strength. In addition to all the things she has experienced today, she feels as if her body is completely empty now. She can't get up on the ground, and not only that, but also her eyes Pidu began to feel a little heavy and kept going down.

Unknowingly, Monica has fallen asleep. In her dream, she dreams that her brother Virgil and others have found the underground passage and are running towards her. At the same time, Ye Feng wakes up and runs towards his two women.

Just when Monica wants to see what Ye Feng's two women look like and let Ye Feng work so hard for them, suddenly a crocodile leaps up on one side of the dry road and swallows Ye Feng directly. Monica screams in fright and opens her eyes again, only to find that it's a dream. Then she slowly breathes a sigh of relief and looks at Ye Feng Maple, but see Ye Feng unexpectedly disappeared figure, immediately scared immediately stand up.

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