Monica stood up and looked around for a circle, but she didn't find Ye Feng's body. Did she secretly say that the dream she had just had was not a dream, but the real situation? Ye Feng was eaten by a crocodile?

Just thinking about it, I heard a sound of footwork not far ahead. However, in the underpass at this time, because there is no hole at the top of the cave, I can barely see it within one meter when the light is dim, but I can't see it any further on the ground.

When Monica saw a shadow coming towards her, she was shocked. Although she doubted that it might be Ye Feng, she had experienced too many things today, and now she was scared.

When Monica was nervous, she saw that the shadow had already come to her face, revealing a fuzzy but familiar face. It was not someone else, it was Ye Feng.

Ye Feng sees that Monica stares at her, frowns slightly and says, "are you awake?"

Seeing Ye Feng as if nothing had happened at this time, Monica can't help thinking whether she had a dream. The dream hasn't been fully awakened. Ye Feng was infected after being bitten by a wild wolf. It's hard to distinguish between life and death. Now she's standing in front of her.

Thinking of Monica can't help pinching her arm, she immediately snorted in pain. After confirming that it wasn't a dream, she asked Ye Feng, "how are you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "OK! Nothing more! "

But Monika looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "but before, you were almost dead. How could you wake up suddenly?"

Ye Feng shrugs and looks at Monica. She says that she doesn't know, but what she thinks is that she can't explain.

After Ye Feng was infected, although Ye Feng's consciousness was a little confused at first, it didn't take long for him to feel as if he was completely conscious. He even felt that his body was not working, and he felt that his soul was separated from his body.

Although the soul has a feeling of breaking through the body, there seems to be an invisible traction force in the body, firmly pulling the soul and not letting the soul leave.

It seems that the two forces of detachment and involvement are entangled together. After a long time, it seems that the detachment doesn't have any involvement. Gradually, his consciousness is combined with his body fragrance. Finally, he opens his eyes and finds that he seems to be OK.

When Ye Feng wakes up, he sees Monika lying on the ground and goes to check her. He finds that she just sleeps in the past and doesn't disturb him. Instead, she looks at the dreamland around her and walks forward. After finding the next cave, she climbs out of the cave and finds that they are still in the forest, but this section of the forest is lost It's not that heavy, and the underpass doesn't seem to end, which means that as long as you go on, a certain hole must be outside the forest, at least very close to the edge of the forest.

After thinking of this, Ye Feng returns to find Monica, only to find that she wakes up and asks a question that she can't explain.

In fact, although he can't explain this problem, it doesn't mean that he didn't think about it. He once thought of a so-called result that he thought was closest to the truth, that is, his soul, or consciousness, was not integrated with Cao Yihai's body, so this kind of problem appeared.

From this problem, Ye Feng even continued to think deeply. Is it possible that this kind of problem will still happen in the future? In other words, will he never die?

After experiencing rebirth from the dead and Cao Yihai's so-called virtual world, Ye Feng has seen a lot of strange things that can't be explained. And now, Ye Feng can't help but spend his time and energy thinking about these mysterious and mysterious problems.

Monica looks at Ye Feng inexplicably. She can't explain why, and now the most important thing is to leave here. Besides, it's not a bad thing for her that Ye Feng is OK, or even a good thing. At least Ye Feng will protect herself in case of any danger.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Monica, "now that you have enough rest, go on with your journey!" Then he turned and left.

Seeing this, Monica immediately follows Ye Feng. At this time, she says to Ye Feng, "don't you ask why we are on the ground when we wake up?"

At this time, Ye Feng said, "what's to ask? You must have brought me down!"

Monica and Ye Feng originally said that the purpose of these, is to invite credit to Ye Feng, so that he was surprised, but did not expect Ye Feng was so calm. ,

Monica is still a little reluctant. In order to save him, she wasted so much effort. How can she forget this matter so plainly? She must share it with Ye Feng.

Thinking about it, Monica immediately asked, "don't you ask me, where's Rex? How did I get rid of him? "

But Ye Feng said to Monica, "since you asked, it means that Rex must have died in your hands!"

Monika said to Ye Feng, "what's your attitude? Isn't that surprising? It's boringBut Ye Feng said to Monica, "Rex has lost half of his leg. You are healthy and not stupid. In addition, Rex almost killed you before. Is it no longer normal for you to kill him? You're not stupid. Before killing him, you set up the entrance of the underground passage. It's OK! "

But Monika said to Ye Feng, "what you said is simple. At that time, he held a dagger against your neck. If it wasn't for my intelligence, you would have been his soul under the knife, and the process of killing him is not as simple as you said. Although he didn't have half a leg, it's not easy to kill him!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but forehead looked at Monica, immediately clapped his hands way, "that you are really powerful! Great Said but nothing more said, straight ahead to continue to walk.

And Ye Feng said these so-called praise words, listening to Monica's ears, it's like dealing with the same thing, even heard a little ironic meaning.

Monica thought that Ye Feng had suffered so much and risked so much to save you. How could you treat me like this?

The more she thought about it, the more unhappy she was. The more she thought about it, the more angry she was. She couldn't help humming, "what do you mean?"

But Ye Feng said to Monica, "Rex, even if you don't kill him, he won't live long. His wound has lost too much blood. In addition, there must be bacterial infection on the black bear's teeth. Death is just a matter of time. And to say the least, even if his wound is not infected, I will kill him after leaving the forest. You killed him in my heart Within the plan, so I'm not very surprised! "

Speaking of this, seeing that Monica seemed to have something to say, she immediately interrupted her words and said, "besides, our primary goal now is to leave here alive. As for Rex, whether he is alive or dead, it doesn't mean anything to me. I just want to leave here with one heart, so if you still want to leave alive, just shut up and save your energy No one knows how long the road ahead is. How long have we been away from Angolan prison? If you waste your energy and words on a dead man, you'll have no time to regret when you feel hungry and tired! "

Ye Feng said and immediately added, "now don't talk with me, living out is our goal!" Then he went on to the front.

But Monika took a look at Ye Feng with some disapproval. Now that Rex is dead, they are already in the underpass, and it's impossible to meet crocodiles here. It's a matter of time to go out.

However, when Ye Feng said that, Monica would shut up and stop talking. This time, she didn't think Ye Feng was reasonable, but she was angry with Ye Feng. She even thought that when she left here, if you want to talk to me, I won't talk to you.

Two people continue to walk towards the front, no one said, soon passed by the hole before Ye Feng came, Ye Feng did not mean to stay, because he has gone out to see, know that the hole outside or forest, there is no need to go up to waste time.

But Monica is surprised. It's obvious why she doesn't go up. But she doesn't say anything and doesn't mean to stop. She doesn't even ask. She continues to be angry with Ye Feng and follows him without saying a word.

However, at this time, Monica's stomach grunted. After all, she had been away from Angola for such a long time and still had lunch at noon. It's been at least a few hours now, and it's very common to be hungry.

Ye Feng heard the sound of Monica's stomach. She stopped to look at her and said, "bear it again!"

But Monica can't a, toward leaf maple mouth hard way, "I'm not hungry!"

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