After staring at Monica, Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's best. There's a long way ahead, and there's nothing to eat. We have to stick to it!"

With that, Ye Feng continued to walk in front, and Monica also continued to follow Ye Feng. At first, she just felt a little hungry, but when she continued to walk on, her stomach was rumbling, and even her stomach was a little uncomfortable.

But see Ye Feng heard and did not hear the same, Monica also insisted not to say a word, mainly and Ye Feng angry, she does not believe Ye Feng will not be hungry, sooner or later when he is hungry, when he also said to insist on a while.

But the more she goes on, the more she feels hungry. After all, in Angolan prison, three meals a day are timely, and there is nothing to eat after the meal. Therefore, the long-term habit has made Monica used to eating at this point.

In addition to the physical exertion of the day, she felt more and more hungry. Finally, Monica couldn't get rid of Ye Feng and stopped by the cave wall, but she didn't call Ye Feng either.

Ye Feng continued to walk forward a few steps, did not hear the voice of Monica, this just stopped, looked back at Monica, said, "what's the matter? Do you want to have a rest? "

Monica smell speech can't help but white a leaf maple, in the heart secretly way this guy don't know hungry, how to look more walk more have spirit?

Ye Feng saw that Monica didn't speak. At this time, he went to Monica's body and looked at her. Then he turned around and squatted down with her back to her. "If you can't walk, just rest on my back for a while. I'll carry you!"

See Ye Feng so, Monika heart before the resentment suddenly disappeared, hesitated for a while, or lying on the back of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately picked up Monica and bumped her back a little. Then she reached out to hold her and continued to walk forward.

Monica lies on Ye Feng's back, looking at Ye Feng's back, but there is a sweet feeling in her heart, which is a feeling that Monica has never had.

At this time, I suddenly think of why I always like to sneer at Ye Feng, in order to attract Ye Feng to look at me more. This is also the reason why Ye Feng is indifferent and angry with himself.

Thinking of this, Monica immediately moved her heart and reminded herself that he was forced to save himself by her brother Virgil just to save his woman. If not, they would not have contacted each other.

Even if in the outside world, two people walk across, he may not look at Ye Feng, maybe Ye Feng is the same.

But no matter what the reason, they have known each other. Although they have only been together for less than one day, they have experienced a lot, at least for Monica.

Every time Ye Feng seems to save himself, his great posture is branded in his heart. After accumulating several times, Monica is unconsciously attracted by the Oriental man around her.

Monica started to lean on Ye Feng's back and tried her best to straighten up. However, she had a lot of physical contact with Ye Feng, but now she unconsciously leaned on Ye Feng's back and even put her face on Ye Feng's back.

Ye Feng continues to walk towards the front, and doesn't seem to feel the mental activity of Monica on her back. She doesn't even feel that Monica is sticking her face on her back.

At this time, Monica reaches out her hand and wants to touch the back of Ye Feng's head. However, her hand has been hanging in the air for a long time, and she finally doesn't fall down. She realizes that she and Ye Feng are not the same people. In addition, her brother Virgil is holding Ye Feng's two women to coerce him to save herself. Just this, Ye Feng and herself can't have a future, not to mention Ye Feng's back What is Jing? I don't know what relationship he has with the two women. It's for the sake of the two women that he can risk his life to save her. At least it shows that the two women are different in Ye Feng's heart. Is he married or has a girlfriend?

Monica lies on Ye Feng's back. After a while of wishful thinking, she falls asleep directly, and her sleep is very steady.

In her dream, Monica dreams that she is also lying on Ye Feng's back. Ye Feng has been walking with her back, but not in the underpass under the forest outside Angola, but on a grassland full of flowers. The warm sunshine shines on them. Ye Feng's endless pace will continue, as if ye Feng's back is Monica's safe harbor.

At this time, Monica felt a sudden bump, suddenly opened her eyes, but saw that Ye Feng had stopped, and then asked, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng said, "wake up? There's a hole in it. I'll go up and have a look! "

Monica just looked up at the top of the cave and found that there was a hole on it, but the outside of the hole was not as bright as before, but a little dark.

Monica this just should a, Ye Feng slowly stood straight body, after putting down Monica, this just moved a muscle, but didn't immediately want to go up meaning.

Monica stands behind and looks at Ye Feng's back. She knows that Ye Feng must have been carrying herself for a long time, otherwise she would not have been active for such a long time.When Monica was just about to say thank you to Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately climbed up the rope hanging down from it. After standing near the cave for a long time, she immediately bent over the cave and looked into the cave and said, "it should be outside the forest!"

On hearing this, Monica said excitedly, "really?"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "you tie yourself with a rope, I'll pull you up!"

As soon as Monica heard this, she immediately took the rope head and tied up her waist. Then she pulled the rope hard. When she found that the rope was strong, she immediately said to Ye Feng.

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately reaches for her hand to pull the rope and begins to pull Monica up, while Monica's body is gradually suspended. At the same time, her excited expression suddenly darkens.

Monica suddenly realized a problem. Once she left here, maybe it's time for her and Ye Feng to separate. Maybe the intersection between herself and Ye Feng is over. Even at this moment, Monica has an idea that she doesn't want to leave, but it's just an idea. Even if she wants to, Ye Feng doesn't want to.

Soon, Monica was pulled to the hole by Ye Feng, and then stretched out her hand to her. After pulling her up, she sat on the ground and had a rest for a while.

When Monica came up, she found that it was almost evening outside, and a crescent moon had been hanging in the sky, but it was not completely dark, but it was estimated that it would be soon.

Monica then looked around again and found that although she was still in the forest, there was no mist. Besides, not far from one side, she seemed to see the mountain wall in the distance, which meant that she was at the end of the forest.

Ye Feng also had enough rest at this time. He immediately stood up and said to Monica, "let's go there and have a look. If it's not outside the forest, we will continue to come back!"

Monica didn't say anything. She heard that she could leave before. Her face was still full of smile. At this time, her face was not happy. She just followed Ye Feng in silence and walked forward like a walking corpse.

At this time, there is a voice in Monica's heart saying, yes, if she leaves Ye Feng, she really is no different from the walking dead. Now she has not left Ye Feng, she already has a feeling that her soul is evacuated, not to mention that she will leave Ye Feng soon.

It was soon at the end of the forest in front of it. Indeed, looking ahead, there was no forest. In the distance, there was a valley. Between the forest and the valley, there was a asphalt path which was not very wide and had been in disrepair for a long time.

Ye Feng stood on the side of the road and looked at it carefully. It was obviously not the road he came to Angola. However, since there was a road, the road must lead to a certain place. As long as he walked along the path, he would surely reach a certain place.

Ye Feng just turned around and wanted to talk to Monica about going on, but she saw that Monica was staring at her. When she saw that she was looking at her, she immediately avoided her eyes.

Ye Feng can't help frowning. In fact, he can't see Monica's mind. It's just that Monica and Virgil are brothers and sisters. Virgil is still holding Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett. Moreover, Virgil's attitude towards himself is ambiguous. Even if he really saves Monica, Virgil may not let Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu go as promised. At that time, it will be a fierce battle. Is it the enemy If you don't know your friends, you and Monica should keep a little distance.

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