Ye Feng immediately followed the road and walked towards the front. He pretended that nothing had happened, just like he didn't see through Monica's mind.

When Monica sees that Ye Feng doesn't talk much, her tangled heart is more prosperous than Ye Feng. At this time, she doesn't know how to talk to Ye Feng, and even she doesn't think she has thought it clearly.

After all, Monica knows that she has only known Ye Feng for two days, but she has more contact with Ye Feng today. Ye Feng has saved herself several times.

They just walked along the road. They didn't know when it would be. It was getting darker and darker. There was not even a street lamp on the road. The forest on one side was more and more dark and terrible. On the other side was a valley. It was also dark below. Occasionally, the calls of several birds reverberated in the valley and gradually turned into strange sounds.

At this time, due to her nervousness and fear, Monica has forgotten about hunger. After all, their side is still in the forest, and she can't guarantee that the forest will come back suddenly and the wild animals will attack them all the time.

But Ye Feng didn't think about it. He continued to walk towards the front. From time to time, he stopped and looked into the distance.

Seeing that Ye Feng stopped, Monica thought Ye Feng had seen some wild animals. She couldn't help but say, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng pointed to the distance and said to Monica, "do you see the light in front of you?"

As soon as Monica heard this, she looked into the distance, but she saw a light at the foot of the mountain. She didn't see it very clearly, but she felt that it was far away from here.

Ye Feng said to Monica, "hold on a little longer, we'll be safe when we get there!"

Monica can't help sighing when she hears the words. She doesn't know if she can stick to it.

They continued to walk in front. After walking for about half an hour, Monica felt that she couldn't walk any more. Then she backed back with her hands and said to Ye Feng, "have a rest!"

Ye Feng looks back at Monica and nods. He goes to a stone by the side of the road and sits down. He takes out a cigarette to light one. After looking at Monica, he says, "when we get to the city, we'll call your brother and ask him to send someone to pick you up!"

"I don't need him to pick me up! I can take care of myself

But Ye Feng said to Monica, "we are fugitives now. How do you take care of yourself?"

Monica sniffed and sneered, "don't think I don't know. You're worried that I'll run away and I won't be able to make it. You can't save the two women who are on my brother's side, can you?"

Ye Feng listens to Monika so to say, can't help smoking cigarette to see her one eye, immediately nod a way, "also have this reason!"

Although Monika said that, she hoped that Ye Feng would deny his claim and tell herself that he was just worried about his own safety.

But did not expect that Ye Feng actually said so straightforward, admitted in front of his own face, think of here, Monica feel unhappy all over, but can not attack.

Monica was silent for a long time, but at this time, Ye Feng slowly stood up and walked slowly towards her.

See Ye Feng so, Monika complexion can't help but move a way, "what do you do?"

But Ye Feng made a silent gesture toward Monica and said in a low voice, "don't move!"

Speaking, Ye Feng has come to Monica's body, and her whole body is slowly approaching her.

Monica suddenly felt her heart thumping. Seeing that her face was about to touch Ye Feng's face, she suddenly felt that her face was red and dry, and even her breathing seemed not smooth.

And at this time, Monica actually slowly closed her eyes, as if she had accepted Ye Feng. Although she also resented that men were so frivolous, she still couldn't hold Ye Feng.

Previously, Monica was also molested by a man, so she killed the man who molested herself and was sent to Angola. However, she didn't regret it at all. However, when she faced Ye Feng, she couldn't show her courage to deal with the frivolous man at that time.

However, after Monica closed her eyes for a long time, she didn't find any action from Ye Feng. When she opened her eyes again, she saw that Ye Feng was holding a snake in her hand, and the snake was still spitting snake letters to Ye Feng.

Monica realized that just now Ye Feng found a snake around him, so she told her not to move. She was afraid that if she moved, the snake would attack her immediately.

At this time, Ye Feng threw the snake to the ground, then lifted the stone and smashed it. The snake shrank together and began to wriggle. After Ye Feng lifted a stone and smashed it, the snake did not move.

At this time, Monika watched Ye Feng stand in front of the snake body and continue to smoke cigarettes. She couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "thank you! You saved me again

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you're welcome!"

Just then, he saw that two lights were coming slowly towards this side of the road in the distance. Ye Feng's heart moved, immediately threw away his cigarette and said to Monica, "we may not need to walk down the mountain!"Monica was stunned, and then she saw the light in front of her. Soon she heard the sound of the car's engine. In a moment, the car arrived not far from them, and then she braked and stopped.

Ye Feng and Monica couldn't see the car at all because they were illuminated by the car lights. They didn't even know the car's appearance and model. But at this time, they heard the door open, and then a man's voice came, "who are you?"

Ye Feng is toward that humanity, "passing by lost!" Then he walked towards the car. He was not used to being illuminated by the lights all the time.

But just take a step, Ye Feng heard the sound of the bullet loading, and then heard the man's voice, "stand there and don't move!"

Ye Feng immediately stopped, and Monica also said, "we are just lost, not bad people!"

But the man said with a sneer, "you are wearing prison clothes. Angola prison is nearby. You are prisoners escaping from prison. Can't I see that?"

Ye Feng's heart moves down. Although he doesn't wear anything on his upper body, the prison clothes on Monica's body are too obvious. People with a little heart can see them at a glance, and it's not strange that they are seen by others.

At this time, Monica seemed to explain, "you misunderstood..."

At this time, a man's voice came from the car and said, "this chick looks good!" The tone was extremely frivolous.

Immediately after listening to what he said, the man said, "we can take you down the mountain, but..." Then he laughed.

The man in the car immediately said, "unless you play with us for a while, then we'll take you down the mountain!"

As soon as Monica heard this, her face suddenly sank, and she immediately scolded them, but Ye Feng took the lead and said, "no problem, as long as you take us down the mountain!"

"What do you say?" said Monica, looking at Ye Feng in surprise

Ye Feng said faintly to Monica, "in fact, it's nothing. It's just sleeping with these two brothers. You won't lose a piece of meat, but if we want to go down the mountain, we can't go down tomorrow morning, and you don't know when you will jump out of the forest. You'll be wronged!"

The man holding the gun in front of the car immediately said with a smile, "this guy knows the truth, but there's one thing you don't know. You don't have a choice. Now we have the gun in our hand, we can escort you back to Angola!"

Monica immediately said angrily, "even if I go back to Angola, I won't..."

Just then, Ye Feng suddenly came to Monica's back, facing his back brain, and Monica suddenly fainted.

Ye Feng immediately hugged Monica and walked toward the car. The man holding the gun immediately shot Ye Feng and said, "what are you doing?"

Ye Feng stopped, toward the two humanity, "she is too stubborn, don't knock dizzy her, she won't obey, I save what accident, directly knock dizzy her, send to you, you finish quickly, good send us down the mountain!"

The man was stunned, and then he said with a smile, "this guy is good! Well, you can send it here! "

The man in the car reminded his partner, "wait a minute! Be careful of his deceit. All the prisoners in Angolan prison are murderers and arsonists! "

The man outside the car didn't agree and said, "what are you afraid of? We have guns in our hands, and there are two people. Are you afraid that he can't do it with his bare hands? What's more, such a beautiful girl, I have a body reaction now. I can't stand it any more. Send it here quickly! "

Ye Feng did not move, the man immediately called again, "call you to send over, do you hear?"

Ye Feng then walked slowly towards the car with Monica in his arms, and the light in front of him was gradually dim. Then he vaguely saw the man standing beside the car, with a gun in his hand, facing himself, but his eyes were staring at what he was holding in his hand, and Monica.

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