When Ye Feng goes further, the guy in the car also gets out of the car, holding a gun in his hand. He stands beside the car and looks at Ye Feng, but his eyes are very sharp.

That person immediately moved the gun in the hands toward Ye Feng, and said to Ye Feng, "put down this woman, you go to one side!" Said, the eyes revealed a trace of cold.

Ye Feng heard speech to stop a footstep, all see in the eye, but still slowly put down Monica, then stand up.

After getting off the car, the man immediately fired a shot at Ye Feng, and Ye Feng had been ready for a long time. He immediately rolled on the spot and rushed directly at the man in front of him.

That person also didn't expect his companion will suddenly shoot, just a Meng of time, Ye Feng has already arrived in front of him, haven't reaction come over, immediately feel a pain in the hand, the gun in the hand has been taken off.

At this time, Ye Feng has already grabbed the pistol and shot the man's abdomen instantly. At the same time, he shook his hand and shot the guy on the other side of the car.

The guy didn't expect that Ye Feng's skill was so fast, and he was a little flustered. Seeing Ye Feng shooting himself, he immediately crouched down and hid in the other side of the car.

Ye Feng fell to the ground immediately after a shot failed. From under the car body, he shot at the opposite person's foot. With a "bang" sound, the person immediately fell to the ground. Ye Feng then shot the person in the head.

After confirming that the person died, Ye Feng just stood up and looked at the person who still covered his abdomen and gasped for breath for a while.

As soon as the man looked at Ye Feng, he immediately begged for mercy and said, "don't kill me, don't kill me..."

Ye Feng didn't say a word. At this time, he went to the car and saw a pickup truck. The back of the car was full of dead animals. He frowned and muttered, "it's poachers!"

Say Ye Feng to return to that person body before, after seeing him one eye, straight past will lie on the ground of Monika to pick up, walked toward the car past.

After putting Monica in the car, Ye Feng shot the man again. The man didn't hum a word. A hand slowly fell from his trousers, and there was a pistol on his mobile phone.

Obviously, this guy wants to attack Ye Feng while Ye Feng doesn't notice. Fortunately, Ye Feng is arranging for Monica, but the rest of his eyes are locked on him. As soon as he takes out his gun, Ye Feng shoots him.

Ye Feng immediately peeled off their clothes and put them on, took out their money and mobile phones, then dragged the body to one side and pushed it down the cliff.

Then he got on the car and turned the car back to the edge of the cliff. He tried to tilt the pickup truck. The animal carcasses immediately rolled under the cliff. As soon as Ye Feng stepped on the gas, the car immediately went down the asphalt path.

While driving, Ye Feng looked at the situation inside the car. At this time, he saw that there was bread packed in vacuum bags on the car. He picked up a bite and tore it open.

Driving down the mountain road, I don't know how long it's been driving. The brightly lit city group in front of them is getting closer and closer to them. Moreover, the car has arrived at the foot of the mountain. After a bump in the pothole, I heard Monica open her eyes after a whine.

Monica just opened her eyes, and her brain was still a little confused, but then she thought of what happened before she was in a coma. Ye Feng actually dedicated herself to those two men in order to survive?

But then he found that he was in the car. He immediately looked to the driver's seat, only to find that it was Ye Feng who was not in the driver's seat. Then he looked at the empty back seat and frowned.

After a while of surprise, Monica immediately began to check her body, and found that her prison clothes were still well dressed, and there was nothing strange about her. She could not help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what about the two men?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "dead!"

After listening to Ye Feng's light words, Monica can't help but move. But at the same time, she also understands that Ye Feng knocked herself unconscious at that time, which is one of his plans to deal with each other. She didn't get hurt, and the most important thing is that she didn't lose her body.

At this time, Ye Feng picked up another bloody coat and threw it to Monica, "put on this coat!"

Seeing that the clothes were stained with blood, Monica immediately said, "it's all blood. How do you wear it?"

But Ye Feng said lightly, "the clothes stained with blood, no matter how, will not be more eye-catching than prison clothes?"

Monica thought that she and Ye Feng didn't say much just now, but they were immediately recognized by two men as Angolan prison break prisoners. They should change their clothes.

After she put on her coat, she took a look out of the window and saw that the bright place in front of her was close in front of her eyes, and it didn't look like she was on a mountain road outside. Then she took a long breath and said, "I'm leaving Angola at last!"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "the danger is not over yet. There are so many things happening in Angola today. Maybe we are wanted, so we must leave Louisiana as soon as possible."

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Monica can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "so we'll drive directly from Louisiana?"Ye Feng said, "try to get in touch with your brother Virgil first!" Then he took out his cell phone, dialed Virgil's number, and then handed it to Monica, saying, "the phone's through. You can contact your brother and tell him what's going on here!"

But instead of reaching for the phone, she said, "I'm not talking to him!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Monica. In fact, when she first met with Monica, Ye Feng realized that the relationship between Monica and Virgil was special. It seemed that Monica didn't like her brother.

He just wanted to ask what happened to Monica when Virgil's voice came over the phone, "hello? Who is it? "

Ye Feng took another look at Monica, but saw that Monica should also hear Virgil's voice, but still didn't want to listen to the phone, so he took the phone, put it in his ear and said, "it's me!"

As soon as Virgil heard Ye Feng's voice, he immediately said, "have you left Angola? Why didn't my people find you? "

Ye Feng frowned and said, "do you know I left Angola?"

Virgil said, "my people are watching the movement of Angola all the time. I know all about the turmoil in Angola today. I think you will take advantage of today to take Monica away. So I arranged people to wait for you on the way out of Angola, but I didn't wait for you all the time. I thought you were dead in the forest and bath, thank you Thank goodness

Ye Feng then toward Virgil way, "almost died in where, but there is no danger, now I have your sister out, when to release people?"

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "don't worry. I don't know if Monica is safe. You let her talk to me!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately and the phone to Monica way, "your brother want to talk to you!" Then she saw Monica, but she didn't even look at the phone. Her eyes looked out of the window, as if she didn't hear herself at all.

Seeing that, Ye Feng had to get the phone back and said to Virgil, "she won't talk. I don't know what happened between your brother and sister. Anyway, I want you to release people as soon as possible!"

After a moment of silence, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "I'll arrange for you to go to Louisiana. I'll let them come to meet you! I'll keep on the phone. I'll contact my people first

After seeing Virgil hang up, Ye Feng put his mobile phone to one side, looked at Monica and said, "your brother will arrange someone to meet us, and then my task will be over!"

Monica just looked back at Ye Feng. She didn't speak for a long time, and there was no expression on her face. After a long time, she said faintly, "you're very happy, aren't you?"

Ye Feng took a look at Monica, did not answer her directly, but said to her, "the purpose of my coming here is to save you, now the task is almost over!"

Monica is toward Ye Feng cold hum a way, "don't say you save me, you are to save your two women!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "you're right. I'm trying to save them, so Tonight should be the last time we meet, after All right, everyone

After hearing this, Monica took a look at Ye Feng and did not speak for a long time. After looking out of the window for a long time, she said, "do you just want to get rid of me?"

Ye Feng was stunned and didn't say a word. He simply continued to drive when he didn't hear the question of Monica.

But Monica looked at Ye Feng and said, "I don't want to see my brother! Don't send me to Louisiana! "

Listen to Monika say so, Ye Feng can't help frowning and looking at Monika, "he's your brother, if you don't want to see him, that's your freedom, but if you want to leave, you have to leave after I give you to Virgil, then it's none of my business whether you go with your brother or by yourself!"

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