After listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica fell into silence again. At this time, the car had already driven into the suburbs of Louisiana. Then she said to Ye Feng, "stop!"

Ye Feng took a look at Monica. After she didn't stop the car, she went to Russia to listen to Monica say, "stop the car, or I'll jump!"

Listen to Monica say so, Ye Feng this just slowly drove the car to the side of the road to stop, Monica immediately opened the door and walked down, selfishly toward the front.

Ye Feng immediately opened the door and followed Monica. After walking 100 meters, Monica looked back at Ye Feng and said, "what are you doing with me?"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "I promised to give you to your brother!"

But Monica stares at Ye Feng and says, "you just care about the life and death of your two women, and I don't care, do you?"

Ye Feng looked at Monica, took out a cigarette and lit it up. "It's not as serious as you said, is it? Virgil is your brother. He is determined to save you. You talk like you will die when you are handed over to your brother! "

But Monica muttered, "what do you know? You don't know anything

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and goes to Monica's side. Then he says, "I don't know. You can let me know!"

But Monica was silent for a long time. Ye Feng took a look at her and said, "unless Virgil is not your brother at all?"

Listen to Ye Feng so ask, Monica can't help looking at Ye Feng, but still silent, tears are Wang in the eyes.

Seeing that, Ye Feng sighed, "if you don't want to say it, I won't force you!"

But Monica said to Ye Feng, "I'm Virgil's sister, and I'm not!"

Ye Feng frowned at Monica and said, "what do you mean?"

Monika said to Yefeng, "have you ever heard of cloning?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart suddenly a ground looking at Mo Ni card.

Monica continued, "I'm Virgil's sister, but I'm just Virgil's cloned sister! The real Monica died a few years ago. I'm the one he cloned by using cloning technology. My understanding of Virgil and the world just stays after being cloned. I accept what they tell me! "

Ye Feng had already felt something vaguely when he heard Monika ask him if he knew about cloning. But at this time, he still felt a little shocked when he heard it from her own mouth. Judging from the contact between him and Monika, there was no trace of cloning from her.

Monica continued to say to Ye Feng, "you must be surprised, right?"

Ye Feng did not speak, and Monica continued to say to Ye Feng, "do you know why he tried every means to save me?"

Ye Feng is also surprised to know that Monica is a human clone. Since the noumenon of Monica is no longer there, why do you care so much about a clone? It's better to clone a new one.

But at this time, Monica said to Ye Feng, "his cloning technology is not very mature, and there are serious defects in serum!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately understood what was going on, and immediately looked at Monica and said, "you should be his most perfect work?"

Monica immediately nodded, "yes, of all his clones, I'm the only one who doesn't have this defect, so he took me back. Do you know what the result is? I'm likely to be pulled to the operating table, subjected to various studies such as blood tests, and even subjected to vivisection! "

Ye Feng heard Monika say so, and then said, "since you know Virgil so well, why don't you know what he does?"

Monica said to Ye Feng, "I said that my memory is after being cloned. I don't know anything about the past. Even if I know, it's what Virgil wants me to know!"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "he told you that you are a human clone? Or did you find out for yourself? "

But Monica said, "how could he tell me that I knew it by accident, that's why I ran away from there, and then I killed someone and was caught! After that, there were all kinds of rescue operations, but they all failed, until you showed up! "

Speaking of this, Monica continued to say to Ye Feng, "do you know how contradictory I was when I was in Angola? I hope to be rescued, and I don't want to be rescued, so I live in hope, disappointment and even despair every day! "

Ye Feng ponders for a while, but what he thinks of is Dixie. Dixie is also a clone made by Virgil using cloning technology. If you follow what Monica says, then Dixie is not perfect?

Seeing Ye Feng looking at herself in a daze, Monica immediately reaches out and holds Ye Feng's hand and says, "so please, don't give me to Virgil. I don't want to go back! Is that all right? "

Ye Feng looks at Monica in silence for a while. At this time, his heart is really tangled, which is completely beyond his expectation. Monica is actually a clone.Seeing that Ye Feng still didn't speak, Monica immediately sighed, "forget it, if you want to save your woman, you won't care about my life and death!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to Monica, "I will definitely take you to see Virgil!"

On hearing this, Monica's face immediately showed a trace of disappointment, but then Ye Feng said, "but I can promise you, as long as I rescue my two friends, I will take you away!"

"Will you take me away?" she said

Ye Feng nodded and listened to Monika continue to say, "do you say those two women are your friends?"

Ye Feng didn't reply, and Monica immediately said, "what if Virgil doesn't let go of your friend?"

Listen to Monica say so, Ye Feng is toward Monica said, "or so, no matter how the result, I will take you away!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Monica immediately in the heart a heat, immediately step forward, hugged Ye Feng, will head buried in Ye Feng's shoulder, for a long time also don't speak.

Ye Feng let Monica so embrace, also did not reach out to embrace Monica, also did not speak, just standing in place.

After holding Ye Feng for a long time, Monica released her hand and said to Ye Feng, "I don't know why. I believe everything you say!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward Monica way, "believe me on the line, first and I get on the bus again!"

With that, Ye Feng goes to the car. When she gets to the car, she looks back at Monica, but she still stands there.

However, Ye Feng did not urge Monica, he seems too anxious, but easy to force Monica to escape.

But what Ye Feng said to Monica just now doesn't mean to cheat her. At that time, he will really save her and go with her.

And Monica is still making the final tangle at this time, although she has a good feeling for Ye Feng, but after all, thinking of her fate after returning to Virgil's side, she can't help but be a little afraid, entanglement is inevitable.

Monica stares at Ye Feng for a long time, and her heart is also entangled for a long time. At this time, she thinks of the things that happened today. Every time she is dying, Ye Feng comes forward. No matter what purpose he comes from, he saves himself, but after all, he saves himself.

Thinking of this, Monica is still deeply moved. After all, there is no one in the world who is willing to do this for her. After today, she has a vague sense of trust in Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Monica finally walks towards Ye Feng's car. Ye Feng is relieved. In fact, he can't guarantee that after he promises to save her, she will believe in herself.

And Ye Feng also thought, if once Monica doesn't believe in herself, choose to run away, then when it comes time to chase or not?

But the good thing is that Monica didn't put Ye Feng in a dilemma. After Monica got on the bus, Ye Feng immediately got on the bus and continued to start the car towards Louisiana.

On the way, Monica was silent again. For a long time, she didn't speak. She didn't know how long later, she said to Ye Feng, "last time you said to me, Virgil is an agent like you?"

Ye Feng after all kinds of words before Monica, also know that after all, Monica is a clone, her memory is after cloning, so don't know who Virgil is, it's not surprising.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Monica and said, "last time I told you, there are many kinds of agents!"

Monica said to Ye Feng, "is Virgil a good man or a bad man?"

After listening to the speech and pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said, "there are no pure good people or pure bad people in this world. It depends on what angle you stand. From my point of view, he is not a good person!"

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