After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, Monica said, "so, you are not a pure good person?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "definitely not! If I am a pure good man, most good people in the world will be depressed to death! And they won't agree! "

Monica smiles at Ye Feng. She hasn't spoken for a long time. Then she nods to Ye Feng and says, "so, I'm not a pure good man!"

Ye Feng light a smile way, "see and who compare, compare with me, you are very pure!"

But Monica shrugged her shoulders and said, "it's not pure to compare with anyone. I entered Angola because of killing people. In order to leave Angola, I also killed rexay! How can a good man kill? "

Ye Feng smiles. He can't deny it. He continues to drive toward Louisiana, and soon enters the urban area. However, except for New York State and some specific prosperous cities, the urban area of the United States is very depressed at night, and so is Louisiana. At this time, there are not many people on the road.

At this time, Ye Feng hears Monica's stomach grunt again, and then looks at her. She stops at the door of a pizza hut and says to her, "you wait for me in the car, I'll buy you pizza!"

But Monica said, "shall I go with you?"

But Ye Feng pointed to Monica's clothes and said, "you have blood stains on your clothes. If you go in, it will cause suspicion. You'd better wait for me in the car!"

At this time, Monica stares at her clothes. After all, they are two people killed by Ye Feng. One of them has blood stains, which is more obvious than Ye Feng's, so she has to nod her head.

Ye Feng immediately entered the pizza hut, ordered two pizzas and two cups of coffee, paid with the money from the two people, and then walked out of the pizza hut.

But just came out, saw two people in police uniform are walking slowly from afar, Ye Feng heart next move, immediately get on the car toward Monica Road, "there are police!"

Monica has been staring at Ye Feng, who is entering the pizza hut. She doesn't notice the police on the road. When she takes a look, she finds that the two policemen have come towards the car. She can't help but say, "what should I do?"

Ye Feng heart next move, immediately a hand to hold Monica to his arms, let Monica's head pillow on his shoulder, he also buried close to Monica's face.

Outside the police went to the car, took a look inside the car Ye Feng and Monica, from their point of view, is a group of men and women are intimate.

A policeman wanted to knock on the door and check his ID card, but another policeman said, "forget it, bad people are good! Who hasn't been young? "

The police smell speech is also a smile, with even if and the police walked away, a long time later, Ye Feng then raised his head toward the car after a look, but see two police have gone far.

Looking at Ye Feng in front of her, Monica feels that Ye Feng's breath is completely sprayed on her face, which makes her feel warm and itchy. But the strangest thing is that she feels like a warm current passing through her whole body. It feels like an electric shock. She feels that every inch of her skin is numb and crisp.

Ye Feng was relieved. When she turned her head again, she saw that Monica was still on her shoulder. She was looking at herself. Her eyes were full of fire. Ye Feng couldn't help looking at her.

At this time, Monica is still staring at Ye Feng. Seeing that Ye Feng is also looking at herself, she can't help but hug Ye Feng and kiss Ye Feng's mouth.

However, Ye Feng didn't respond, but he didn't push away Monica. What he was thinking at this time was a strange question. Is the feeling of human cloning the same as that of normal people? If it's related to human cloning, there are some strange questions, such as whether human cloning will give birth or not.

Monica warmly kisses Ye Feng for a while, but she also feels that Ye Feng doesn't respond to her. Then she immediately releases her mouth and takes a look at Ye Feng. She avoids Ye Feng's eyes and says, "I'm sorry, I..."

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He handed the pizza to Monica and said, "eat first!"

Monica took the coffee and pizza and looked at Ye Feng. It seemed that nothing had happened just now and she was eating the pizza. She could not help feeling a sense of loss, but she didn't show it. She turned her back and picked up the pizza to eat, but it was a tasteless feeling.

Ye Feng soon finished eating the pizza, then started the car and said to Monica, who was still eating the pizza, "sit down, I'm driving!"

Monica just snuffled out "MMM!" After that, Ye Feng didn't speak much, so he continued to drive.

After Monica finished her pizza and had a sip of coffee, she asked Ye Feng, "where are we going now?"

Ye Feng said, "first find a place to live, and then wait for Virgil's call!"

When Monica nodded, she saw Ye Feng stop the car at the door of a hotel.

After getting off the bus, they enter the lobby of the hotel, but Monika is in a trance. She is still thinking about kissing Ye Feng.

Monica didn't notice a bunch of men and women coming out of the hotel and ran into them.The man, who had been hugging the woman beside him, was hit and said angrily, "are you blind? The door is so big that it just bumps into me? On purpose? "

That person says to turn round to want to stretch out a hand to grasp Mo Ni card, but at this time leaf Feng turns round to come, that person saw a leaf Feng, suddenly complexion move.

Ye Feng just said sorry to the man, and then pulled Monica to the front desk.

The man was stunned and looked at Ye Feng and Monica for a while. Then he immediately put his arms around the woman and went out of the hotel. As soon as he got out of the hotel, he immediately took out his mobile phone and walked towards his car, dialing a number and said, "boss, guess who I saw?"

Zhang Wei's voice came from the phone and said, "who?"

The man immediately lowered his voice and said, "the guy who killed Brooke!"

Zhang Wei didn't speak for a long time when he heard the speech. Then he said in a deep voice, "are you right?"

The man immediately said, "it's impossible to read it wrong. I went to the court with you on the day of judgment. I saw that guy and I could recognize him when he turned to ashes!"

After hearing the silence, Zhang Wei said, "where are you?"

The man immediately said his address and continued, "there is a woman beside him! It's not bad, but I'm in a trance! "

Zhang Wei immediately said to the man, "stay there and don't go. I'll be there in a minute." Then he hung up.

After hanging up the phone, the man took out a few dollars from his pocket and handed them to the woman beside him, saying, "you go first, I have something else to do!"

The woman didn't say much, so she took the money to the side of the road, stopped a taxi and left.

The man lit a cigarette and stood beside the car, staring at the hotel lobby, only to see Ye Feng and Monica checking in at the front desk.

After Ye Feng and Monica leave the front desk and enter the elevator, the man immediately steps into the hotel, arrives at the front desk, takes out a dollar, hands it to the front desk and says, "what's the room number of the couple just now?"

The front desk is a black girl, immediately took the dollar with a smile and said, "414!"

The man nodded, and immediately asked, "you don't have a back door, do you?"

The black girl at the front desk immediately said, "no, the elevator and the safety passage must pass by the lobby!"

The man nodded and said nothing. He went to the reception hall on one side of the lobby, sat on the sofa, picked up the magazine on the desk, looked at it aimlessly, and glanced at the elevator door from time to time.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the door of the hotel suddenly heard a screeching brake sound. The man looked outside, but saw three or four SUVs coming outside. As soon as he stopped, the door opened, and there were more than a dozen people coming down, among whom Zhang Wei was the first.

A person walked into the lobby, stood at the door and looked around. The man immediately walked to Zhang Wei and said, "boss!"

Zhang Wei lit a cigarette, squinted at him and said, "where are the people?"

The man immediately said, "I just asked, at 414!"

Zhang Wei nodded and then said, "let's go!"

A group of people divided into two elevators to go in. Soon after they got to the fourth floor, they immediately walked towards the door of room 414.

After arriving at the 414 gate, Zhang Wei stood at the gate and looked at it. Then, with a wave of his hand, he went to the side of the corridor to smoke. His men immediately knocked on the door.

A man's voice came from the room immediately, "who is it?"

The man at the door said, "hotel service!"

Soon the shutter opened, and a topless man stood at the door, looking at the people at the door in surprise, "who are you?"

A crowd immediately went up to press the man to the ground. Zhang Wei quickly came over, squatted down, grabbed the man's hair on the ground and pulled it hard. However, he found that it was not Ye Feng at all, but a brown man in his fifties.

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