Zhang Wei's face suddenly changed. He immediately glared at the subordinates who reported Ye Feng's whereabouts before and said angrily, "Jess! You said he was here! What about people? "

The guy named Jess also had a strange look on his face. He immediately came back and said, "that black girl at the front desk must have cheated me! But there's only elevator entrance and safety passage here. You have to pass by the lobby. He's still in the hotel! "

Zhang Wei's face slightly moved, immediately let Jess go down to continue to press the black girl at the front desk, and he motioned to his men to guard the elevator entrance and the safe passage to prevent Ye Feng from escaping.

When Jess went downstairs, he went to the front desk immediately, but he saw that the black girl at the front desk had disappeared and was replaced by another man. Looking at the clothes should be the experience of the lobby.

Jess immediately asked, "where was the black girl just now?"

The lobby manager also said angrily, "there is something urgent at home. I asked for a temporary leave! I have to ask another one to come to take the shift. Before she comes, she still spends me here! "

Jess's heart moved when he heard that the black girl asked for a temporary leave, which further showed that there was something wrong with what she had just said, otherwise how could it be so coincidental.

He then said to the lobby manager, "help me check a guest's room!"

The lobby manager immediately refused, "it belongs to the privacy of the guests. Without the permission of the guests, it's inconvenient for us..."

Before the lobby manager finished, he saw Jess standing in front of the front desk pulling out a pistol, the muzzle of which was facing him.

The manager turned on the computer and asked Jess, "which guest do you need to check? I'll check it for you now! "

Zhang Wei was a little impatient waiting in the corridor upstairs. Originally, he asked the bullfighting terrier in Angola prison to help him kill Ye Feng. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng came out.

However, hearing little Zhang Wei, he thought that this might be an opportunity for himself. After all, he was sitting in his present position after Foster's death, and many people in the gang were not satisfied. Now he just killed Ye Feng himself and blocked the mouth of those people.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Zhang Wei, full of hope, threw himself into the air and became extremely depressed.

Soon Jess came upstairs again and said to Zhang Wei, "yes, it's in room 706!"

Zhang Weimei frowned at Jesse and said, "can't it be wrong this time?"

Jess immediately said, "no mistake, it's the lobby manager of this hotel who helped me find out!"

Zhang Weili took a deep breath, then took a group of people into two elevators, and went up to the seventh floor at the same time.

After the elevator was opened, there was no one in the corridor. This time, Zhang Wei asked his men to be as quiet as possible and not to make any noise to avoid being found by Ye Feng and running away.

At the same time, Zhang Wei also took out his pistol and held it in his hand. At the same time, he said in a low voice, "as soon as it is confirmed that it is the boy, kill him immediately!"

All of them nodded, took out the pistols and held them in their hands, and walked towards room 706.

They did not walk a few steps to the door of room 706. Zhang Wei then motioned Jess to knock on the door.

Hearing this, Jess takes a deep breath at the door, but he doesn't knock. He's not afraid of Ye Feng. He's afraid to open the door and find that it's not Ye Feng. It's estimated that Zhang Wei won't forgive himself easily.

Zhang Wei saw Jess standing at the door and didn't knock. At this time, he immediately said to Jess, "knock, what are you waiting for?"

Jess took a deep breath at this time. Just as he was about to knock on the door, he found that there was a jingle on the other side of the elevator. Then he saw six or seven people in police uniforms coming out of the elevator.

Zhang Wei and their faces are all moving. After all, they are all holding guns in their hands at this time, and they are all sneaking against the wall. They are not good people.

After the police got out of the elevator, they all changed their faces when they saw the posture in the corridor. The two groups were stunned and looked at each other without moving.

The police just answered a phone call, saying that there are lawless elements fighting with each other. They asked them to come quickly. Unexpectedly, they didn't find the fighting after they came. They thought that someone had called the fake police, but they didn't expect to find that there were so many people with guns and they were sneaky.

The two gangs are watching each other. Although Zhang Wei's men hold guns, they don't mean to point them at the police. After all, the crime of assaulting a police officer is very serious in the United States. The police have the right to hang them on the spot. It's not necessary to confront the police as a last resort.

Zhang Wei subconsciously wanted to put the gun away, but with a slight movement in his hand, the police thought that they were going to do it.

The leading policeman immediately drew his gun and yelled, "shoot!"

All the police smell speech have pulled out the gun, Zhang Wei there people see, also subconsciously have gun to police.

Zhang Wei didn't have time to shout not to shoot, but because of his nervousness, his men fired at the police.

"Bang" a shot, instantly broke the opportunity, immediately the police side also began to shoot, Zhang Wei's people in order to protect themselves, even without Zhang Wei's order, also began to shoot back, immediately the police and Zhang Wei's two gang, fighting together.I saw guns flying around in the corridor, wallpaper on the wall was hit flying around, from time to time, people were shot and fell to the ground, blood splashed.

At this time, Ye Feng is sitting in the room of 706, smoking cigarettes. From time to time, there is the sound of firecrackers in his ears. However, Ye Feng's face is as plain as water, and he continues to smoke cigarettes leisurely.

But Monika was surprised, staring at Ye Feng, and said, "do we want to leave here?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "there are policemen outside, and they are here to kill me. Now we'll stay here and wait until it's over!"

Monica smell speech at this time surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "I am very puzzled, how can you know someone will come to kill you, and go to the police?"

Ye Feng said, "remember the man you ran into in the lobby? He saw my face change at that time, but it's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this guy followed my enemy on the day I was sentenced. I remember his face! So he should know me, and with his exaggerated and complicated application when he saw me, I expected that he would inform my enemy, and my enemy would come to me for revenge! "

As soon as Monica heard this, she looked at Ye Feng with admiration and said, "you look so carefully. I didn't pay attention to the man's expression at that time. I didn't even remember his appearance. You can remember his appearance!"

Ye Feng shrugged to Monica and said, "professional characteristics, if you can't remember a face, you don't deserve to be in this business for so long!"

Monica then said to Ye Feng, "but you report to the police. After a while, the hotel will certainly report to the police. At that time, the police will find us!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "at that time, I asked, there is no back door in this hotel. If we left at that time, we would be watched by that guy. Therefore, to completely solve them, we can only do this. We can go out after the things outside subside. It's time!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Monica nodded, ear at this time the gunfire has not been so intensive, occasionally a shot and a half of the gun rings, until the outside completely a shot did not put out, Ye Feng this will cigarette butt out, stand up, walk towards the door.

But Monika said to Ye Feng anxiously, "maybe they just hide from each other. As soon as you go out, you will be the target of public criticism!"

Ye Feng did not say anything, but stood at the door, carefully listening to the movement outside, only heard the wailing of some men near the door, and could not hear anything else.

Ye Feng then grabbed the pistol in his hand, turned back to Monica and said, "if anything happens, don't come out!"

Monica nodded to Ye Feng, but she was worried and said, "be careful!"

Ye Feng also nodded to Monica and immediately opened the door, only to see a bloody man lying at the door. It was Jess who met downstairs before.

And there are many people beside Jess on the ground, some worse than Jess died, some just injured, but not dead, see Ye Feng open the door, immediately shot at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng instant gun is a few shots, will not die after all killed, but still did not go out.

At this time, Ye Feng heard Zhang Wei's voice at the end of the corridor and said, "there are fugitives here!"

Obviously Zhang Wei is not dead, and he said this to the police at the elevator entrance.

Then a middle-aged man's voice came from the elevator entrance and said, "our police support will arrive soon. If you can't run away, put down your arms and surrender immediately. There is no death penalty in the United States. Don't force yourself into a desperate situation!"

Zhang Wei said angrily, "as I said, there are fugitives here. I have no intention of being an enemy with the police. I'm just Help the police catch the escaped criminal

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