The policeman sneered and said, "help the police catch the escaped criminal? What department are you from? What qualifications do you have to enforce the law here? "

Zhang Wei was silent for a long time. Ye Feng leaned out a little and looked around the corridor. He found that there were only one or two police and Zhang Wei. There were bodies all over the corridor. The people in the corridor were all dressed in plain clothes. They should be Zhang Wei's men. The people in the outer corridor were all dressed in police uniforms.

At this time, the two sides are deadlocked. Ye Feng just wants to put his head out a little more. At this time, he immediately hears a "bang" sound. Ye Feng instantly shrinks his head back, and there is a bullet hole in the door frame.

Then Zhang Wei's voice came from the corridor and said, "Jeter Lee, you can't run away. Now even if I don't kill you, the police will come to support you. You can't fly."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a sneer way, "you think the police came, you can walk?"

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Wei didn't speak for a long time. It's obvious that he is also worried about this problem. Originally, he just came to kill Ye Feng, but now his nature has completely changed. He is a policeman killer. Today, even if he leaves here alive, he will probably go to work with bullfighting terrier. What he hates is that his position as the boss has not been firmly established, and he will be released to others.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei was annoyed. He knew it would be like this when he arrived here. He might as well not come here. Although he was not stable in the position of the boss, at least most of his ass was sitting on it. It was good to let him come out to other greedy people.

At this time, there were several gunshots from the outside elevator. Zhang Wei suddenly thought that the police reinforcements had arrived. It seemed that he was going to attack him. It was over.

Zhang Wei knows that the police in the United States have the right to shoot and kill armed bandits directly. It seems that the police have no intention to capture them alive. After all, they have killed so many police officers, so it is reasonable for the police to kill them.

At this moment, after the gunfire, there was a sound of silence at the other end of the corridor, followed by a slight sound of footsteps.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath. It seems that the police are coming towards him. Now even if he immediately drops his gun to surrender, he will be killed immediately.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei immediately clenched his gun. Now he has to fight with the police to the end. Maybe there is still a ray of life.

After taking a few deep breaths, Zhang Wei immediately raised his gun and fired two shots in the corridor. Then he took a look.

At this time, I saw that several people in the corridor were not policemen in police uniforms, but a group of men with guns and ordinary clothes, just like them.

Seeing this, several big men on the other side immediately retreated to both sides of the corridor and immediately opened fire towards the inner end. They approached this side while holding a meeting. They hardly heard the gunfire, and even a corner of the wall was pierced by fire.

At this time, Zhang Wei was full of big men, but he saw a man beside him with a look of horror. He immediately threw the pistol out and cried out, "I surrender, don't shoot..."

However, as soon as Zhang Wei's men went out, they were immediately beaten into a hornet's nest and fell to the ground without even saying a word of unnecessary nonsense.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei is more convinced that what he guesses is right. He can't go out and surrender, but he thinks the reinforcements are from the police, but he doesn't know who these casual clothes are.

At this time, Ye Feng is standing at the door, but when several people pass by with guns, they just take a look at Ye Feng, but they don't shoot at Ye Feng.

Then a familiar face appeared in front of Ye Feng. It was Stephen who took him on the plane in Hawaii. After taking a look at Ye Feng, Stephen came in and said to the door, "don't leave any alive!"

Stephen closed the door and said to Ye Feng, "Virgil asked me to meet you. Come with me. The police will be here soon!"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, but at this time listen to the Monika behind, then came out to see Ye Feng and Stephen.

When Stephen saw Monica, he nodded at her and said, "your brother asked me to pick you up!"

Monica didn't speak, just cast her eyes on Ye Feng. She didn't know the person in front of her. Here, she only believed in Ye Feng. Ye Feng said she would go if she left. Ye Feng said she wouldn't go if she didn't.

Ye Feng then looked back at Monica and nodded, "let's go!"

Monica walked over to Ye Feng without saying a word. Stephen nodded slightly and then opened the door.

At this time, the gunfire outside is still ringing. Stephen can't help but say angrily, "how can a few thieves get to now? What are you doing? Get rid of me

Ye Feng and Monica also came out at this time, and Stephen didn't care about the people under him. He took Ye Feng and Monica directly to the elevator entrance.

At the entrance of the elevator, Ye Feng sees that the police behind the walls on both sides are different from those in the corridor. The bodies of the police in the corridor are shot everywhere, while the police behind the walls on both sides are shot in the head, which is obviously what Stephen did.

Monica frowned and closed her eyes slightly, but Ye Feng just looked back at the end of the corridor. Then she took out her pistol and aimed at the corner at the end. As soon as the elevator door closed, the elevator door closed and Ye Feng put away his gun.Stephen can't help but look at Ye Feng. He doesn't know what Ye Feng's two shots mean.

But Steven's men in the corridor can see clearly. After the two shots just now, a guy hiding in the corner has been shot in the head.

Several people went over with guns. After carefully checking whether there were any other companions, they came back to see the person who was killed by Ye Feng. They also got a shot in the sole of the foot. Then they understood one after another. Ye Feng had two shots just now, one was to hit the guy's foot, and the other was to blow his head.

In fact, this kind of technique is nothing among them, and many people will, not only look at the other party's hiding, so shoot at the exposed point first, when he is flustered or injured, the fatal part will be exposed automatically, and then give a fatal blow.

But then again, they know how to do it, but even if they are sharpshooters, when a shot hits the other side's foot, they have to observe the other side's movement, or even shoot when the dangerous part comes out.

But Ye Feng, there is almost no gap between the two shots. Sometimes, if you don't listen carefully, you feel that Ye Feng just fired a shot. If the first half of the first shot overlaps with the first half of the second shot, you may hear it wrong and think that the second shot is just the end of the first shot.

The most important thing in this way is to judge, after the other party is shot, there may be many possibilities, there may be the opposite direction, Ye Feng's second shot didn't leave time to observe, and a shot hit the eyebrow, we can see how superb Ye Feng's shooting.

After confirming that Zhang Wei is dead, Stephen's people immediately begin to retreat. At this time, Ye Feng and Monica have followed Stephen to the first floor and out of the lobby.

After they went out, they immediately followed Stephen to his car. As soon as they finished the work, they heard a sharp siren sound from far to near and finally stopped at the door of the hotel.

Steven can't help but scold a piece of dog poop, then snort, "when did these policemen become so punctual?" The point is that Steven's men are still in the hotel.

At this time, the police got off one after another. All the police were armed with powerful nuclear bombs, and they were marching towards the door of the hotel. After entering, they went towards the elevator entrance one after another.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and Stephen's men were standing inside. When they saw that the police were standing outside, they couldn't help but feel shocked.

But fortunately, at this time, they have put away their guns, standing in the elevator and normal casual people are almost, one by one also forced to calm down to come.

The police really didn't notice. After they got out of the elevator, the police officer immediately asked the soldiers to enter the elevator.

However, as soon as I walked into the elevator, I turned around to see the man who just came out of the elevator. His suit pouted out behind me. From his point of view, it should be a pistol.

But Steven's men, seeing that the police didn't doubt them, were relieved. At the same time, they saw that the elevator door was about to close. Suddenly, a hand blocked the elevator door and immediately called to them, "stop!"

A kind of Steven's hands can't help but stop, but there is no further action.

A policeman came out of the elevator and said to Stephen's men, who had just walked a few steps to the door, "what's behind you?"

On hearing this, Stephen's men immediately reached out and pulled out the gun pinned to his back, immediately turned around and shot at the police.

When the police on the other side of the elevator heard the sound, their hearts suddenly moved, and they set up their weapons one after another. The two groups almost opened fire at the same time.

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