In an instant, the police and Steven's men fell, the elevator door was full of bullet holes, and the hotel lobby wall was full of sores.

The lobby manager on duty at the front desk was so scared that he didn't dare to stand up after hiding in the bar for a long time. Until there was no sound outside, he dared to nod his head slightly and look at the situation outside. However, he found that there were policemen and Steven's men lying on the ground. Unexpectedly, none of them were alive and all of them were dead.

Scared, the lobby manager immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed the alarm phone, told the situation here, then hung up the phone and sat down in a chair, staring at the police with dull eyes.

At this time, Ye Feng and Monica have left the door of the hotel in the SUV driven by Stephen, and continue to drive all the way to the southwest.

On the way, Monica didn't speak and seemed a little nervous. After all, she knew that Steven was Virgil's man. She couldn't calm down for a long time at the thought of seeing Virgil again.

And Ye Feng didn't say much. After Steven drove the car away from Louisiana, Ye Feng asked, "where are you going now?"

Stephen said, "let's go to Houston, Texas first! Then via Webster, to Galveston! "

But Ye Feng was surprised, "where is Virgil? Or is my friend over there? "

But Stephen said, "none of them are here, but we have a private plane over there. When we get to Galveston, half a day after the repair, we leave Meijing and go to see Virgil. Of course, you will also see your friends!"

After a moment of silence, Ye Feng didn't ask any more questions. He let Stephen continue to drive the car to Houston in the southwest.

At this time, Monica takes a look at Ye Feng. She wants to say something to Ye Feng, but she doesn't know if it's because she didn't think well, or because there's Steven in the car, so she didn't speak at last.

Ye Feng then closed his eyes, taking advantage of the time in the car, to supplement sleep time, after all, today from the Angolan prison out of this way, are very tired.

Seeing that Ye Feng closed her eyes and went to bed, Monica didn't think much and closed her eyes for a rest. After all, like Ye Feng, she was also affected today.

Steven has always been keeping a high degree of vigilance in driving. After driving for a long time, he took a look at the rear mirror and saw that Ye Feng and Monica in the back row were asleep, and Monica's head was still on Ye Feng's shoulder. Then he drove the car into a roadside gas station.

After arriving at the gas station, Stephen got off the car and asked the staff to refuel. He went to the supermarket of the gas station to buy something. By the way, he took out his mobile phone in the supermarket and sent a text message informing Virgil that he had received Ye Feng and Monica.

After that, Stephen got on the bus again and continued to drive towards Houston. After more than two hours, he finally entered the territory of Houston. However, it was not bright at this time. Stephen continued to drive towards Webster in the southeast direction.

When the car drove into Webster, it was more than 8 o'clock in the morning. At this time, Ye Feng had opened his eyes and asked where Stephen was.

Stephen said, "just got into Webster!"

Ye Feng looked out of the window and said to Stephen, "find a restaurant and have breakfast!"

Stephen pointed to the front passenger's lane. "I bought all kinds of food last night. I'll hold on for a while. I'll have a rest when I get to Galveston."

Ye Feng took a look at the front passenger. There was a big bag of things on the front passenger. He reached for the back seat and found something to eat.

At this time, Monica also stretches. She takes a look at Ye Feng, who is eating. Then she looks out of the window and asks Stephen the same question as Ye Feng.

Steven said to Monica again. Now that she's in Webster, if she's hungry, she'll eat what's in her bag first, and then hold on for a while. When she gets to Galveston, it's just time for lunch.

Monica didn't talk much either. She found something to eat in the plastic bag and made do with it. At this time, she took a look at Ye Feng and said, "are you sleeping enough?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've been sleeping and waking up all the way. I'm sure I didn't sleep on the bed of the hotel! And you? "

Monica shrugged and said, "just like you!" Then he lowered his voice and said, "when we get to Galveston, we're leaving the United States?"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and looked at Monica, and said in a low voice, "how? Do you want to give up? "

Steven in the driver's seat said at this time, "you are fugitives in the United States now, and you will be wanted in the United States by tomorrow at the latest, so you must leave the United States today! Work hard for a while. After you get on the plane, you can have a good sleep! "

Monica can't help but look at Stephen. She and Ye Feng have been talking in a very low voice, but she still hears it, and when she hears it, she hears it, and even interrupts.

Steven seems to know that Monica doesn't like her. After that, he won't say a word and continues to drive his car.

Ye Feng then said, "what he said is right. It's not safe for us to stay in the United States now. It's the right choice to leave as soon as possible!"When Monica hears the words, she doesn't speak any more. At this time, Ye Feng takes out the mobile phones of the two poachers he robbed outside the forest, and quickly typesettes on the mobile phones.

Monica can't help but take a look. After Ye Feng finished typing, she handed her mobile phone to her. She took it to have a look, but it said, "do you have any ideas? You can type it for me!"

Seeing this, Monica can't help but look at Ye Feng. Then she quickly deleted the words that Ye Feng typed and wrote on it again, "I'm a little nervous when I think that I'm going to see Virgil. Nothing else is wrong!"

After typing, he handed it to Ye Feng. Ye Feng took a look at it, deleted the words from Monica's typing, and re entered, "don't worry, just remember what I promised you! I mean what I say

After taking the mobile phone, Monica takes a look at it, and her heart suddenly moves. She turns her head and looks at Ye Feng, but she sees that Ye Feng is looking out of the window. Immediately, after deleting Ye Feng's words, she gives Ye Feng a paragraph, "I remember, thank you!"

Ye Feng took the mobile phone and read it. After deleting the message, he didn't say anything. After putting the mobile phone away, he said to Monica, "go on sleeping for a while. When you get to Galveston, I'll call you!"

Monica had been in a state of tension before. After chatting with Ye Feng on her mobile phone, she suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Then she nodded, closed her eyes, and put her head slightly towards Ye Feng's shoulder. Then she fell asleep. She felt that as long as Ye Feng was by her side, let alone meeting Virgil, even if she went to hell, it didn't seem as good as she had imagined I'm afraid.

The car continued to drive southeast. At about 11 o'clock at noon, it began to cross the sea crossing bridge linking Galveston. After crossing the bridge, Stephen drove the car along the road to the northeast. After driving for more than half an hour, a grand hotel complex was introduced.

When Stephen drove the car in, Ye Feng saw the English letter "Galveston and nean Hotel" written on the door of the hotel, and then he knew the name of the hotel.

Stephen drove the car directly to the gate of the hotel, then stopped the car and got off to help Ye Feng and Monica open the door.

Ye Feng just pushed the sleeping Monica and reminded her, "here we are!"

Monica opened her bleary eyes. She felt that she had been sleeping so much since yesterday. If Ye Feng didn't wake her up, she would have been able to go on sleeping.

But at this time has been Ye Feng wake up, Monica yawned, then get off.

After getting off the bus, Ye Feng saw the doorman of the hotel come and take the car key from Stephen's hand to help drive their SUV to the underground parking lot.

Stephen took Ye Feng and Monica into the lobby of the hotel, but they didn't check them in. After all, they didn't stay in today. Instead, they took them to the dining room on the second floor of the hotel.

The dining room of Galveston and nean hotel is magnificent. At first glance, it's a tall dining room. After three people go in, Steven just tells the waiter to serve, and the waiter goes to prepare it. Obviously, Stephen has already prepared it.

Soon the meal came up, Ye Feng and Monica didn't talk much and ate it directly. After all, they haven't had a formal full meal since yesterday.

The dishes are exquisite Western style, but Ye Feng and Monika are not exquisite at all. They eat up everything on the table.

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