Stephen just simply ate a little, then sat there looking at Ye Feng and Monica, until they couldn't eat a mouthful, then called the waiter to pay.

After waiting for the waiter to come and buy the bill, Stephen gets up and says to Ye Feng and Monica, "let's go. It's time for us to go to the bird watching area!"

Monica can't help but frown and say, "bird watching area? Go to see the birds? I'm not interested. I just want to sit down and have a good rest! "

Stephen explained to Monica, "we're not going birdwatching. Your brother Virgil's private plane is just over there in the Birdwatching area! As I said, you should have a rest. You can have a rest after you get on the plane, because we have to fly for at least one afternoon! "

Ye Feng then asked Stephen, "where to fly?" But I'm sorry after asking. I don't think Stephen will say that.

Sure enough, Stephen just said, "you'll know when you get there!" Then he turned and left the hotel.

Ye Feng and Monica can't, so they have to get up and follow. When they get to the door of the hotel, the doorman has driven Stephen's car and handed the key to him.

Steven took out a hundred dollar dollar bill and handed it to the doorman. The doorman immediately couldn't help thanking him, but without saying much, Stephen immediately got on the bus and started the car.

When Ye Feng and Monica arrive, the doorman immediately opens the door for Ye Feng and Monica. When Ye Feng and Monica get on the bus, Stephen immediately steps on the gas pedal, and the car leaves Galveston and nean hotel at a high speed, heading southwest of Galveston.

Galveston is a long offshore island. The so-called bird watching area is on the southwest corner of Galveston Island. There is a paradise for zoologists, climatologists and bird lovers. It is said that there are different birds living here all year round. Originally, the whole Galveston Island was like this. Later, the government planned the South side as a bird watching area In the north, there are some hotels and resorts, which receive people from all over the world every year.

The more southwestward the car goes, the more desolate the roadside becomes. The shoals near the seaside are all shoals. Besides, there are various slogans on the roadside, which are propaganda slogans of forbidding hunting, entering the shoals at will and destroying the natural environment.

After driving for nearly 40 minutes, Monika has been staring out of the window to see all kinds of birds flying by. When Steven stops the car, she comes back to herself. At this time, she sees a small airport on the side of the road. There are all kinds of private small airplanes on the runway of the airport, and there are many kinds of them, even hot air balloons, which must be provided for visitors to see birds .

The car stopped at the gate of the airport for about five minutes. After getting off the car and negotiating with the security guard at the gate, Stephen immediately went back to the car, drove the car into the entrance, and then stopped in the shared parking space. Then he said to Ye Feng and Monica, "here, get off!"

After the three people get off, Stephen immediately takes Ye Feng and Monica to the front plane. At this time, a small plane falls. It's a pure hollowed out plane, and it can only take three or five people. This kind of plane doesn't fly very high, but it's enough to fly in the air and have a close contact with birds.

After the plane landed, several people came down from the plane, either with binoculars or SLR cameras in their hands, talking excitedly all the way.

Seeing this, Monica said to Stephen, "you're not going to arrange this kind of plane for us, are you?"

But Stephen said, "of course not. The fuel tank of this kind of plane can't fly far, even Galveston Island!"

Then Stephen pointed to the front, "that's the plane!"

Ye Feng and Monica can't help but look in the direction of Stephen, but there is a dark gray Lille 40xr private plane.

In this kind of leisure and entertainment airport, Lille 40xr can be regarded as a giant, but if Lille 40xr is placed in a regular passenger airport, it will be very small.

Stephen said did not stop, continue to take Ye Feng to go there, just walk to the plane, immediately someone came to negotiate with Stephen.

Stephen then turned to Ye Feng and Monica and said, "you look here first, I'll talk to the airport, and then we'll get on the plane!"

Stephen and the man went to one side to talk about what should be the airline and so on. Ye Feng and Monica went to one side, looked around, and then watched Lille 40xr private plane.

Then Ye Feng said to Monica, "if I guess correctly, Steven should take us directly to your brother's base camp!"

Monica smell speech heart next move, but didn't speak, Ye Feng immediately asked Monica way, "you don't know where your brother's base camp is?"

Listening to Ye Feng's question, Monica shook her head and said, "I don't know. I've lived in America since I can remember! Never left the United States! If I want to leave this time, it will be the first time I can remember! "

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Monika. Of course, he understands that what Monika said is different from their traditional way of recording things.For example, Ye Feng's so-called record of events means that she starts to remember things in her mind from the time she was born to the age of four or five, while Monica's record of events should be calculated after she was created or activated.

Seeing that Monica doesn't know where Virgil's base camp is, Ye Feng doesn't ask much.

At this time, Steven also finished talking with the captain, immediately waved to Ye Feng and Monica, and then boarded the plane.

After Ye Feng and Monica got on the plane, they found that the space in the plane was not small, but there were not too many seats. The main reason was that there were several separate rooms in the back. It was said that they could sleep. Of course, they needed to wear seat belts to sleep in bed.

After the captain and several crew members boarded the plane, the cabin door was closed. Stephen sat in a seat and said to Ye Feng and Monica, "if you want to have a rest, there is a rest room in the back. If you don't want to have a rest, you can sit here!"

Said also and Ye Feng and Monica introduced, "this plane has food and drink, you need to call the crew!"

"I'll go back and have a rest," Monica said to Stephen Then he walked toward the back cabin and opened a door casually. There was a bed about one meter five, a desk, a TV, and even a refrigerator beside the TV.

After lying on the bed, there was a sign on the top of the bed to remind her to fasten the seat belt. She immediately pulled out the seat belt from the side of the bed and tied it. Then she closed her eyes and had a rest.

Ye Feng did not go to rest, but sat opposite Stephen, looking at him and said, "are my two friends OK?"

But Stephen shook his head and said, "I'm not very clear. I'm not at the headquarters. After you entered the United States, I went to South Africa. I just passed through the United States, but I got a call saying that I wanted to take you and Monica back! I don't know exactly what's going on over there! "

Ye Feng then nodded his head and then asked Stephen, "what about Dixie? Have you heard from her

Steven can't help shaking his head and said, "I don't know. My level is different from hers. My tasks are relatively simple. It's like now. It's much more complicated for her to pick you up on the plane and send someone off."

After listening to what Stephen said, Ye Feng didn't speak any more. At this time, he felt that the plane had started to move. Then he opened the window on one side and looked outside. He saw that the plane was already on the runway and was ready to take off.

Stephen then washed his seat belt and reminded Ye Feng to fasten it. Then he said to Ye Feng, "you can rest assured that you saved Virgil's sister. He should keep his promise!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, light a shrug way, "I hope so!"

Soon the plane began to take off, and the fuselage began to tilt. After about 20 minutes, the fuselage began to pass through the clouds. When it passed through the clouds, the fuselage shook a little. After it became stable, the flight attendants came to ask Ye Feng and Stephen if they need anything to drink.

Stephen ordered a glass of red wine, and Ye Feng said he would have a glass of pure water. When the crew arrived, Stephen looked at Ye Feng and said, "Angola prison is known as one of the most difficult prisons in the world to escape. It took you such a short time to come out, and you brought Monika out unharmed. It really makes me look at it with new eyes!"

Ye Feng can't help shrugging his shoulders and said, "one of the most difficult ones? I don't think so! "

It's not that Ye Feng is showing off something to Stephen, but that he really doesn't find it difficult. The only difficulty lies in the forest outside Angola. If we get rid of the natural barriers of forest and bath, Angola will be ranked in the United States, not to mention the whole world.

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