When Stephen heard what Ye Feng said, he just gave a faint smile. Then he touched Ye Feng's pure water glass with his wine glass and said, "anyway, you have succeeded this time. Congratulations, you will see your friends soon!"

Ye Feng smell speech staring at Stephen after a look, this just carrying a water cup and Stephen touched, then after a sip, nothing to say, but closed his eyes and said, "I'll squint for a while, when you arrive, you call me!"

After putting down his glass, Stephen nodded, agreed, and narrowed his eyes slightly. All of a sudden, there was peace on the plane, only the roar of the plane.

After about 20 minutes, a flight attendant came over with a dark cloth tray in his hand. When he came to Ye Feng's side, he stopped and looked at Ye Feng. Then he went to Stephen's side and patted him on the shoulder.

Steven immediately opened his eyes, but his eyes were calm, and there was no strange look. After looking at the crew, he looked at Ye Feng sitting in front of him, and then nodded to the crew.

The stewardess immediately put the tray on the table between Stephen and Ye Feng. Stephen then opened the cloth on the tray, only to find that the tray was full of medical supplies, including scalpels, syringes, several bottles of unknown medicine, and test tubes for blood drawing.

Steven then picked up the needle tube on the table, picked up a bottle of medicine, sucked it up with the needle tube, and pushed the needle upward. After the air in the needle was pushed out and the medicine splashed a little, he nodded to the crew.

The stewardess nodded and walked towards Ye Feng, then squatted on Ye Feng's side, picked up Ye Feng's arm and strangled Ye Feng's wrist with a rubber tube, while Ye Feng's arm suddenly began to be congested, and the green band raised. Surprisingly, Ye Feng still closed his eyes and did not move, leaving the stewardess with his arm.

Stephen then picked up the needle and walked towards Ye Feng. He picked up a cotton ball and wiped it on Ye Feng's arm. Then he was about to take the needle and plunge it into the flesh of Ye Feng's arm.

But just as Stephen's needle is about to go into Ye Feng's arm, Ye Feng suddenly opens her eyes, grabs the steward's arm and tugs it up.

Steven had already stabbed a needle. When he found that Ye Feng had woken up, it was too late. He stabbed directly into the steward's arm.

Without waiting for Stephen to react, Ye Feng kicked Stephen in the abdomen and pushed him away. Then he grabbed the syringe and instantly injected all the medicine in the syringe into the steward's arm. Then he pulled it out and threw it at Stephen who had just been kicked on the ground.

Stephen's heart moved, and immediately rolled on the ground, which avoided the needle thrown by Ye Feng. However, he saw that the steward was holding his arm tightly at this time, with a rustle in his throat, and instantly collapsed on the ground, rolling on the ground.

Ye Feng frowned, a brisk step has arrived in front of Stephen, and immediately stretched out his hand to Stephen, trying to pull Stephen's collar.

Stephen immediately somersaulted and jumped up directly. But he just landed, but he didn't stand firm. Ye Feng's foot had reached his chest. In a moment, he was hit by Ye Feng's foot and fell to the ground behind him with a bang.

Did not wait for Stephen to get up, Ye Feng has been in front of Stephen again, directly riding on Stephen's body, Stephen did not come back to God, Ye Feng instant circle on his head, Stephen just feel in front of a flower, and then fainted.

When Stephen woke up again, he found that he had been sitting on the stool, but his whole body had been tied up with sitting up. He couldn't move for half a minute. His heart suddenly stood in awe. Then he looked at Ye Feng in front of him, looking at himself with his red wine glass.

The steward, who had just been injected with the medicine, was tied to another stool like him, and his face was already livid, and his mouth was foaming from time to time.

At this time, Stephen looked at Ye Feng with horror eyes, and could not help but wonder, "why? You know... "

After Ye Feng put down his glass, he looked at Stephen and said, "I have drunk that glass of pure water. Why didn't I go into a coma?"

When Stephen heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "you already know?"

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "I can't even see through this little trick. I've been in this business for so many years, don't you think?"

Steven can't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time, but still didn't want to understand how Ye Feng found out?

Ye Feng took a look at Stephen, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "in fact, I didn't doubt anything about you before, but your flaws appeared before I got on the plane!"

Stephen frowned at Ye Feng and said, "where is it?"

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "you have already arranged to go to the hotel for dinner. You have already made a reservation in advance. It's impossible to say anything to the airport after the most important plane arrives. Even if you want to say something, you can say it after you get on the plane. But you have to say it before the plane takes off. It means that you have something to discuss with the airport, and it can't be ignored I knowSpeaking of this, Ye Feng sneered again, "you can't talk about where to go with the airport after landing, right?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Stephen sighed, "since you have seen through, I have nothing to say."

At this time, Ye Feng picked up a bottle of medicine in the tray on the table. After shaking, it suddenly changed. The white foam filled the whole bottle.

After Ye Feng put down the medicine bottle, he looked at Stephen and said, "if you want to kill me, just shoot me or poison me in pure water. There's no need to dazzle me first and then inject poison. It's a lot of trouble and unnecessary! It means that this potion is not going to kill me. What is it? "

Stephen shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng opened the lid of the medicine bottle, stood up, walked behind Stephen and said, "since I don't know, I'll invite you to drink a bottle. We'll talk after we know what it is!"

Then Ye Feng pinched Stephen's mouth and put the medicine bottle to his mouth.

Stephen struggled desperately, but his whole body was tied tightly. He couldn't move at all. He could only keep shaking his head. But Ye Feng's hand strength was still very big, and his mouth couldn't move at all. Moreover, if the action was too big, he felt that his chin would dislocate.

Seeing this, Stephen hummed, "I say, I say!"

Ye Feng this just loosened to hold the hand way of Stephen mouth, "say!"

Stephen immediately said to Ye Feng, "I really don't know what medicine it is..." Then, for fear that Ye Feng would immediately pinch his mouth, he immediately added, "I just received the order to give you this medicine!"

At this point, Stephen swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued, "I was just before I got on the plane. I was ordered to take on a new mission. They told me to do it after the plane took off, and they also told me that there was a drug in the purified water! Let me trick you into drinking it, and then I'll give you an injection. Besides, I don't know anything about it! "

Ye Feng listened to what Stephen said. He pondered for a long time and didn't speak. But he immediately said, "I know so much!"

Ye Feng walked to Stephen and sat down. Then he put down the medicine bottle and took a look at Stephen and said, "where is the plane going?"

Stephen immediately said, "an unknown island in the Indian Ocean!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and said, "where is Virgil's headquarters?"

Stephen shook his head and said, "I don't know. I haven't been there. It's my first time. And Virgil just asked me to take you and Monica there. You don't have to get off the plane. Wait for the plane to refuel and fly to Australia for another mission!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help staring at Stephen for a long time, also didn't speak, then staring at Stephen for a long time, this just asked a sentence, "you are not a person?"

Stephen frowned and said, "what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng shook his head and said, "you should have a rest first. Since Virgil told you not to get off the plane, you just have a sleep here. When I get off the plane on the island, naturally someone will untie you!"

Stephen nodded at this time, as long as Ye Feng didn't give himself that bottle of medicine, everything was easy to say.

Just at this time, Monica, who had been sleeping in the private room, opened the door and came out. Seeing the situation outside, she frowned and said, "is this so?"

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