Ye Feng shrugged at Monica and said, "nothing! Mr. Stephen is a little tired of escorting us all the way. I'll give him a good rest! "

Of course, Monica won't believe Ye Feng's words. She goes up to Stephen and takes a look at him. Then she looks at the stewardess lying on the ground. Then she sits on Ye Feng's side and says to him, "do you want to harm us?"

"No, it's just Virgil told me to make sure that he would go," Stephen said, looking embarrassed

But Monika said, "he's already on the plane. Can't you make sure? If he doesn't want to go, what plane will he get on? What's more, you're holding two of them How can a friend not go? "

Stephen was speechless for a while, but Ye Feng said to Monika, "Mr. Stephen is also ordered to act, you don't have to blame him!"

Monica snorted and said, "I don't blame him. I know who to blame!"

At this time, after the cockpit door opened, a steward came out, but he just looked at the tied Stephen and his friends lying on the ground, but he didn't have the slightest hesitation on his face. Then he said to Ye Feng and Stephen, "there may be thunderstorm in a moment, please fasten your seat belts!"

With that, the steward went back to the cockpit, but Ye Feng heard a click of locking the door. Judging from the steward's performance just now, he was clear about the situation outside. For this kind of high-end personal business aircraft, the cockpit knows that the situation in the cabin is normal. Maybe there are cameras in the four corners of the cabin.

Ye Feng told Monica to wash the seat belt, immediately went to one side, lifted the stewardess on the ground to one side of the seat, then tied him to the seat with the seat belt, and then sat back to fasten the seat belt.

After about a quarter of an hour, the plane began to be bumpy. Ye Feng opened the window on one side and looked outside. There were dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the lightning seemed not far from the fuselage. From the cabin, the lightning seemed to be hitting the fuselage.

Seeing this, Monica couldn't help but feel nervous, clutching the armrest of the seat tightly, even daring to look out of the window.

Ye Feng can't help but look to Monica, "the first time to fly?"

Monica nodded, but did not speak, but Ye Feng is understandable, after all, Monica has been living in the United States since she was cloned, she said this is her first time to leave the United States, the first time to fly is not strange.

Ye Feng patted Monica's hand at this time and said, "don't be nervous. It's all visual error. The probability of lightning hitting the plane is very small!"

Monica just nodded, but she still didn't dare to look out of the window. Ye Feng just closed the window. Monica was a little more relaxed.

But as the cabin kept bumping and even shaking slightly, Monica suddenly became nervous again.

Ye Feng didn't comfort Monica any more. After all, everything has to be for the first time. Let her feel it for herself.

He just reminded Monica to close her eyes and have a good rest. She would feel better.

Monica smell speech according to Ye Feng's words, close your eyes, really feel better, but know that this is just a way of self deception, inner tension a little bit smaller, but does not mean No.

At this time, Ye Feng simply closed his eyes and grasped all the time to have a rest. Virgil could not wait to attack himself, which means that once the plane landed, it might be a fierce fight.

Ye Feng didn't know how long he had been squinting, but he didn't dare to fall asleep. After all, although he had tied Stephen and another flight attendant, they were not the only two on the plane. He also opened his eyes after a while to have a look, and continued to rest after no problem.

After a while, Ye Feng slowly opened his eyes and found that the turbulence of the plane continued. He could not help frowning. According to his past experience, the thunderstorm cloud should have passed long ago.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng pressed the communication equipment on one side, which can call the steward or directly contact the captain's room.

After waiting for a few barrels of equipment, Ye Feng immediately asked, "why is the plane still bumpy? Where are we? "

A voice came from the communication equipment and said, "we've got a windball! I can't get out for a while

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately opened the window and looked out of the window. It was still dark clouds outside, but the plane seemed to have soared a lot, and there was a huge windeye spinning slowly below. The dark clouds around were completely absorbed by the windeye. From time to time, there were several flashes of lightning in the clouds, and then there was a loud rumble.

Ye Feng knew that this kind of extreme weather was easy to encounter at sea in this season, but he didn't expect that the coverage was so large this time. How long has this plane been flying? Why hasn't it been flying out yet.

Ye Feng then asked, "when can I fly out?"

But the voice in the communication equipment said, "we've already left a windball. This is the second windball we've met! It is estimated that there will be more in front of us! "

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment and said that she knew it. Then she hung up the classmate's equipment and closed the window to prevent Monica from seeing it when she woke up.At this time, Monica opened her eyes and said to Ye Feng, "are we in trouble?"

Ye Feng shook his head to Monica and said, "it's the thunderstorm season, especially at sea. You think, after all, the sea is endless, and it's normal to have a big windball. But have you heard a few pieces of plane news that crashed because of the windball?"

Monica can't help shaking her head and said, "it seems that I haven't heard it yet!"

Ye Feng patted Monica's hand and said, "this is it. Now technology is changing with each passing day. Although this kind of weather is extreme, the sophisticated equipment on the plane is specially designed to deal with this kind of extreme weather, so you put your heart into your stomach! Have a good sleep

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica can't help holding Ye Feng's hand. Seeing that Ye Feng doesn't object, she closes her eyes, leans her head on Ye Feng's shoulder and continues to sleep.

Stephen is sitting opposite them. Looking at Ye Feng and Monica, he can't help but move. He secretly says that Ye Feng is going to become uncle Virgil's rhythm?

Thinking of this, Stephen said to Ye Feng with a smile, "you and Monica?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at Stephen and said, "I and Monica, it seems that it has nothing to do with you?"

Stephen said with a smile, "if so, I'll congratulate you!"

Ye Feng didn't speak. Stephen said to Ye Feng at this time, "can you untie the rope on me? Now I know you are my own person, and you know that the injection is not fatal. I don't have any malice against you!"

Ye Feng looked at Stephen and said, "I don't mean anything to you, but I want to make sure I won't have any trouble before the plane lands! I don't have the energy to watch out for you! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Stephen smiles awkwardly and doesn't ask for anything more. Then he closes his eyes slightly and doesn't speak.

At this time, Ye Feng looked to the steward, and found that he was awake, just listless, and his eyes were particularly dull, looking at something motionless.

Ye Feng couldn't help but squint and stare there for a long time. In the process of looking at the guy, the steward didn't talk about anything except blinking.

Stephen opened his eyes and took a look at Ye Feng. Then he followed his eyes and looked at the steward. Then he said, "nothing's wrong with him!"

Ye Feng looked back and said to Stephen, "is that ok? Then I'll give you a bottle? "

Stephen's face suddenly moved and said to Ye Feng, "no, no The reason why he is like this now is that you have injected the whole burst into his body! "

But Ye Feng asked Stephen, "you sucked a syringe and wanted to give me an injection. Is it only half of the injection?"

Stephen said, "only a quarter, and then every half an hour, a total of four injections!"

Ye Feng couldn't help frowning at Stephen and said, "what needle is this?"

Stephen shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly. I'm just following orders. The only thing I know is that this medicine will kill people, and it's not suitable to inject too much! I'm afraid only Virgil knows the rest! "

When Ye Feng heard this, he didn't speak any more. He thought that when he got off the plane at that time, he must ask Virgil what kind of needle it was, and he didn't know if Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett were also injected with this kind of injection?

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