Soon more than an hour later, the fuselage of the plane suddenly vibrated violently, and the oxygen mask was automatically lowered in front of the position, and the alarm was constantly thinking in the cabin.

Monica was sleeping, but she couldn't help waking up. She opened her eyes and was startled. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "didn't you say it's ok?"

Ye Feng directly reached out and put the oxygen mask on Monica's face. Then he got up and helped Steven and the stewardess take the oxygen mask. Then he sat back to his position and put on the oxygen mask. At the same time, he opened the window and looked outside.

But I saw lightning and thunder outside the window. If it wasn't for lightning outside, I couldn't see what was going on outside.

After looking at it, Monica immediately gets nervous again and holds Ye Feng's hand tightly. Her palms are in a cold sweat.

At this time, Ye Feng rang the communication equipment and asked, "what's the matter? What happened to the plane? "

A man's voice from the communication equipment said, "there's something wrong with the plane. The right wing has been hit by lightning, but the problem is still under control. Don't be too nervous!"

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, then asked, "now the plane has reached what position?"

The voice in the communication equipment said, "it's over the Indian Ocean. It's more than 100 miles away from the destination! We can land... "

Ye Feng hung up the communication equipment in silence for a while. At this time, he took off the oxygen mask and unfastened the safety belt. He immediately went to the other side of the plane, opened the window and looked outside. There was something wrong with the right wing. The place hit by the lightning was emitting thick smoke.

Ye Feng didn't want to close the window immediately to avoid being seen by Monica. If she saw it, she didn't know how scared she would be.

Ye Feng then stood up straight and looked at Monica sitting in her seat. After nodding to her, she immediately began to walk towards the captain's room.

But at this time the fuselage has been a little bit biased, Ye Feng must walk to support one side of the chair back and equipment, just barely to the captain's room door, then knocked on the door.

But the door of the captain's room was very thick, so people inside might not be able to hear it. He immediately rang the communication equipment at the door, and soon a person appeared in the video phone, who was the steward who had just come out to report the situation.

The steward could not help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "what are you doing here? The situation is dangerous now. You'd better sit back and we'll take care of it! "

Ye Feng said to the steward, "I have experience in flying, I can help!"

The stewardess was stunned, and then turned his head to one side and said, "he can fly a plane!"

Then Ye Feng heard a voice with a Russian accent saying in English, "let him in!"

The steward then said to Ye Feng, wait a moment, and immediately hung up the phone. A moment later, the door of the captain's room opened with a click.

Ye Feng immediately opened the door and went in. Ye Feng found that the space of the captain's room in front of him was not small, and there were two separate rest rooms behind the cab.

After passing the rest room, Ye Feng went to the cab and saw that the captain was sitting in the driver's seat at this time. In front of him were all kinds of instruments flashing constantly. A lot of data were indicating that the plane's accident was uncontrollable.

Ye Feng went directly to the co pilot's side and sat down. He fastened his seat belt, and then checked all kinds of instruments in front of him. He found that the power system of the right wing was almost at a standstill. If it goes on like this, the plane will continue to lean down. Although the single engine system will not cause the plane to crash directly, the flight altitude will continue to decline until it crashes until.

The captain is obviously an old hand. He skillfully operates the instruments in front of him. In his spare time, he takes a look at Ye Feng and says, "how about it? Have you ever driven a helicopter before? Or by air? "

Ye Feng did not speak. He noticed that another row of green data was normal, but he had never seen such data before. He could not help asking the captain, "what does this display data represent?"

The captain smelled speech to glance one eye, immediately surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "how many years have you not driven a plane?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "at least seven or eight years?"

The captain was stunned and said to Ye Feng, "the technology is changing with each passing day. Seven or eight years ago, the aircraft system was semi-automatic. You can't do it. Don't move if you don't understand. I'll do it myself. You'd better go to the cabin and fasten your seat belt!"

But Ye Feng sneered, "I'm not used to handing my life over to others! What does the data represent?

after the captain took a look at Ye Feng, he said, "that's the risk factor prediction, and the green value indicates that it's still controllable!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "there's data here showing that the engine of the right wing is no longer working, and it's controllable here? Isn't that a contradiction? "

The captain said to Ye Feng, "it's all intelligent now. All the instruments are the most advanced in the world. If the data display is controllable, that means it's controllable!"Ye Feng can't help but look at the captain, and then said, "I said, I'm not used to giving my life to others, let alone artificial intelligence!" Then he immediately said to the captain, "start descent immediately, emergency landing!"

But the captain said to Ye Feng, "within the controllable range, we can glide towards the destination while descending. I am absolutely sure to complete this landing!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning and humming, "the right wing is already on fire. If you hit the fuselage in the process of gliding, don't say it's a forced landing, you don't even have a chance to parachute!"

But the captain sneered and said to Ye Feng, "I'm the captain. I believe in my own driving technology and the intelligent system on the plane! And do you know, now the emergency landing, the fuselage will be faced with landing on the sea, our aircraft can not land on the sea, and once the lower part of the fuselage and the sea friction, that friction is not smaller than the ground, by that time, it is likely that the aircraft has not fully landed, the whole aircraft has disintegrated! That's more dangerous! "

Ye Feng directly said coldly, "I don't know how long your driving experience is, and I don't know how intelligent this intelligent system is, but I know I'm in danger now, and I ask myself to drive! I'll just say it for the last time. Stop your operation and I'll drive! "

The captain immediately said excitedly, "impossible..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for the captain to finish. He got up and punched the captain in the back of his head. The captain suddenly fainted.

The steward at the back of the train saw this, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately went to pull out the weapon at his waist.

But Ye Feng reminded him, "I advise you not to mess around. Now the only one who knows how to fly a plane is me. If anything happens to me, no one can live here!"

On hearing this, the steward's face suddenly changed. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you really know how to fly a plane?"

Ye Feng cold hum a way, "can't open, I come to do what?"? Take you to die? "

The flight attendant didn't speak, but saw that Ye Feng immediately pressed the button on the co pilot to transfer the control of the plane to the co pilot. At the same time, he pressed the button to turn off the intelligent system on the plane, and at the same time, he began to land. The plane began to descend rapidly.

The steward stood in the back and almost rushed to the cab. He immediately grabbed something on one side of the cab and couldn't let it go. At the same time, his eyes were staring at the window outside the cab, but it was dark outside and he couldn't see anything at all.

Ye Feng lowered the fuselage while looking at the radar signal in front of the driver's seat, as well as the height, speed and other values on one side. The number is getting smaller and smaller.

Although the flight attendant can't fly an airplane, he often flies in the sky. He knows some basic knowledge. When he sees these values getting smaller, he immediately understands that Ye Feng is preparing to turn off the airplane. If so, the airplane will fall directly on the sea.

See here, the steward immediately toward Ye Feng loud way, "you this is what operation, in this case, we fall, the fuselage will be directly hit into several sections!"

Ye Feng didn't pay attention to the flight attendant. He just operated by himself. The flight attendant said that, of course, he knew that his current operation was to gradually turn off all the engines on the plane, so that the plane could land vertically, so as to avoid the friction between the fuselage and the sea. The friction of the sea was enough to tear the fuselage into countless pieces fragment.

At this time, the steward immediately took out the electric shock gun and yelled at Ye Feng, "you stop immediately, or I will shoot!"

Ye Feng said coldly, "you shoot. Once you shoot, you and I will die. If you don't shoot, I will have a chance to save you."

The stewardess didn't believe Ye Feng's story. This kind of vertical landing, even if the fuselage was not smashed, he would be killed.

Ye Feng then said to the steward, "we are now less than 100 meters above the sea. I will continue to control to within 100 meters, and then turn off all the engines. This kind of high-speed landing is indeed dangerous, but the survival rate is more than twice that of gliding landing. Do you want to gamble?"

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