After listening to Ye Feng's words, the stewardess looks confused. He was about to believe Ye Feng, but now Ye Feng asked himself whether he wanted to gamble. This shows that Ye Feng is not sure that his method will succeed.

Before waiting for the flight attendant to respond, Ye Feng immediately added, "you have no choice. Now you can only bet on it. Find your own seat and pray to God!"

As soon as the steward heard this, he immediately went to the back seat of the co pilot's seat and immediately put on his seat belt. At this time, he obviously felt the fuselage shaking violently, which was more severe than that in tens of thousands of feet of sky.

Even at this time, the ear was full of close body trembling sound, and no other sound could be heard. I didn't know it was the cab. Even Monica and Steven in the cabin were holding the handle of the seat tightly.

Compared with the people in the cockpit, Monica and Stephen are even more thrilled. After all, they don't even know what the specific situation is. At this time, they have come to the uncertainty of life and death.

At this time, Ye Feng has been paying attention to the data prompt in front of the cockpit. Just now, it showed that the fuselage is still more than 100 meters away from the sea, and now it has dropped to more than 50 meters. He immediately turned off all the engines of the plane.

In an instant, the fuselage shakes even more than before. The whole person can feel his body when sitting in the seat. If the seat belt is not fastened, he may not know where he has been bumped.

At this time, looking from the outside, the plane was like an offline arrow, thrusting obliquely from the air towards the sea.

At this time, you can see the blue sea outside the cockpit window. The sea is as calm as ever, but Ye Feng knows that the calm of the sea is just for the coming waves, which can't be predicted.

Then the cabin plunged directly into the sea, and the back half of the plane crashed directly into the sea with a bang.

Ye Feng and the stewardess didn't know what was going on. At this time, they felt that the cabin window had begun to crack. They knew that the location of their club was deep under the sea.

At this time, Monica and Stephen in the cabin were looking around with a look of horror. At this time, they heard a bang, and there was a broken mark at their feet. It was only a moment. The whole fuselage was completely broken between Monica and Stephen, and the two sides of the aircraft arched the broken place.

The fuselage is like a ball pushed into the water. It shows that it is sinking gradually, but then it starts to bounce to the sea due to buoyancy.

At the same time, Ye Feng has untied his seat belt. The plane has fallen down, and the seat belt can't save them. Now they have to face the seawater pouring in after the broken glass.

After Ye Feng untied his seat belt, he immediately began to pull the back of the chair and began to climb up. At the same time, he also called the steward, "hurry up, the glass will break soon!"

As soon as the steward heard this, he immediately unfastened his seat belt. However, as soon as he unfastened it, he heard a loud bang. All the glass in front of him broke, and the sea water came in instantly, filling the entire cockpit in an instant.

Ye Feng is also in the sea now. After all, he goes to the door of the cockpit, opens the door of the cockpit, and then quickly closes it. Only in this way can he prevent the sea from pouring back, and the fuselage will not be completely engulfed by the sea.

Ye Feng's potential underwater, swimming to the cabin door, but then a password lock, fortunately the password lock is not electronic, otherwise due to the intrusion of sea water, the power supply must have been completely cut off.

Ye Feng doesn't know the password. He swims back immediately, grabs the steward's hand and drags him to the cabin door. He points to the password lock. The steward has drunk a few mouthfuls of sea water. At this time, he feels that he is going to die. But when he sees the password lock, he suddenly seems to see hope and presses the password of the password lock in confusion.

After he finished pressing, Ye Feng immediately pushed hard and immediately pushed the cabin door open. Then he came out of the water with both hands and immediately pulled the steward up again. Only then did he notice that the fuselage of the plane had been broken in two.

After the steward came up, he lay on one side, coughing and panting, but at the same time, the sea water also came up from the cabin door. Ye Feng didn't have time to care if there was anything wrong with Monika. He immediately closed the cabin door and blocked the surge of the sea water.

Just after the cabin door was closed, Ye Feng felt that the second half of the fuselage was tilted upward. At this moment, the second half of the fuselage began to fall.

Ye Feng immediately climbed to a seat, hugged the seat, "boom" after a loud noise, immediately after the sea also surged up.

Fortunately, the fuselage began to float again immediately after it sank a little for a while. After the two ends of the fuselage swayed back and forth for a while, it gradually returned to stability.

Ye Feng then stood up and walked towards the broken part of the fuselage. As soon as she walked over, she saw that Monica was sitting on the chair soaked with water, and she was wearing a seat belt. In front of her, it was the broken part.Ye Feng a little relieved, immediately sat in the past, took hold of Monica's hand, "OK?"

Monica has been completely scared silly, eyes looking at the front, in front of the sea, not far away is the broken fuselage tail.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the situation at the rear of the fuselage, but he saw that Stephen, like Monica, was staring at the scene with his eyes open.

Ye Feng then stood up and went to the side of the broken fuselage. He looked around and found that there was nothing but sea water around.

At this time, the steward finally recovered. When he came to the fracture, he was shocked again. However, after he was afraid, he felt lucky for the rest of his life. Finally, he knelt on the ground and sat up to pray, repenting and thanking God devoutly.

After waiting for the steward to finish praying, Ye Feng said to him, "is there any way to contact other places?"

The steward then took out his mobile phone and was immediately excited. After the water machine entered the water, it was still on. He muttered, "the quality of the mobile phones produced by Huaxia is really good!"

However, when he saw the display on the signal bar, he immediately fell into despair and said, "there is no signal at all!"

Ye Feng had guessed this for a long time, otherwise he had a mobile phone himself, and he had already taken it out to see how there could be signal radiation in such a place. He immediately said to the steward, "what I asked is what communication equipment is still on the plane!"

Ye Feng knows that at this time, the more primitive the equipment, the more effective it is.

The steward, reminded by Ye Feng, immediately thought of something else: "the captain is still in the cockpit!" Then he ran to the nose in a panic.

After opening the cabin door, the steward immediately went to see the captain, but he saw that the captain was still in his seat. He put his hand in the nose of the captain and found that the captain had lost his breath.

After suffering for a while, the steward returned to his senses and prayed to God, hoping that God would take the captain to heaven, and immediately began to pick up the communication equipment and contact with the outside world. However, the equipment was soaked in seawater, and the power supply system was broken, which was useless.

Ye Feng went to the cabin door to have a look. Knowing that there was no hope, he immediately went back to sit on the side of Monica. Seeing that Monica had recovered a little at this time, he reached out and patted her hand and said, "it's OK!"

Before Monica could speak, Stephen on the back half of the fuselage yelled, "this side is going to sink. Help me!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward the back half close to see, but see that the fracture has obviously begun to tilt down, and Stephen's foot has been in the sea, if the sea gradually poured in, the fuselage can no longer float on the sea.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately jumped into the sea and swam to the opposite fuselage. After climbing up, he immediately untied the rope on Stephen's body. At the same time, he also untied the safety belt of the steward sitting on one side and asked Stephen to swim to the front half of the fuselage with him.

But Ye Feng rummaged in the back of the guest bedroom and found that there was still a lot of food, and even found two life jackets. He immediately swam back with his things.

After arriving at the fuselage, she immediately put a life jacket on Monica's body and stacked the things she brought over on the back seat.

Steven is also excited for the rest of his life. However, seeing the things Ye Feng brought, he quickly regained his peace. These are almost all snacks. There are five of them here. If they rely on these snacks, they won't last long.

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