"Ships" continue to move forward, but Ye Feng found a problem, that is, they do not need to paddle, because the wind is gradually changing, "ships" can completely rely on the wind to move forward.

Stephen simply did not paddle, put it to one side, stood up and said to Ye Feng, "it's all up to the wind! Save your strength

Ye Feng also put down the pulp and stood up. After looking at it for four weeks, he said to Stephen, "do you think this is a good thing?"

But Stephen frowned at Ye Feng and said, "at least it can save us a lot of energy. We don't know how much time we need at sea? To survive in the wild, the most important thing is physical fitness. Every minute we spend here, we may have more danger next. You can't have no idea about that? "

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "you're right, but I don't think it's a good thing. As the saying goes, there is no wind at all, especially at sea. The change of wind force for no reason can only explain one problem!"

When Stephen heard what Ye Feng said, he frowned and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. Then his heart moved and he seemed to understand something. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "you mean..."

Ye Feng immediately nodded, "that's right! You may have forgotten why we are here because it's the windy season, and it's not unusual for us to have a storm on the sea at this time! "

Although Stephen's heart has already faintly thought of it, but listening to Ye Feng's words, his face is still moving. He knows what it will mean if he meets a storm at sea.

Even if they encounter a storm on a regular ship, it can't be said that the safety rate reaches 100%. What's more, they are driving such a simple "ship". This kind of "ship" is not a storm. It may be overturned by a big wave.

Thinking of this, Stephen immediately sat back, picked up the "paddle" to continue rowing, and said to Ye Feng, "if so, we must find land before the storm comes!"

At this time, Ye Feng also sat down, picked up the "paddle" to continue rowing, and said to Stephen, "the problem is that we don't even have the orientation to prepare, and we don't know the destination in the southeast and northwest, so we can only drift with the tide!"

When Stephen heard this, his heart was cold again. Ye Feng was right. They could use up all their strength to paddle before the storm, but at least they had to know the clear direction. But there was a vast ocean all around. The sky, let alone the sun, the moon and the stars, didn't even have a cloud. There wasn't even a reference to find the direction.

When he thought that all his efforts might be in vain, Stephen didn't paddle as hard as before. He even said with disappointment, "so we have to let fate decide?"

Ye Feng did not slack off and said to Stephen, "it's up to people to make things happen. If you don't work hard, you just give up. Then you really have no hope! When the boat reaches the bridge, it will be straight. "

But Stephen said to Ye Feng, "how can you work hard?"

At this moment, standing on one side, Monica suddenly exclaimed, "you see, what's that? Am I wrong? Is it land? "

Without waiting for Ye Feng to get up, Stephen immediately stood up first, went to Monica's side, took the telescope and looked toward her. Finally, he saw a black spot on the endless sea. He immediately raised the magnification of the telescope and said excitedly to Ye Feng, "there really is an island, and it seems that it's not small!"

Ye Feng said calmly, "is that right? According to the current direction and tidal force, we will eventually get there! "

After staring at the distant island carefully for a moment, Stephen gave the telescope back to Monica. Then he looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "where is the current and the tidal force? So you knew for a long time that we would drift to land with the tide? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's the law of nature, but it's only a matter of time. Our question now is whether we can successfully reach the island there before the storm comes and changes the ocean current!"

As soon as Stephen heard this, he immediately sat down again and picked up the paddle to continue rowing. This time, he really tried his best.

At this time, the wind is getting stronger and stronger, but there are some errors in the direction of the wind and the current. Ye Feng takes a look at the sky and finds that a dark cloud in the distance, which has been connected with the sea, is drifting towards this side.

Ye Feng immediately said to Jimmy, "put away the parachute. Now its historical mission has been completed, and we can only rely on ourselves!"

At this time, Jimi also found that the current and the wind direction were a little deviated. He immediately said to Yefeng, "although we can't get to the island directly by the wind, we can at least follow the wind and send us another way. It's not too late to close the sail when we get closer to the island!"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "at that time, the storm is coming, and the sails raised by parachutes are not what you want to take back. And once you can't take back the sails, and we are close to the island, we are likely to hit the reef. At that time, let alone the ship will be destroyed, we may all be directly rolled into the sea and hit the shoal coral reef around the island!"Jimi looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says with half doubt, "it's not so exaggerated, is it?"

Ye Feng reminded Jimmy, "look at the dark cloud behind you. Before I told you this, it was still with the sea. But now, it's almost over us!"

Jimmy can't help looking back at the sky, but he can see that there is a big cloud coming not far behind, and the speed is not slow. According to this speed, it can't take more than half an hour to catch up with them, and from their point of view, the cloud is not small. Just when it really reaches its own head, it will be covered with dark clouds, and the whole sky will be covered It's completely shrouded.

Thinking of this, Jimmy took a deep breath and immediately pulled the parachute back. As soon as the parachute was pulled down, the speed of the boat dropped sharply, which was not the same as just now. Now the only thing he could rely on was the ocean current and the manual rowing of Ye Feng and Stephen.

As Stephen rowed, he looked at the dark clouds in the sky. From time to time, he looked back and saw that the color of the ocean behind him had changed from blue to dark blue, even black blue. His heart was suddenly shocked and he immediately asked Monica, "how far is it from that island?"

Monica didn't know how to look at the distance. She just said to Stephen, "it's very close!"

But Stephen said, "of course, you look very close through the telescope. I've adjusted it to the highest power. What I asked is the actual distance! How far is it? "

Monica said, "I don't know. Jimmy went up to Monica and said," let me see. I can tell the distance roughly. "

After listening to what Jimmy said, Monica gave the telescope to Jimmy without hesitation. Jimmy picked up the telescope and looked at it. It was really as close as what Monica said. But when he adjusted the lens to the original magnification, he felt that the distance was out of reach. At most, it was the size of his thumb nail.

Seeing this, Jimmy immediately reported, "visual inspection at least 20 nautical miles away, maybe more than that!"

When Stephen heard this, his heart was shocked. At this time, the dark cloud behind him was already rumbling. Jimmy looked back and saw that the dark cloud behind him was still thundering and thundering from time to time. After the thundering and thundering, it was thundering and thundering. Even the waves in the distance behind him had begun to be treacherous. A huge wave about 10 meters was coming back from behind him.

Seeing this, Jimi immediately reminded Ye Feng and Stephen loudly, "there are huge waves in the back, very close to us!"

At this time, Ye Feng felt that the ocean was changing fast, and the turbulence of the "ship" was far greater than before. He immediately reminded Monica, "you sit down, tie your waist with the rope on the parachute, and fix it on the ship as much as possible, but don't fasten the buckle, so as to prevent the ship from rollover. You have to untie it at that time!"

After hearing this, Monica immediately starts to tie her body according to what Ye Feng said. As soon as Jimmy and Steven hear this, they also immediately start to find a rope to tie themselves.

After the two were tied up, Stephen just picked up the paddle and felt a chill on his face. He reached out and touched it. Suddenly, his face changed and said, "it's raining!"

As soon as Jimmy heard this, he immediately looked back, only to see a huge wave coming towards them behind him, and the dark clouds in the sky had reached their heads, and the rain was shooting countless blooming flowers on the sponge.

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