However, these water flowers usually seem to have a kind of blooming beauty, but at this moment, it's just like the manjushahua blooming at the gate of hell, which indicates that the hell emissary is waving to them, and it makes Jimmy feel numb.

However, scalp numbness is also short-lived, because the dark clouds in the sky are much faster than he imagined. In an instant, the rain in the sky is like a sky leak, and the huge waves behind them are behind them. The whole "ship" has started to bump up with the waves.

Everyone knows that the waves before the storm are just desserts, and the power of nature that they can really fear is still behind them.

Ye Feng reminds Jimi at this time, "don't look any more. If you have time, you can sit still. When you get to the shore, you can enjoy it at will!"

As soon as Jimmy heard this, he immediately sat down. Just now, he was stunned. Fortunately, the current wave is not too big. Otherwise, he would have been swept into the sea by a spray. Even if you are tied with a rope, you are only connected with the boat. It doesn't help if you want to survive. The rope can't stay on the sea The sea produces oxygen for you to survive.

Stephen's face turned green at this time. It's just a disaster. It's another disaster. He hasn't had time to celebrate the rest of his life after the plane crash. Now another test of life and death is waiting for them. Maybe he was lucky last time, but the goddess of luck can't care every time. I'm afraid he will be buried in the endless sea this time.

However, Stephen took a look at Ye Feng at this time, but he saw that Ye Feng's face was unusually calm, as if the storm in his eyes was like the rain after spring, and the waves were like the ripples in a pond. What kind of psychological quality is this guy? He can't see the waves on the surface?

It's the first time for Monica to experience this. Now she's sober. Ye Feng reminds herself to tie the rope in advance. Otherwise, the sea wind and waves at this time may have made her unable to stand falling into the sea to feed the fish. At this time, she is lying on the "boat" with her hands holding the nearby rope, thinking that even if she can't help, But at least don't make trouble for Ye Feng, unless you die, no, even if you die, you will die on the deck of the "ship".

At this time, Ye Feng put the oars aside. In the face of the storm, any human action is extremely small and ridiculous. Now what he wants to do is not to dock the "ship" as soon as possible, because with the storm, the "ship" berthing is the inevitable result. What he wants to do now is to try not to let the "ship" dock before the "ship" berthing ”It's over.

At this time, Ye Feng found a rope tied to his waist, and then stood up, but his hand was still on the ground. In such a storm, if he wanted to stand on the "deck" out of thin air, normal people could not do it unless he had a nail on his foot.

Just then, sitting in the back, Jimmy suddenly yelled, "look!"

Everyone can't help looking back, but in the distance behind, there is a huge wave of 100 meters coming. From their point of view, it seems that the huge wave is not a huge wave in the sea, but a waterfall leaking from the sky.

Stephen's eyes were straight, and he immediately tried to paddle the "oar" in his hand. He kept saying, "hurry up, hurry up, hurry up..."

Ye Feng yelled at everyone, "get down, hold the boat, don't do anything!" With that, Ye Feng immediately lay down on the "deck" and grabbed a rope, spared a few times in his hand, forming a "big" shape on the "deck".

Stephen was also scared to throw away the "oar" and then fell on the "deck". As soon as Jimmy got down, the huge waves had already covered the sky.

In an instant, let alone their simple "boat", it seemed that the whole world had been engulfed. Within the scope of everyone's eyesight, except for the sea or the sea, it was as if they had completely sunk into the bottom of the sea.

Ye Feng at this time not only to grasp the "hull", but also with his limbs, try to press the "hull", feel where up, immediately where the force, desperately down.

Although Ye Feng also knows that his strength can't compete with nature, at this moment, he can only do his best to do everything he should, and leave the rest to God.

After a big wave passed, it was about ten minutes later. When the "boat" miraculously floated up from the bottom of the sea again, Ye Feng opened his eyes and couldn't help breathing. After he breathed smoothly, he immediately looked at the situation carefully. Monica was still in front, and Stephen was on the side. Looking back, Jimi didn't know The road has gone, and I can't help it. Even the snacks they brought were washed away.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to respond, the second big wave immediately came. This time, Ye Feng could even clearly feel the pain of the big wave beating on him. After a wave passed, Ye Feng immediately opened his eyes and began to climb towards Monica. At this time, he had to take care of himself first, then Monica, as for Stephen Only by his own nature.Ye Feng climbed to Monica's side, pulled her body, found that she had already fainted, just ready to take a closer look at Monica, then it was a big wave.

Ye Feng knows that at this time, he can't control the whole situation, but before the big wave comes, Ye Feng immediately pinches one hand of Monica, and then pinches her tiger's mouth with all his strength.

After a big wave passed, Ye Feng wiped the sea water on her face, and then looked to Monica, but she suddenly choked out a mouthful of sea water in her mouth, and then coughed. Seeing that Monica was ok, Ye Feng was relieved.

Although the next waves are more and more frequent, they are also smaller and smaller. The storm of sea breeze comes fast and goes fast. After the dark clouds in the sky float past, the clear sky appears again. Ye Feng turns over and looks at the blue cloudless sky and breathes the air heartily. It seems that every mouthful of the air is precious and every mouthful of the air after escaping from death One mouthful is fresher than before.

When the breath is enough, Ye Feng sits up and looks at Monica. Then he asks her, "is it OK?"

Monica is still coughing, spitting out a mouthful of phlegm from time to time. In fact, Ye Feng knows that after drinking so much seawater, her mouth has already suffered from salty, which is also a normal reaction.

After seeing that Monica is OK, Ye Feng thinks of Stephen. He immediately turns over Stephen's body. However, he sees that Stephen's face is pale at this time. It seems that he has been soaking in the sea for several days and nights, and no one is looking at him.

But Ye Feng still called Stephen's pulse and found that he was not dead, but his pulse was very weak.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately clenched his two hands together and beat Stephen's abdomen hard. Stephen suddenly "wow", his head and feet tilted up at the same time. A mouthful of sea water mixed with undigested things in his stomach immediately gushed out of his mouth.

When he saw the blue sky, he couldn't believe it. He thought he went to heaven. But when he thought about it carefully, how could a person like himself go to heaven? When he saw Ye Feng's face again, he realized that he wasn't dead.

Stephen immediately sat up and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. Then he turned his head and looked around. He found that Monica was almost the same as him, and she was vomiting, but she just disappeared. He frowned and said, "where's Jimmy?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "I don't know. Should it be washed away by the huge waves?"

Steven was silent for a while. Although he didn't know Jimmy before, he didn't feel sorry or sad for his death. He just felt that human life was like a mole ant under the power of nature. If he didn't, it would be gone. He even didn't have any omen. At the same time, he was glad that his life was so big that he didn't die.

But what makes Stephen more excited is not so. Instead, he sees the island not far in front of him. He points to the front in surprise, so excited that he can't even speak.

At this time, Ye Feng looked in the direction that Stephen pointed to, and then slowly stood up and said, "is it finally here?" Then he asked, "is this Virgil's base?" It's like asking Stephen. It's like talking to yourself.

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