But Stephen said to Ye Feng that he had never been to the so-called Virgil's base camp. His purpose this time is to escort Ye Feng and Monica to come here and immediately return with the plane filled up.

Soon "ship" has floated to the shore, stuck in the shoal reef has been unable to move, Ye Feng immediately untied his rope into the water, at the same time let Monica and Stephen are ready to board.

After Monica unties the rope, she looks at the sea and doesn't want to go down. Ye Feng looks in her eyes and asks, "can't you swim?"

Seeing that Monica nodded, Ye Feng said to her, "come down first, I'll take you ashore!"

Monica hesitated again and again, when a wave came, she stood on the "boat" immediately a instability, almost fell directly.

Although the water here is not very deep, there are reefs everywhere. In case of falling or jumping, it is likely to be directly installed on the reefs. Therefore, when Ye Feng went to the sea, he also slowly put his body in.

After Ye Feng holds Monica, let her probe down slowly, this just a hand drags her hand, begins to swim toward the front.

Obviously, Monica is a little flustered. When she follows Ye Feng, she drinks a few mouthfuls of sea water. Fortunately, it's not too far from the coast. After a while, Ye Feng arrives at the shoal of the coast, and then stands up. The sea water just reaches her waist. Looking back at Monica, she is struggling with her feet.

Ye Feng can't help but smile bitterly. She pulls Monica out of the sea and stands up. Then she says, "don't flutter, it's time!"

As soon as she saw that the sole of her foot had touched the ground, she was completely relieved. Then she burst out laughing, which was also the smile that she had not seen for a long time.

The reason why she laughs is that she has experienced two successive disasters and is lucky to survive. It's a sense of happiness for the rest of her life. In addition, Ye Feng has stood up, and she is still nervous. This kind of mentally retarded plot only seen on TV is actually staged on herself. Thinking of this, Monica can't help laughing Come on.

At this time, Stephen has been the first to the coast, and then directly on the beach, enjoying the warm sunshine bath, if you can, Steven really want to have a good sleep on the beach.

Ye Feng helped Monica to the beach where there was no sea water. Then he sat down and consumed too much physical strength on the sea. The reason why they were able to support themselves to the coast was their desire and willpower to survive. At this time, there was no danger any more. They both had a sense of vanity.

All three of them were motionless on the shore. Although the beach was soft, it had an unprecedented sense of steadiness, which was totally different from the feeling of fatness on the sea.

Ye Feng lies on the beach, looking at the boundless sky and the boundless sea in front of him. Ye Feng ponders for a while. After all, whether this island was the original destination of the plane is still unknown. If it is OK to say, if it is not, then they will face a big problem.

Three people lay there until their clothes were dried, and they even felt that their skin was a little sore. Then they stood up one after another.

Ye Feng noticed that Monica's lips were a little dry and cracked. He immediately realized a problem. They should first find water. Otherwise, not to mention whether this is Virgil's base camp, they might dehydrate and die before they are sure.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Stephen and Monica, "we have to find water, at least some fruit to replenish water!"

Monica and Steven both nodded in agreement. To be honest, they are thirsty now. They can hold on for a while now, but it's not sure how long they can hold on.

The three people were facing the sea before. At this time, they turned their back and looked at the island. They were all shocked. The whole island was OK when they looked at it at sea. At this time, they had a feeling that they didn't know the true face of Lushan Mountain, just because they were in the mountain. The huge mountain behind them was so big that they couldn't see the edge.

At this time, Ye Feng stood in the same place, staring at the mountain for a while. He mainly wanted to see if there were any artificial facilities on the ridge. If there were, it showed that there were people on the island. Even if they were not Virgil's headquarters, they would not encounter too much trouble when they were on the island.

However, when Ye Feng looked around, he found nothing else except the green forest, and suddenly felt cold. However, he didn't show it. He just went to the island now, so it's not appropriate to dampen the enthusiasm of the three people. Moreover, it's only within the scope of visual recognition, which can't be guaranteed under the green shade.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately goes to the mountain in front of him. Seeing this, Stephen and Monica immediately follow up. No matter what old grudges Stephen had with them before, they are all on this desert island. They have a common purpose, and there is one more person, at least one more helper when they have something to do.

All the way forward, but there is no road in the forest. There are weeds and trees everywhere. Ye Feng can only walk in front to explore the way. After walking for more than half an hour, Steven and Monica are already tired. After all, this is not an ordinary road. In addition to climbing the mountain road, you need to pay attention to your feet, push away the weeds, and watch out for sudden accidents Wild animals come out.Fortunately, along the way, in addition to occasionally see a few unknown birds fly away, there are a variety of small insects, and did not find any other beasts, birds of prey and other creatures.

Ye Feng sees that Steven and Monica are out of breath, and they can't go forward alone, so they can't keep up with each other after they break in. Then they will get lost again.

When Ye Feng leans against a tree to have a rest, he asks Steven and Monica to have a rest. At the same time, he looks around to see if there are fruit trees in the trees. Unfortunately, he doesn't find any.

After waiting for Monica and Stephen to have enough rest, they immediately start on the road again. On the way, Stephen asks Ye Feng, "what's our destination?"

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "where is the destination? First find the water source, then find a habitat near the water source, have a rest for a night, prepare food and water, and then go over the mountain to see what the other end of the island looks like, and see if Virgil's base is on the other end of the island."

Stephen can't help nodding when he hears the words. Ye Feng's arrangement is really right. He can't find Virgil's base. Now it's not the first priority. The first priority is really water and food. They have to survive on this island before they can find Virgil's base, although it may not be on this island.

And just then, Monica suddenly exclaimed, "look at that tree. It looks like it has fruit on it!"

Ye Feng and Stephen stopped and looked in the direction of Monica's finger. They saw that there was a tree in the forest with orange red fruits on its branches. It looked a bit like a persimmon, but it was obviously different from a persimmon. No one had seen what it was, let alone what its name was.

Stephen looked at the fruit, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and immediately walked over to the tree. When he got to the tree, he began to pick the fruit from the tree.

Ye Feng and Monica also quickly walk past. As soon as they get to the tree, they see Steven rubbing a fruit on his clothes and biting it.

Ye Feng immediately stopped and said, "don't eat it first. I don't know if the fruit is poisonous or not!"

Steven looked at the fruit in his hand thirstily. It was the feeling of tender and juicy. If he didn't find the fruit, he could at least endure the feeling of thirst. But now the fruit is in his hand. It's hard to resist eating it.

He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what poison can there be?"

But Ye Feng said to Stephen, "if you are not afraid of death and want to drink poison to quench thirst, I will not oppose it. Just give us an experiment to see if there is poison in the end!"

When Stephen heard this, he suddenly looked at Ye Feng in a daze, and then sneered, "what you think is beautiful, I'll do an experiment for you? Testing for you? Don't dream

Then Stephen threw away all the fruit in his hand, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and walked away to one side. But he walked two steps and then turned back. He still couldn't resist the temptation.

Monica was also a little thirsty at this time. She asked Ye Feng, "can't we eat these fruits? Maybe we don't know the fruits on this island. Don't we eat them? "

Steven can't help but move when he hears the words. He immediately says to Monica, "Yeah, maybe we don't know the next fruit. Don't we eat it even if we are thirsty? You eat one. I promise you'll be fine! "

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