Listening to Stephen's words, Monica can't help picking one in her hand and holding it soft. She's afraid that she'll break the skin and drip juice when she makes an effort. Looking at the fruit in her hand, she can't help swallowing.

But Ye Feng said to Monica, "don't listen to him. He wants you to have a try first to see if there is poison." Then he took a look at Stephen.

Stephen shrugged slightly and didn't explain anything. Then he avoided Ye Feng's eyes and looked around aimlessly.

At this time, Monica said to Ye Feng, "I don't think this fruit looks poisonous. Is it OK?"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "fruit can be collected and taken, but we don't eat it until we have to. We'd better find water first!"

Ye Feng took off his coat and tied his collar and sleeve. Then he walked over and picked a lot of fruits from the trees. Then he handed them all to Stephen and said, "you are responsible for bringing the fruits!"

Stephen felt very tired after he was thirsty. He could not help frowning and asked Ye Feng, "why do I take it with me? What do you do? "

Ye Feng said directly to Stephen, "I'm responsible for finding the way. Monica is a woman. Do you want her to take it? If you think it's OK to suffer losses with us, I'll take the fruit, and you don't want to follow us. Find your own way, anyway, your task is over! "

after listening to Ye Feng's words, Stephen's face suddenly changes, and he also thinks that Ye Feng's words are right. Ye Feng wants to find a way. After all, there is no road in the mountain, and if he leaves Ye Feng, he will find a way Maple they, can only one person, at that time estimated that can survive all become a problem.

Thinking of this, Stephen shrugged and said with an embarrassed smile, "I'll take it. Don't be angry!" Said the initiative in the past to take the leaf maple hand fruit, hanging on the shoulder to drag.

Ye Feng looks at Stephen and says nothing. She goes straight ahead, while Monika follows Ye Feng closely. In fact, like Stephen, she feels tired after she feels thirsty. After a few steps, she feels tired.

Ye Feng didn't say a word in his eyes. To be honest, not to mention Monica and Stephen, Ye Feng also felt tired, but the more time he was, the more he couldn't give up. Once he stopped, he would never want to find water again. They had to find water before they couldn't walk away.

After walking for more than half an hour, before Monica said she was tired, Stephen couldn't bear to eat any more. He immediately put down his clothes with fruit and sat down on the ground and said, "I can't walk any more. Take a rest!"

At this time, Stephen was not only out of breath, but also his forehead was full of sweat, which also accelerated the passage of water in his body. Although the mountain forest was not as hot as the sun directly on his body, it was extremely humid, and there was no wind, and a sense of heat followed from beginning to end.

After seeing Stephen sit down, I don't know if it's because of Stephen's reminder. Monica also sat down and said, "take a break. I can't walk any more."

Ye Feng nodded and didn't speak. His eyes were still looking around. At this time, he heard something faintly, but the distance seemed far away. He didn't listen very clearly. He couldn't help walking forward.

And sitting in the back of Stephen then picked up a fruit in his pocket, his mouth seeped, and then he swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He had the feeling of looking forward to the plum to quench his thirst.

At this time, Monica looks at Ye Feng and asks, "where are you going?"

Ye Fengtou also does not return ground to say, "you rest first, I go to the front to see next!"

Monica sighs and wipes the sweat on her forehead. She looks at Steven.

Stephen is also looking at Monica. Seeing that she looks at herself, she immediately smiles at her and says, "are you thirsty?" Then he threw a fruit at Monica and said, "eat it! I've eaten one secretly. Do you think I have something to do? "

As soon as Monica heard this, she looked at Stephen and said, "have you had one?"

Stephen nodded and said, "yes, I'm so thirsty. Can I bear it? I had to carry so many fruits on my back. At that time, I couldn't help it. Thinking that it was better to be poisoned than to be thirsty, I ate one... "

Monica can't help but look at Stephen and say, "is it delicious?"

Stephen shrugged at Monica and said, "it's OK. It's a little sour and a little sweet. There's a lot of juice! It's a bit like a persimmon! " Then he picked up another one, put it in his hand and looked at it, but the rest of his eyes glanced at Monica.

At this time, Monica really picked up the fruit on the ground and looked around. What she thought was that Ye Feng asked her not to eat, so she hesitated again.

Steven saw that Monica didn't want to eat the fruit all the time. He frowned and said, "why don't you eat it?"

Monica said to Stephen, "come on, let's eat when he comes back."

Steven didn't ask for it. He knew that he was too anxious, but it was easy to arouse Monica's suspicion. At this time, he looked at the distance and said in surprise, "what did he do?"Monica shook her head and said she didn't know, but her eyes were still staring at the fruit in her hand and she swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.

Steven looked in his eyes, then weighed the fruit in his hand, stood up and said, "I don't know how long we have to go. If we can't find any more water, we can only eat this fruit tonight. Although it's a little sour, it's juicy, and it can be used as food to satisfy our hunger. Alas, I'm thirsty again, so I'll have another one!"

Then Stephen began to peel the skin of the fruit in his hand. He peeled it very slowly on purpose. As soon as he peeled off a layer of skin, there was juice flowing down the fruit. It was also orange red, and it also had a smell of fruit. Steven really couldn't resist the temptation.

Seeing Stephen like this, Monica began to peel the fruit in her hand. As soon as the skin broke, the aroma of the fruit immediately hit her nose, and the sticky juice flowed down her hand, a cool feeling passed on to her whole body.

Now she's thirsty and hot. How can Monica bear the temptation? She just takes the fruit and sends it to her mouth. But before she can get to her mouth, she hears a familiar voice saying, "what are you doing?"

As soon as Monica heard this, she immediately threw away the fruit. Then she stood up and looked sideways. She saw that ye Fengzheng came back, frowning and looking at her. She explained in a hurry, "Steven has eaten one, and he's all right now!"

Ye Feng said yes, and immediately walked over. But after seeing Stephen look at himself awkwardly, he immediately avoided Ye Feng's eyes, but never spoke.

Ye Feng saw that Stephen also had a peeled fruit in his hand, and immediately said to Stephen, "since you have already eaten one, then you can eat another one!"

But Stephen said, "no No, I'll just have one. There's not much fruit. We need to save some. We don't know how long we'll stay here! "

But Ye Feng looked at Stephen coldly and said, "the fruit in your hand has been peeled. It's bad if you don't eat it. Now eat it immediately!"

Stephen smell speech face suddenly move, looked at the hands of the fruit pulp, which is about to water out, to tell you the truth is really want to eat, but dare not.

Ye Feng sneered at this time and said, "this is the second time. If I find it again, don't follow us!"

Monica is still confused. She looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "what's the matter?"

Ye Feng took a look at Monica and said, "he hasn't eaten it at all. He just lied to you that he had eaten it. He lured you to eat it and tried it for him."

As soon as Monica heard this, her face suddenly moved. Then she looked at Stephen and said, "haven't you eaten?"

Stephen shrugged, threw away the fruit, said nothing, turned and leaned against the tree.

Seeing Stephen's expression and behavior, Monica said nothing, which was tantamount to acquiescence. She was so angry that she said to Stephen, "do you want me to test your poison? You are so vicious in your heart

Steven then forcibly explained, "who knows if this fruit is poisonous? It may be poisonous, but isn't there half a chance that it's not poisonous? And I think you are really thirsty, so... "

After staring at Stephen for a long time, Monica said coldly, "if Virgil knows that you want to hurt me so much, I'll see how you explain!"

As soon as Stephen heard this, his face suddenly changed and he said to Monica, "Miss Monica, I'm wrong. I didn't mean to hurt you, mainly I'm really thirsty. I want to drink water... "

But Monica said angrily, "don't explain. It's no use explaining to me. Save your saliva. When you see Virgil, you can explain to him slowly."

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