Steven didn't speak any more. He knew that the more he explained to Monica at this time, the more she was disgusted with herself. It's better not to say anything.

Ye Feng took a look at it and then said to Monica and Stephen, "there's water ahead. Follow me!"

Originally, Monica and Stephen had a quarrel with each other. When they heard that there was water, they were all in spirits. They immediately followed Ye Feng and walked forward.

Steven, taking advantage of the good news about the water source, wants to explain at this time. Maybe because of the water source, Monica doesn't care about herself when she is happy.

Thinking of Stephen, he immediately said to Monica, "Miss Monica, I'm sorry, I was too thirsty just now, so I didn't know what I was thinking. You have a large number of adults. Don't take it to heart. As long as I'm still on this island, I'm your servant. What do you want me to do

Just as Stephen thought, after hearing the news of water source, Monica was full of joy. She had already forgotten about Steven's harm to herself.

Although the old story that Stephen didn't know the current affairs was brought up again at this time, which made Monika feel a little uncomfortable, she thought that she had been tortured by thirst just now. Maybe after a while, she couldn't figure out what she could do.

After thinking about this, Monica takes a look at Stephen and says, "that's what you said!"

Seeing what Monica said, Stephen immediately said with a smile, "thank you, Miss Monica!"

Just as Stephen wanted to say something else, there was a gurgling stream in Monica's ear, and she said excitedly, "is there really water?"

Ye Feng smiles at Monica and says, "I seem to be cheating you?"

But Monika said with a smile to Ye Feng, "where is it?" Then he quickened his pace and walked forward.

Ye Feng looks back at Stephen, who is also preparing to speed up his pace. He looks at himself and smiles awkwardly at Ye Feng. Then he avoids Ye Feng's eyes and continues to walk forward.

Ye Feng didn't say much. He also heard what Stephen and Monica said just now. Although he thought that the actions made by people like Stephen in his life and death were actually his true nature, he wanted to remind Monica not to believe in Stephen clearly, but he thought that Monica had forgiven him at this time, so it was useless to say more.

In fact, this is not the main reason. At present, no one can say what situation the three people will face when they are on this strange island. One more Stephen is here, or at least one more helper sometimes. I just want to think that the goods are unreliable at the critical time. As long as there is no crisis, this guy should not play too much After all, the goods don't want to stay on the island alone.

After thinking about these things, Ye Feng quickened his pace and followed up. Soon the three of them reached a cliff. There were trees and grass all over the cliff, and it seemed that he could not see the top, nor could he see how high it was.

At the bottom of the cliff, there is a pool about two or three meters. The sound of water is generated by a water column that is like a snake rushing down from the cliff and hitting the water in the pool.

Monica immediately rushed over, squatted down, picked up a handful of water and drank it. Steven also immediately put down his clothes with fruit on his shoulder, rushed over and directly fell on the ground, buried his head in the water and drank it heartily.

Ye Feng didn't go there. When he found the water source just now, he was already full. At this time, he was standing under the cliff and carefully looked at the situation around him.

The water source was found, but there was no way out. They didn't plan to live in this place for a lifetime depending on the water source. Their ultimate goal was to leave here and see if the other side of the cliff was Virgil's base.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that it is not very optimistic. The cliffs around here are like chopping with knives and axes, showing a 90 degree vertical state. The chance of climbing up is almost zero. If you are alone, you may be able to climb up slowly by relying on the trees on the cliffs, but it is still very dangerous.

After all, because it's close to the water source, the cliffs or the trunks of the trees are covered with wet moss. This kind of thing depends on the water and is very slippery. Once it slips down carelessly, it will be broken to pieces. Therefore, Ye Feng will never take this risk until he is sure of the only way out at this time.

Ye Feng looked around and found no other way out. When Monica and Stephen had drunk enough, they sat on the ground on one side satisfied.

Stephen even said with a smile, "after living so long, I'm full of water for the first time!"

Monica takes a look at Stephen, then stands up and looks at Ye Feng. "What are you looking at? Haven't we found water? "

Ye Feng said to Monica, "are you going to spend your life beside this water source?"

As soon as Monica heard this, she was stunned. Stephen on one side stood up and said, "yes, we still have to find a way out!"Then Stephen also looked at the cliff in front of him, and then looked around. Then he said, "it seems that it's almost impossible to pass from here!"

Ye Feng looked like Stephen said, "so what's your idea?"

After pondering for a while, Stephen said to Ye Feng, "I really have an idea. Since it's impossible to pass through the mountain, we'll go along the beach by the sea and bypass the mountain!"

But Monica immediately said, "do you mean to go back? We've all come this far? Go back now? "

Stephen said, "the purpose of our visit is to explore the way and find the water source by the way! Now the source of water has been found, but there is no way out. Do we have to wait here for the mountain to break its own way? "

Monica said to Stephen, "it's not that you can't go back, but the way back is not close, and will there be any more water near the coast? How can we bring the water back here? "

When Stephen heard this, he was speechless. Yes, it was a problem to bring water. They didn't have any utensils to hold water. What if they were thirsty all the way down the mountain? Even if we can insist on not drinking water to the seaside, what should we do next? You should know that the straight line between the two points is the closest, but now they almost have to make a detour on the edge of the island. This is the farthest way to go. They can't go without water. They can't support it.

In fact, Ye Feng also thinks that Stephen's method is feasible. He can't know clearly that it's a way of thinking, and he has to waste time here. But at the same time, water is really a problem. It's very difficult to have nothing to eat for such a long time. If there is no water support, it's impossible to pass.

All three of them fell into a moment of meditation. Ye Feng frowned and thought of a way. He went to the pool. Then he noticed that the water source on the cliff was coming down from the mountain, and it was impossible to see them coming, so he began to release water. The island has existed for tens of thousands of years, and the accumulated water is estimated to be less than that of the Indian Ocean, Can we at least hoard a few lakes?

But there is only a small pool of about three square meters in front of us, and it has not continued to flow down the mountain. Where is the water? Is this pool a bottomless cave? Is the water drained by this pool?

After staring at the pool for a moment, Ye Feng said in his heart that it must be a living pool. There must be a huge underground water source under it. What they see is just the tip of the iceberg that nature is willing to show them.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng turns back to Monica and Stephen and says, "you wait here. I'll go down and have a look!"

When Monica heard this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "go down and have a look? Down the mountain? "

Stephen saw that Ye Feng was standing beside the pool. He frowned at Ye Feng and said, "do you want to have a look at the bottom of the water?"

Ye Feng nodded and said his idea to them. Then he said, "if there is a passage through the cliff under the mountain, we don't have to go so far!"

Then, without waiting for Monica and Stephen to talk, she immediately began to sit on the edge of the pool, and then slowly explored her body. There was no sunshine all the year round. The water was so cold that Ye Feng could not help taking a breath of air-conditioning. After that, she continued to explore her body to the depth of the pool, and soon got under her head.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng immediately plunges down, only to find that the bottom is really deep and bottomless, but it seems that it is so wide that it doesn't have what he thought. When he gets to the bottom, it becomes spacious.

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