Ye Feng continued to dive deep. At this time, he found that there were many unknown fish in the current, each of which was flat and round, the size of a palm. When he felt the change of the current, he immediately scattered.

Seeing this, Ye Feng determined that there must be more space below. These fish are not dead water fish, which shows that his conjecture is correct. This is a pool of live water.

At this time, Ye Feng also found that the more he went down, the larger the space was. After about two or three minutes of diving, he found that there was a deep water without edge, and there seemed to be a little light not far away.

Ye Feng's heart moved, and immediately began to swim toward the light. In the process of swimming, Ye Feng felt the water moving obviously. Soon, Ye Feng reached the bottom of the light, and began to scratch his legs to float up.

After a while, I got to the surface of the water. Then I found that there was a huge cave under the mountain wall, and the light was just a hole in front of me. The light source indicated that it led to the outside.

Ye Feng immediately climbed up, and then climbed out along the hole, but after climbing for less than a minute, he saw that the exit was in front of him. Ye Feng saw that he immediately went out of the hole, and then found that he really reached the other end of the mountain wall.

Ye Feng took a look around, which is a downhill form, which means that as long as they go down the hillside, they can get to the other end of the island.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately went back to the water side of the cave. After taking a deep breath, he immediately swam back to the original road. Until his head leaked out of the water, he took a few breaths.

Stephen and Monica are pushing Ye Feng anxiously at the entrance of the cave. At this time, they can't help but feel relieved to see Ye Feng's head.

Stephen immediately asked Ye Feng, "what's up? What's going on underwater? "

Ye Feng climbed up from the pool and said to Stephen and Monica, "there is a way out under the water, which can lead directly to the other end of the mountain wall. It can save us a lot of distance!"

When Stephen heard this, he clapped his hands excitedly and said, "that's heaven for us!"

At this time, Monica is helpless to look at Ye Feng. Ye Feng looks in her eyes, and then says to Monica, "what's the matter?"

"I can't even swim, let alone dive," she said immediately

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately heart next move, secret way is ah, patronize happy, but forget this stubble, Monica don't know water sex, how can this do?

This underwater suffocation, even if it doesn't stay for a moment, it will take at least ten minutes or so, and she can barely get past it. How can the water-based Monica get past it?

Stephen frowned and said, "what should I do? How far is it down here? "

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "about a kilometer. If you dive, it will take at least ten minutes. Can you do it?"

"Ten minutes?" Stephen said Then he shook his head and said, "I'll hold my breath underwater for about five minutes at most! Ten minutes can't go by! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately heart next move, if Stephen here also can't, that even if found a way out, also useless.

But Ye Feng's heart immediately moved again. He seemed to have completely ignored a problem. Maybe it took him less than ten minutes to go from this pool. At that time, he didn't know what was going on on on the water, so he dived all the way to the hole there.

In fact, there is still a lot of space under the wall of the mountain. The distance from the pool to the other side should be shortened by half. When you get to the underground cave, you can swim on the water. You don't need to dive all the way to the cave entrance.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to Stephen, "no problem, I'm wrong in calculation. There is a natural cave below. As long as you pass the narrow hole under the pool, you can quickly surface. At that time, you just need to swim on the water!"

When Stephen heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "if so, I can still go there!" Then she looked at Monica in disappointment again and said, "but miss Monica didn't like her!"

Monica looked at Stephen and Ye Feng helplessly and said, "if you don't go there by yourself, leave me alone. I'll go back the same way and then walk around the beach!"

Stephen was silent for a while, but he didn't speak. Ye Feng said, "how can we do that? On this island, we must be one. If we want to leave, we should go together. If we want to stay, we should flow together. If we leave anyone behind, we are sending her to death!"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica was moved. Stephen asked her, "five minutes is really fast. Do you want to have a try?"

Monica takes a guilty look at Stephen, then looks at Ye Feng and says, "do you think I'm ok?"

Ye Feng looked at Monica hesitantly at this time. After a long time, he said to Monica, "come with me!" Then he went to the pool.

After Monica followed, Ye Feng pointed to the pool and said to Monica, "now you bury your head to hold your breath and see how long you can hold it?"

Monica smell speech to see a leaf maple, then squat down body to see a pool, then head buried in.Ye Feng helps Monica to start counting seconds, and then squats down slowly. In more than two minutes, Monica is ready to raise her head, but Ye Feng reaches out to hold her head and doesn't let her get up.

Seeing this, Monica immediately splashed the water with her hands until there were bubbles in the water. Ye Feng released her hand.

Monica suddenly looked up, then gasped, staring at Ye Feng and said, "do you want to suffocate me?"

Ye Feng said to Monica, "to challenge your limit, you have broken through three minutes! I think you can break through! "

Monica can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. "I've been holding it for three minutes?"

Ye Feng shrugged, "the specific time is not clear, I read seconds in my heart, maybe longer than this, but at least three minutes!"

Monica looks at Ye Feng in surprise, then takes two deep breaths and says, "I'll try again!"

Ye Feng nodded to Monica, but saw that she immediately took a deep breath and buried her head in the water.

Ye Feng still put her hand on Monica's head this time, but she didn't make any effort. Just now, all of a sudden, Monica was unprepared. In fact, she wasted a lot of oxygen underwater. This time, she was ready in her heart, and maybe she could stick to it for a longer time.

Sure enough, about three minutes later, Monica is still lying there. Ye Feng looks at her and continues to count the seconds in her heart. It's not until four minutes later that Monica's head begins to lift up. Ye Feng uses a little bit of strength to hold down her head.

And this time, as expected, with the preparation in mind, Monica did not toss around like the last time, but tried to hold her breath and slowly spit out.

Ye Feng looked at the blisters on the water and waited for about 15 seconds before he released his hand. However, he didn't see Monica raise her head. His heart was suddenly cold and he immediately pulled up Monica. But he saw that her eyes were closed and she didn't feel anything.

Ye Feng see this, immediately straight will Monica back in his shoulder, hard jump, then let Monica's abdomen in his shoulder bumped a few times.

At this time, but see Monica suddenly wow, spit out a saliva, and then is coughing, Ye Feng this just put Monica on the ground way, "no, come out, don't force, this is not once or twice can extend the time!"

Monika's cough tears are coming out, and then she reaches out and wipes the water on her face. Then she says to Ye Feng, "I don't want to delay you. How many minutes have you just had?"

Ye Feng then said to Monica, "it's been four minutes!"

Stephen came up and said, "four minutes should be enough, right?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "not enough! Don't forget, she doesn't know how to swim at all. Once she gets into the water, she has to rely on us to drag her forward, which will take at least 30 seconds! "

When Stephen heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "I'm going to drag her, too? Then I don't have enough time? "

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "the error is about half a minute. There shouldn't be any problem. At that time, even if the brain is short of oxygen, I can save you!"

Stephen can't help but look at Ye Feng hesitantly. He feels that it's very unreliable. It's hard to say whether she can be rescued if she is in a coma like Monica just now. Moreover, Steven clearly knows that once she and Monica are in a coma, Ye Feng will definitely save Monica first, which will delay her time and increase her risk factor .

Ye Feng ignores Stephen, but says to Monica, "you have a rest first. We're not in a hurry. After you can hold your breath for five minutes, we'll go into the water!"

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