Listening to what Ye Feng said, Monica nodded to Ye Feng and sat by the pool, looking at the water in the pool blankly. She thought that once she failed the test, she would be a burden to Ye Feng. She didn't want to be a burden to Ye Feng.

After a short rest, Monica immediately began to take the initiative to bury her head in the water to hold her breath, and even I didn't need Ye Feng to help her read the seconds.

When Stephen saw Monica training there again and again, he didn't break through five minutes. Moreover, even this kind of vital capacity training can't be achieved just by holding his breath for a while and a half.

While Monica is holding her breath, Stephen whispers to Ye Feng, "why don't I go down to see the situation first, and you accompany her in this training!"

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Stephen. He knows in his heart that Stephen is worried that he will ask him to take Monica with him at that time, delay his own time, and cause his life to be in danger.

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. He nodded and said to Stephen, "if you can touch the exit at one time, you can go down!"

On hearing this, Stephen's face could not help but move. His time under the water is limited. If he knows the clear direction, he will save a lot of time. However, if he completely relies on himself to touch it, it is estimated that he will waste a lot of time under the water. Once he is trapped under the water, even if he wants to look back, it will be too late.

Thinking of this, Stephen also knows that since Ye Feng said so, he will not tell him the situation at the bottom of the water, forcing himself to stay with him and wait for Monica.

Stephen shrugged and said, "I just have this suggestion. If you don't agree, I won't go down!"

Ye Feng hasn't said a word yet. Monica over there suddenly looks up from the water and says to Ye Feng breathlessly, "I just counted for five minutes! I've passed five minutes! "

But Stephen looked at Monica suspiciously and said, "it's impossible. How long has it been?" I'm still thinking that if it's feasible, I'll keep suffocating in the future. Maybe I can practice at the bottom of the water all day.

Ye Feng then walked to Monica, looked at her and said, "are you sure you have passed five minutes? This is not for fun

Monica frowned at Ye Feng and said, "don't you believe me?"

After staring at Monica for a long time, Ye Feng said, "I believe you!"

After hearing the speech and nodding, Monica said to Ye Feng, "then we're going down now?"

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, and then said to Monica and Stephen, "I'll go down first, then Monica, and finally Steven. After you go down, follow me immediately. Don't lose me. It's not a joke. Once you lose me, you may not be able to get out!"

Steven didn't say a word, and Monica also took a deep breath. Although she could hold her breath for about five minutes, after all, holding her breath and diving were two concepts, which made her nervous.

Ye Feng takes a look at Monica at this time. What he worries about most is Monica. After all, Steven knows water, and even if he doesn't, Ye Feng doesn't take him seriously. Even if he loses his life below, Ye Feng doesn't care.

It's Monica. After all, her life and death are related to the lives of Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, so she must not have an accident.

Ye Feng looked at Monica and said, "when you are ready, tell me. When I get down, you will follow me immediately!"

Monica nodded immediately, reached out and stroked her chest, breathed heavily, finally closed her mouth and nodded to Ye Feng, "I'm ready!"

Ye Feng took another look at Monica, and immediately said to Stephen, "after Monica goes down, you also follow him immediately!"

Stephen nodded to Ye Feng, but he didn't speak. Ye Feng had gone directly into the water, but only his neck was on the water. After taking a deep breath, he immediately began to dive.

When Monica saw Ye Feng go down, she didn't know why she was nervous again, but she went to the edge of the pool and slowly pushed her body down.

After entering the water, Monica's hand was clinging to the edge of the pool. After taking several deep breaths, she let go of her hand and let her body slide down the cave.

Ye Feng is already waiting for Monica in the water at this time. After seeing her coming down, she swims over immediately, grabs her hand and takes her to dive deep into the water.

At this time, I heard a "plop" in my ear. I knew that Stephen should also be in the water, and then I swam in the established direction. After a while, Stephen had already dived to the side of Ye Feng and Monica.

Ye Feng immediately points to Monica and asks Stephen to pull her forward. Steven can't help but reach out to hold her other hand and follow Ye Feng to dive forward.

After about two minutes, the light of the front hole was visible from the bottom of the water. When Stephen saw it, he immediately released Monica's hand and began to swim towards the light.

Ye Feng looked in his eyes and didn't say anything. After all, under the water, he couldn't do anything about Stephen. At this time, he looked back at Monica.But at this time, Monica's eyes are wide open, and the corner of her mouth has begun to bubble. As Ye Feng expected, once she enters the bottom, the water pressure will affect the total length of time.

In fact, Ye Feng knows that if you really synthesize them together, it will be enough to go from the pool to the outlet in three minutes. But for one thing, Monica doesn't know the nature of water. For another thing, the water pressure in deep water will also affect the time.

And Monica is a combination of these two situations. After all, she can't swim. Coupled with the effect of water pressure, the interaction of these two situations will hinder the time even more.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He pulled Monica towards him and held her hand tightly. He motioned to her not to worry too much. He would take her away from here.

Originally, Monica had been under the water for a long time, and she was a little flustered. In addition, Stephen suddenly took off his hand and swam away by himself. Steven was worried that he would delay a lot of time when he left, and his heart would be even worse.

But at this time, Ye Feng's action really calms Monica's heart. She nods to Ye Feng and says she's OK.

Ye Feng immediately pulls Monica to swim forward, and the light in front of her becomes bigger and bigger. Ye Feng estimates the approximate distance and position when she came once before.

After a while, he began to go upstream. However, when he got close to the water, he found that there was still a stone wall above his head. He was obviously wrong in his estimation.

But Monika saw that Ye Feng began to float up with her. She was about to arrive at her destination, and she began to breathe out of her mouth. However, when she got to the top, she found that there was no water at all. She was in a panic and drank a drink.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately pulls Monica to the bottom of the water. She can't swim too close to the stone wall. This will cause her back and Monica to collide with the stone wall. Even if they don't collide, it's easy to make a cut on it.

Ye Feng pulls Monica to continue to swim forward, while feeling the bubbles constantly emerging between the mouth and nose of Monica on one side, knowing that Monica can't support much time.

Ye Feng immediately changed his breath and continued to pull Monika forward. Soon he saw that she could come out of the water less than 10 meters in front of her, and immediately swam toward her.

At this time, Stephen has arrived at the entrance of the cave, and without the burden of Monica, he went to the entrance of the cave very smoothly. Sitting at the entrance of the cave, he couldn't help panting. Looking back at Ye Feng and Monica in the water, he couldn't help bubbling up. He couldn't help but move. After a few breaths, he immediately jumped into the water and began to face Ye Feng and Monica While swimming, after breathing, it's much easier to go back to save Ye Feng and Monica, and then we have to count on Ye Feng. He has to go into the water to save them.

Very soon, Stephen is next to Ye Feng and Monica. He reaches out and grabs Monica's other hand. However, he finds that Monica seems to be unconscious. When he looks back, he finds that Monica has already closed her eyes and her mouth is still bubbling.

Steven can't think much. He and Ye Feng pull Monica out of the water. After a few breaths, he looks back at Monica and says to Ye Feng, "she's choking!"

Ye Feng even took a few breaths. Then he looked back at Monica. He didn't say anything. He dragged her to the cave.

After arriving at the entrance of the cave, Ye Feng climbs onto the bank, pulls Monica up and puts her flat at the entrance of the cave. Then he tests her breath.

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