After Ye Feng tests Monica's breath, his face moves slightly. She has no breath at all. He immediately goes to check her pulse and finds that her pulse is almost gone.

After standing on one side and looking at Monica, Stephen said to Ye Feng, "is she OK?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately put Monica on her back and climbed out toward the cave. The space inside was too small to give first aid.

After Ye Feng climbs to the cave with Monica on his back, he carries her on his shoulder and runs straight ahead. After a long run, he immediately starts to run back. However, Monica still doesn't respond.

Ye Feng didn't give up at all. He continued to run back and forth with Monica on his shoulder. Seeing this, Stephen on one side said to Ye Feng, "no help! Give up

Ye Feng then puts down Monica, grabs her two feet, hangs her directly behind her back, grabs her from the front, bends her legs to the front, and continues to run back and forth.

Stephen saw that Ye Feng still didn't want to give up. Then he shook his head and sat on the ground to rest. He knew that it was useless to persuade Ye Feng. When Ye Feng was tired, he naturally stopped.

Ye Feng keeps running back and forth like this. Stephen looks in his eyes and sighs. Monica is dead. I don't know how Virgil will deal with Ye Feng. Anyway, it has nothing to do with him. Ye Feng insists on letting Monica go into the water.

And at this time, Ye Feng has run all over the body have no strength, but still did not stop the meaning.

Stephen sees in the eye, this just persuades Ye Feng way again, "forget it? You've tried your best. I don't think you can do it if you haven't responded for so long! "

Ye Feng then stares at Stephen, who immediately turns his head and doesn't say a word. What do you like.

Ye Feng then continued to run with her upside down Monika on her back. Suddenly, she heard Monika cough. Ye Feng then stopped and asked Steven, "she just coughed. How's she doing?"

Steven also heard the sound of Monica's cough, and his face changed. He immediately turned to look at her, but saw that her mouth was spitting water, but her eyes were still closed.

Stephen immediately said to Ye Feng, "he's already spitting out water!"

Ye Feng immediately wants to run with Monica on his back, but Stephen immediately walks over and says, "you're tired, too. I'll continue!"

Ye Feng takes a look at Stephen, but he is not polite to Stephen. He immediately gives Monica to Stephen and lets him continue to run.

Ye Feng is sitting on the side of the road to rest, while looking at Monica behind Stephen. At this time, she sees that Monica's body suddenly moves, immediately coughs again, and a lot of water gushes out of her mouth from time to time.

After Stephen ran back and forth for another four or five reincarnations, Monica coughed, not only in her mouth, but also in her nose, and soon opened her eyes.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately stops Stephen, and then goes to lift Monica to lie on the ground. He takes a look at the pale face of Monica and says, "are you ok?"

At this time, Monica still coughed, her eyes were red, and her tears came down with her nose. After a while, she wiped her face and waved to Ye Feng, saying that she was OK.

Ye Feng is completely relieved, and Stephen is also relieved. After all, he let go of Monica's hand before. Although Ye Feng didn't say it, he knows that Ye Feng must have written it down. If Monica really died, maybe Ye Feng will find himself.

Now anyway, I've done my part to save Monica, and she's awake. Maybe Ye Feng has forgotten what happened before.

Ye Feng then sat on the side of Monica, stretched out his thumb toward her and said, "you have broken through your limit!"

Monica lay on the ground and looked at Ye Feng. After a long time, she didn't speak. She just walked around the gate of death. So far, Monica still feels like she's in the dark.

After a long time, Monica sat up and looked at Ye Feng. Then she said, "thank you. You saved me again!"

Ye Feng shrugs his shoulders and doesn't speak. Seeing this, Stephen immediately walks over to Monica and Ye Feng and says, "Miss Monica, I helped you just now..."

Just as he was saying that, when his feet were empty, his whole body soared into the air. Stephen was scared and yelled.

Ye Feng and Monica both changed their faces, but before they could relax, they saw that Stephen had hung upside down in the air and stopped.

Ye Feng takes a closer look and finds that Stephen's foot is caught by a rope. His heart suddenly moves. This is obviously an artificial trap.

Before Ye Feng could figure out what was going on, he saw behind another tree, and suddenly a few sharp pieces of wood bumped into Stephen.

Stephen hung in mid air and kept spinning. When he saw that the stake hit him, he was scared and yelled again. Once he was hit by this thing, he would die.When Ye Feng saw this, he jumped up and reached for Stephen directly. He took him to one side, and the several pieces of sharp wood tied together immediately crashed into the tree trunk on one side, and the bark on the tree trunk was knocked out.

After Ye Feng and Stephen swing to one side, he immediately hooks a tree with his legs. When the pile behind him comes to reverberate and stops, he releases his legs and jumps down.

But Stephen said to Ye Feng, "help me down!"

At this time, Ye Feng didn't care about Stephen. He was surprised why there were artificial traps in this place, and it was the oldest way.

Just thinking about it, I heard the rustling sound from the bushes in the distance, and Ye Feng frowned slightly.

At this time, Monica immediately stood up. Hearing the rustling sound, she immediately thought of meeting the wolf in the forest outside the Angolan prison and became nervous again.

But Ye Feng stood in the same place and didn't move. At this time, he heard a flute sound, from far to near, and the transmission was very fast.

When Ye Feng hasn't slowed down, he sees a thing flying towards him in front of him. Ye Feng suddenly feels awe inspiring and immediately jumps to avoid it.

As soon as Monica stood up, she saw a shadow flash away on her side. Then she heard a dull sound and the sound of the flute stopped. When she looked at it, she saw an arrow in a tree on one side.

Ye Feng also saw clearly, and immediately understood what was going on. At this time, a signal arrow was hollowed out on the shoulder. When it was shot, due to the air flow, the arrow would cut through the sky like a whistle.

Ye Feng immediately ran to Monica, immediately pressed her to squat down and said, "don't stand up to be a live target!"

But Monika looked at Ye Feng with a puzzled face and said, "what's the matter? Who will shoot at us? "

Ye Feng hasn't answered yet. Stephen, who is suspended in the air, says in a loud voice to Ye Feng, "help me down quickly!"

Steven also saw the flying arrow just now. He knew that if he was hung so high, he would easily become a live target of others, which was very dangerous.

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, but jumped up and grabbed Stephen, and then climbed up along him until his hand could reach Stephen's step. Then he stopped and began to help Stephen untie the rope on his ankle.

And at this time, it was a few swish, a few arrows flew directly from Ye Feng's side.

Ye Feng recognized the direction of the other side's archery, and knew it in his heart. When he heard the whoosh sound again, he immediately shook Stephen and let Stephen's body block in front of him.

Stephen knew Ye Feng's intention, and immediately yelled, but Ye Feng didn't care about him at all. At this time, he helped Stephen untie the rope on his feet, and immediately they fell to the ground together. At the moment when they fell to the ground, another arrow came and hit Stephen's butt.

Steven immediately snorted. Before he could cry for pain, he and Ye Feng fell to the ground directly. Ye Feng's feet were down. As soon as he landed, he immediately rolled to reduce the impact.

But Stephen's head is down, boom, feel head a Meng, for a long time did not come back to God, fortunately the ground is full of dead leaves and soil, hardness is not enough, otherwise his head would have bloomed.

At the same time, the rustling sound in the woods was getting closer and closer, and it seemed to come from all directions. Without waiting for the three people to react, they saw seven or eight people in the bushes.

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