When Ye Feng looked at them carefully, they all wore strange clothes. Almost all of them were pants woven with leaves, grass and rattan, which wrapped the lower part of the body, while the upper part was covered with various colors. On the top of the head, there was a ring woven with grass and rattan, on which stood a feather of unknown birds.

When Monica saw these people, she could not help taking a breath and instinctively stepped back. These people had quickly surrounded the three people, and everyone had bows and arrows in their hands, and others had short crossbows in their hands. All the arrows were on the string. As long as they slightly moved, they might shoot.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly cools. It's not that he is afraid of these wild aborigines. If there are aborigines on this island, it means that this island may not be the island where Virgil's base is located. After all, Virgil has modern military weapons, so it's impossible for these aborigines to exist.

The group of aborigines saw that none of the three people moved. Then one of them, with a special feather on his head, said a lot of words to the other aborigine. The aborigine immediately took out a rope from his waist and went to Ye Feng. The three of them tied their hands together with a rope.

As soon as the leader waved his hand, all the aborigines put down their weapons. Then the aborigine pulling the rope pulled the three people forward.

Stephen followed Ye Feng and said in a low voice, "with your and my skills, it's not a problem to subdue these aborigines just now, is it? Why don't you resist? "

Ye Feng Wen Yan then looked back at Stephen, but Stephen said, "yes, it shouldn't be a problem, then why don't you resist?"

Stephen was immediately asked by Ye Feng and was speechless. In fact, when he appeared from the aborigines, he completely relied on Ye Feng to do it. As long as Ye Feng did it, let alone the chance of winning was very high. Even if he couldn't win in the end, he could escape, but he didn't think that Ye Feng would resist.

Monica then whispered to Ye Feng, "who are these people? Where are we going? What shall we do? "

Ye Feng said to Monica, "we don't know who they are. Let's follow them to see where they are taking us. Let's see how many of them are and whether there are ways to get in touch with the outside world."

After hearing this, Monica nodded. At this time, she saw a aborigine in front of her suddenly turn back and yell at the three people fiercely. She also pulled out a prop that looked like some kind of animal bone from her waist and raised it to the three people, as if to signal them not to speak secretly.

All of them stopped talking. They followed the aborigines in front of them. At first, there were weeds all over the road. After walking for a while, Ye Feng found that there were no weeds on the ground. It was obvious that they had been cleared away, and there were one or two smooth stones buried in the ground every three or five times. These were obviously man-made.

In other words, these roads were repaired by these aborigines, which also shows that these Aborigines have been on the island for a long time, even longer than they thought.

Soon Ye Feng saw that there were many houses made of tree trunks and grass vines in front of him, one by one, all over the mountainside.

Moreover, when we arrived nearby, we found that there were artificial fences, which surrounded the whole village in the middle, and also made it into a horse resisting shape. The protruding wood was cut sharp, which should be to prevent wild animals. This shows that there must be wild animals on this island, but fortunately they didn't meet them.

After entering the village, the people in the whole village were dressed like these aborigines. Even the women's upper body had no shelter. They were not shy to see the men, or even the three strangers. They even stood still and stared at them.

The obvious difference between the female and the male aborigines is that they don't have the colorful things on their bodies, and they look much cleaner. From the characteristics of these women, Ye Feng can see that these aborigines should be Asians, but their skin is a little darker than that of Asians. After all, this island is in the Indian Ocean and belongs to the south It's in the tropics.

In the center of the village is a large open space. In the middle of the open space stands a piece of wood several tens of meters high. Ye Feng, Monica and Stephen are brought to the wood, and then tied to it by the aborigines.

Before Ye Feng was tied up, he found that there were blood stains on the bottom of the wood, and the color of the ground was obviously different from that of other places. It was dark black, which should be caused by other liquid flowing into the ground for a long time. If Ye Feng guessed correctly, it should be blood.

Ye Feng can make such a judgment, mainly because the smell of blood here is very heavy, and the wood is full of flies.

After the three people were tied up, the aborigines who captured them walked away. No one paid attention to them at all, but the women and children in the village who occasionally passed by would look at them more.

Monica said to Ye Feng nervously, "what should we do?"

Stephen also asked Ye Feng anxiously, "what do these people want to do to us?"Ye Feng didn't say anything, but he kept staring at the village and looked around. He found that the buildings in the village seemed to be in disorder, but secretly they were extremely regular. They all formed a kind of natural circle with the stake behind them as the center.

At this time, a group of Aborigines were coming here in the distance. One of them was a man in his forties. The grass and rattan ring on his head was different from other aborigines. The other aborigines had a feather, but his head had two short and one long feathers, so he should have a special status.

A group of people quickly came to Ye Feng and the three of them. All the aborigines surrounded Ye Feng and them in the middle. They didn't know if they were fierce and weird because they had painted all kinds of colors on their bodies and faces.

Especially the guy with three feathers, a pair of eyes as if to see something strange, bright, and his eyes are deep, but the eyes are a little protruding, making his eyes look more terrible.

The three feathers stare at Yefeng and the three of them, and they also circle around Yefeng and the three of them. Finally, they stop in front of Monica and say a lot of incomprehensible words on their mouths. Suddenly, the aborigines around them roar with excitement.

Seeing the aborigines' eyes staring at her, Monica became nervous and scared. She kept saying to the three feathers, "what do you want to do?"

At this time, the three feathers immediately stepped back. At the same time, two aborigines immediately walked towards Monica, one of them with a bone blade in his hand.

Seeing this, Monica immediately yells. Although Ye Feng's body is tied, his legs can still move. As soon as the guy with the bone blade comes to Monica's side, he immediately kicks the bone blade in his hand.

The onlookers saw this and immediately yelled, while the aborigines who were kicked by Ye Feng immediately glared at Ye Feng, and their eyes were full of murderous.

Ye Feng at this time immediately loud way, "what do you have to rush me, deal with a woman, calculate what ability?"

The onlookers kept clamoring, but the three feathers suddenly raised his hand. All the natives stopped talking and looked at the three feathers.

At this time, the three feathers slowly came to Ye Feng and stretched out their hands to Ye Feng, but Ye Feng didn't resist.

But the three feathers reached out and grabbed Ye Feng's chin, twisted it up, even put his head close to Ye Feng, staring at Ye Feng's eyes, which were so terrible that he even had a strong smell of sweat, especially pungent. I don't know how long he hadn't taken a bath.

Ye Feng hummed coldly at this time, "it's no use looking at me!"

At this time, the three feathers released their hands and stood in front of Ye Feng, pacing back and forth for some time. Then they looked at Ye Feng and said, "where are you from?"

Ye Feng, Monica, and Stephen are all shocked to hear that this Aboriginal leader can speak standard English?

Three feathers see Ye Feng with surprised eyes looking at himself, this just a cold smile way, "how? Are you surprised that I can speak your language? "

Steven then immediately explained to the three feathers, "we had an air crash and escaped to this island. We didn't have any threat. We just passed by!"

Then the three feathers took a look at Stephen, pondered for a long time, and then said, "air crash? Passing by? "

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