Steven nodded and said, "it's great that you can understand and speak English. We don't have any malice. We are just victims. We need help. After we can get in touch with the outside world, we will leave this island. We won't cause any nuisance to you."

After listening to what Stephen said, the three feathers frowned at him for a long time and then said slowly, "do you still want to get in touch with the outside world? I'm afraid you can't live without it! "

When Stephen heard this, he suddenly changed his face and said, "why? We just want to go home! No nuisance to you

Three feathers sneered, "we were told that many years ago, but what happened? Our people were slaughtered by them. Our people now are all the survivors of that massacre. Do you think we will believe what you said? "

Stephen was puzzled and said, "people many years ago? Did anyone land on this island many years ago? "

Three feathers said, "this island is not our original home. We fled here from another island. Although our island was not as big as it is now, we lived a peaceful life. However, we were invaded by a group of people like you. After they landed on the island, they said they just wanted to investigate on the island. But what happened, Our village was burned down, villagers were slaughtered, countless people were killed, families were destroyed, and then more people like you landed on the island. They arrested us as coolies and strong men, helped them build some strange buildings on the island, and finally we became their test objects! "

When he said that, the eyes of the three feathers were already a little red. Then he wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he snapped at Steven and the three of them, "since we landed on this island, we have made a rule. As long as people outside the island enter the island where we live, they will be brought here to be executed. If I remember correctly, you will be killed It's going to be 105106 and 107! "

Steven could not help but move when he heard that, that is to say, these aborigines had already executed 104 people on this side of the stake before them.

Ye Feng said to the three feathers, "where is your original island? How far is it from the island? "

Three feathers a listen to this words, can't help but eyebrow a frown ground looking at leaf maple way, "you inquire about this to do what?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I have friends tied to that place, I want to save them!"

Three feathers listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help staring at Ye Feng to see for a long time, just half doubt tunnel, "do you have a friend tied to that?"

Ye Feng solemnly nodded his head and said, "yes, so from a certain point of view, I am the same as you, but you choose to escape, but I choose to attack!"

As soon as Stephen heard this, he was shocked. Ye Feng had said it well. This can make these aborigines find the same points in them. Maybe they feel that they are all victims, and then they will be released.

But in the end, Ye Feng is obviously stimulating the three feathers. Isn't it aggravating the contradiction? If the three feathers can't bear the stimulation, how can they be killed immediately? Think of Stephen coughing, trying to remind Ye Feng not to talk.

Sure enough, as soon as the three feathers heard this, they suddenly looked at Ye Feng angrily and said, "do you mean we are cowards?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "what is not a coward? Because you are afraid that things happened in those years will happen again and more than 100 lives will be killed innocently. That's because you are afraid that they will hurt you. So no matter who the other party is, you will kill them all. You dare not take back your lost home, but you are killing innocents here. What's a coward? I can't think of a better adjective to describe you

Stephen heard Ye Feng say so, immediately said in a loud voice, "you shut up, don't say, you don't want to live?"

At this time, the three feathers grabbed Ye Feng's collar, pulled Ye Feng to himself, and said, "if you have seed, say it again!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's true. Even if you say it ten thousand times, it's true. You're cowards!"

Stephen heard Ye Feng say so and kept saying, "you're crazy, you're going to kill you! You're killing me

Three feathers stare at Ye Feng for a long time, then loosen Ye Feng's collar and sneer, "you know those people's weapons are not the same as ours. We are not their opponents at all. We are not cowardly. We are for our village and our ethnic group to continue!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's nothing wrong with this. You can live happily, but even if your whole ethnic group prospers in the future, this bloody history can't be wiped out!"

Three feathers immediately interrupted Ye Feng's words in a loud voice, "no one wants to erase this history. This history is engraved in the bones of our people, and this hatred flows in the blood of everyone in our village. We are not without revenge. We are looking for opportunities and waiting for opportunities!"

But Ye Feng said immediately, "don't wait, your opportunity and opportunity have come!"Three feathers a listen to this words, can't help staring at Ye Feng to see after a long time, cold hum a way, "you say of opportunity and opportunity, refer to you?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's obvious! We're here for them! "

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, the three feathers sneered, "there were more than 30000 people in our whole ethnic group in those years. They were not their rivals. What can you do with just three people?"

But Ye Feng said to the three feathers, "revenge doesn't have to rely entirely on force. Sometimes it depends on wisdom. And to say the least, you are alone on this desert island and isolated from the world. Do you know what the outside world looks like? Even if those people's high-end weapons fall into your hands, will you use them? "

Three feathers sneer, "you mean guns?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, but he hears three feathers saying, "I know what you said. The technology of your outside world is changing with each passing day. You even have weapons that can make our whole island disappear. I'm not ignorant..."

Listen to three feathers say so, but Ye Feng frowned at three feathers and said, "have you ever been to the outside world?"

After pondering for a while, the three feathers said, "I was originally a person from the outside world. Like you, I was exiled to the previous island after an air crash. Then I got to know these people and gradually became a member of them. I lived, grew up and even had my own family there. I like the life here very much. The people here are very pure, although they are very beautiful However, there are occasional fights, but the solutions are very simple, just a fight can be solved, and the losers also admit defeat, not scheming, so I would rather live here, here is my home! They are all my family

Ye Feng looked at the three feathers and found that he was not exactly the same as these aborigines except for his dark skin.

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the three feathers said, "since you dare to settle accounts with them, it seems that you are not a simple person. You look down on my people, but why did you catch them? You're just trying to trick me into letting you go, aren't you

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly moved his body, tied the rope of his body, and immediately fell to the ground. Then he quickly took his hand, immediately pinched the throat of three feathers, and pulled him to his side,.

Seeing this, the other aborigines around them suddenly burst into a frenzy and yelled at Ye Feng, each with a murderous face. It was as if if if ye Feng dared to move three feathers and one hair, they could swallow him in the next life.

At this time, three feathers also realized that Ye Feng was not simple. He immediately waved his hand and told the aborigines not to act rashly in vernacular. At the same time, he said to Ye Feng, "you have this skill. Why do you pretend to be captured? What's your purpose? "

Ye Feng said to the three feathers, "to tell you the truth, we thought this island was the one we were going to, so I want to follow you to see what's going on! But now that you have said that there is another island, there is no need for me to disguise! "

The three feathers immediately said, "do you really want to go to that island to find your friends?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I can break your neck at any time now. I don't have to lie to you. You can tell me where the island is. Let's find it by ourselves."

After pondering for a long time, the three feathers said to Ye Feng, "let me go first. If it's really like what you said, I can tell you where the island is, and even provide you with boats!"

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