Ye Feng didn't say much, so he let go of his hand, and the three feathers coughed a few times. At this time, the aborigines saw that the three feathers were not in danger, and immediately took out the bone blade of their waist. Some people even began to string the crossbow, and they were about to rush towards Ye Feng.

Stephen secretly scolds Ye Feng as a fool. He is a liar. How can he be fooled by others? You have hostages in your hands. Of course, they will promise you everything. Now that you release the hostages, they will come to you to fight for you.

At this time, the three feathers waved their hands and said something out loud. The aborigines looked at the three feathers in surprise, but still put down the fog in their hands.

After the three feathers immediately said something to the aborigines, the aborigines immediately looked at Ye Feng. After the three of them had a look, they scattered.

When Stephen and Monica saw that the Aborigines were all scattered, they breathed a sigh in their hearts, and the secret way was not dangerous.

And three feathers came to help Stephen and Monica loosen the rope, and then said to Ye Feng, "I believe what you said is true, you can help us recapture our island!"

Stephen then moved his hands and feet and said to the three feathers, "can I help you get the island back? What are our advantages? "

"What do you think?" said Monica And then he glared at Stephen.

Stephen shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's just an embarrassing atmosphere. When you think I don't exist, I'll say it casually."

The three feathers frowned slightly. After pondering for a long time, they said to Ye Feng, "as long as you can help us take back the island, I can give you the position of chief!"

Ye Feng smell speech then toward three feather way, "come on, I have no interest to these, I originally have private grudge with them, help you also incidentally, is not sincere!"

Three feathers listen to Ye Feng say so, can't help nodding toward Ye Feng, "you are a sincere person, not in order to get out of trouble, to answer me what, so I believe you more!"

Just at this time, a woman with bare upper body came up, stood on one side of the three feathers and said something. The three feathers immediately nodded, and then said to Ye Feng, "I have prepared a grand reception for the three distinguished guests, please do appreciate it!"

Ye Feng shrugged and followed the three feathers to the end of a road. There was a building which was obviously different from other wooden houses. It looked bigger and higher.

Stephen and Monica are following Ye Feng. Stephen whispers to Monica at this time, "what kind of feast can we have on this poor island without shit?"

After listening to what Stephen said, Monica didn't pay any attention to him. She just glared at him and walked quickly to Ye Feng's side. Seeing that, she shrugged and didn't speak any more.

At this time, the three feathers are introducing the history of their tribe to Ye Feng. During the conversation, Ye Feng knows that the chief's name is zhalunpeng. He used to be a Thai, but his ancestors are from South Fujian, China. The original situation is no longer remembered. The name of this tribe is Shawang. Before, their island was called Suxi Island, and now the island is called mengchai island.

Zhalong Peng learned the Shawang language only after he came to this island. People here have been isolated from the world, and they usually live by hunting. There is no technology at all. Even tools are made of the oldest bone. However, after Zhalong Peng came here, there were some changes. At that time, the Shawang people lived in caves, and he led them away from the mountains They began to build houses with trees, taught them to make bows and crossbows, and even taught them to keep some animals and birds in captivity. Therefore, after the death of the old chief, the people elected Zhalong Peng as the new chief, which has been more than ten years.

While they were talking, they were already in front of the largest building. At the door of the building, there were two rows of women kneeling on their knees. Behind the women stood two rows of men with long wooden hair.

Zhalunpeng took Ye Feng and the three of them into the door. It was like a small auditorium. There were wooden tables in it, and even the floor was paved with wood. Although it was not processed, it looked high and uneven, it must have been the highest standard for their tribe.

After entering the auditorium, Zha lunpeng asked the three to sit down. The tables here are not high, and there are no stools. Obviously, the so-called sitting down is sitting directly on the ground.

Zha lunpeng himself went to the master's seat and sat down on his knees. He took a look at Ye Feng, Monica and Stephen. After they sat down, he clapped his hands and said a word of savant.

After a while, a row of women came in with wooden plates and basins in their hands, which contained all kinds of fruits. After they put them down in front of the three people and Zhalong Peng, they immediately went out again.

Seeing this, Stephen sneered. The secret way is really rich. However, when he saw a fruit in the fruit plate, he immediately picked it up to have a look. Isn't it the persimmon like fruit that Ye Feng has been trying to prevent?

Stephen immediately picked up the fruit and said to Zhalong Peng, "is this fruit poisonous?"

As soon as Zhalong Peng heard this, his face suddenly moved. Looking at the fruit in Stephen's hand, he immediately stood up and drank out.Then a woman came in and knelt down in front of zhalunpeng. Zhalunpeng seemed to scold the woman. The woman shivered and seemed to explain something.

Steven can't help but wonder. Looking at the appearance of Zhalong Peng and the woman, it seems that the fruit is really poisonous?

At that time, I took out this fruit to say something about it. Originally, I wanted to laugh at Ye Feng. Other people in the tribe all used this fruit to entertain the distinguished guests, which means that this fruit is not poisonous. It depends on your nervousness.

But at this time, the atmosphere is not right. Steven silently puts down the fruit and looks at Zhalong Peng in surprise.

But after listening to Zha lunpeng's another violent drink, two men immediately came in and dragged the woman out.

Zha lunpeng walked up to Stephen, picked up the persimmon like fruit, and then threw it out. Then he said to Stephen and Ye Feng, "this fruit is really poisonous. People who eat this fruit will have diarrhea all the time until they die of dehydration. We don't have any medicine here. Although it's just a small matter like diarrhea, it can kill people!"

When Stephen heard this, he could not help feeling the chrysanthemum tight. He looked at Zhalong Peng and said, "is it really poisonous?" Said not to see, slightly embarrassed to see one eye has been silent Ye Feng.

Zha lunpeng said to Ye Feng, "I'm so sorry that my people gave you such fruits!"

Ye Feng still didn't speak, but Stephen said in a cold voice, "you people can't have no idea what will happen if you eat this fruit? Obviously someone wants to take care of us? "

Zha lunpeng's face moved slightly. At this time, he saw two men coming into the door. They were escorting a man. When they came in, they were escorting the man to kneel on the ground.

Zhalong Peng immediately went back to his position and sat down. He yelled at the man, but the man looked unconvinced and glared at Ye Feng and Stephen, and his tone was very tough.

Ye Feng, they can't understand what they are talking about, but they can see from their looks that it should be the man who was taken to eat this fruit for them.

After a long time, Zhalong Peng stood up and yelled again. Then the two men took him out again. Then Zhalong Peng said to Ye Feng, "it's me who didn't treat you well!"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Stephen sneered, "it seems that your people are not very friendly to us!"

After a long sigh, Chao Yefeng and Stephen said, "he doesn't believe you. He thinks that you, like the people who occupied Suxi island before, will only bring us disaster! So he wants to get rid of you! "

Stephen sneered at the words. He was about to say something, but Ye Feng, who had never said anything, said, "in fact, it's no wonder. After all, you've experienced it once before, and it's normal for them to have doubts about outsiders!"

Zhalong Peng immediately said to Ye Feng, "if you can understand it, it's best!" Then he said, "anyway, it's my poor hospitality!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "don't be so polite. It seems that the longer we stay here, the greater the impact on your people. Let's leave immediately, so as not to disturb you any more."

Zhalunpeng said, "no, it's going to be dark soon. After you stay here for one night, we'll see you off tomorrow morning."

Then he clapped his hands again immediately, and then ten women came in, all kneeling in front of Zhalong Peng. Zhalong Peng said to Ye Feng and Stephen, "these ten are the most beautiful women in our Shawang clan. Let them serve you tonight!"

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