Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at the ten women kneeling in front of her eyes. These women are the kind of Southeast Asian complexion with dark skin, and their upper body is naked without any shelter.

Steven was also staring at these women. Unexpectedly, the Shawang people were so generous that they called ten of the most beautiful women to serve them at one time. However, when Stephen looked at these women, he found that they were not only simple with dark skin, but also covered with dirt. He didn't know how long they hadn't bathed.

Thinking of this, Stephen coughed. Zhalong Peng looked in his eyes and immediately said to Stephen, "don't look at them like this. They haven't been cleaned yet. In this way, I'll let them go down to clean up and come back!" Said immediately clapped hands, and those kneeling women said something, the ten women immediately should be a, have launched a small hall.

Ye Feng said to Stephen at this time, "don't you need these?"

Stephen also immediately echoed, "yes, we've got the chief's wish. It's unnecessary!"

Zha lunpeng nodded and said, "since the VIP doesn't like it, the ten women are useless. Kill them all!"

Listen to this, Ye Feng and Stephen are a stunned, do not like to kill? What kind of barbaric rule is this NIMA?

Monica didn't say a word all the time. Originally, he was very honest about Zhalong Peng's use of beautiful women to entertain Ye Feng and Stephen. Hearing what Zhalong Peng said at this time, he immediately stood up and said to Zhalong Peng, "although your tribe is backward, you are a civilized man after all. How can you do that?"

Hearing the words, Zhalong Peng looked at Monica and then said with a bitter smile, "it's not that I'm uncivilized, but it's really the rule of the Shawang people. If the gift selected for the VIP is rejected, it can only be destroyed. They are already under the charge of the VIP. And I tell you, even if I don't kill them, they can't stay in the Shawang people, and they will be regarded as a disaster by the people Star, a disaster that can't even send people away. This is a big taboo of the Shawang people. I tried to change it, but this idea is deeply rooted in the Shawang people and can't be changed at all! "

As soon as Monica heard this, she immediately said to Zhalong Peng, "since you know that there is such a rule, why do you send it? If you don't give it away, isn't that all? "

Just then, another group of men came in, two in a row, holding most of the roasted meat of unknown animals in their hands. After they came in, they put it on the tables of Zhalong Peng and Ye Feng, and then they left.

On one side of the barbecue, there is a wine shop made of bamboo, which is filled with unknown liquid and has a faint aroma.

Zha lunpeng sighed, "this is a lonely island in a poor village. There is nothing to hold except fruits, wild animals and beauties!"

Sniffing the aroma of the barbecue in front of him, Stephen swallowed a mouthful of water and said, "I'll eat it first!"

He said that he didn't find any tableware after a round of reading, so he didn't ask any more. He went straight to tear the meat in front of him and put it in his mouth. He didn't know if he was really hungry, and it was delicious in his mouth.

Steven is full of praise for the barbecue, but also toward Ye Feng and Monica, "eat it, taste good, seems to have put the seasoning?"

Ye Feng and Monica didn't do it. Zhalong Peng said to Stephen, "because we put pepper and curry, this is the seed we found on the shipwrecked ship once, so we planted some by ourselves..."

After that, Zhalong Peng continued to say to Stephen, "next to us is our own wine, you can try it too!"

Steven ate with relish. He nodded and immediately took a drink from the bamboo tube. He couldn't help saying, "it's not bad!"

He didn't care about Ye Feng and Monica. After a while, he had already eaten half of the wine. He drank all the wine in a bamboo tube. He felt that it was still a little bit high.

Zha lunpeng then stretched out his hand toward Ye Feng and Monica and said, "enjoy together!"

Ye Feng starts to tear a piece, but Monica feels that the tribe is too barbaric. She even starts to eat. She snores and doesn't move, but her stomach grunts and betrays her. Originally, Monica doesn't feel very hungry, but when she smells the aroma of the meat in front of her, she suddenly feels a tumult in her stomach.

And at this time, the ten women who went out to wash went back to the small hall, kneeling on the ground, and seemed to have a faint fragrance.

Steven then looked up at the ten women, and his heart suddenly moved. Although the skin of the ten women was dark, they seemed to be clean. In addition, he drank a lot of fruit wine. At this time, when he looked at the ten women in front of him without clothes, he suddenly burped, and his eyes seemed to start to shine.

The so-called "food and clothing, lust and lust". Now Steven is full and drunk a lot of wine. It is estimated that even a sow in front of him can arouse his interest.

Stephen stares at the women and has already hit several of them. Just as he is about to speak, Ye Feng says to Zhalong Peng, "we've all eaten wine, meat and fruit. As for women, forget it!"Listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica can't help looking at Ye Feng more. But Stephen looks at Ye Feng indignantly and says, "this is also the chief's intention..."

Before Stephen finished, Zha lunpeng said to Ye Feng, "so the VIP would rather die than enjoy it?"

Steven immediately said, "yes, if you don't, they will have to die. How can you be so cruel?"

But Ye Feng said to Zhalong Peng, "since they are gifts for me, I accept them, but since they are gifts for me, they are mine! What to do after that is my business, isn't it? "

On hearing this, Zha lunpeng immediately nodded and said, "yes, since they have been given to the distinguished guests, they are your private property! What to do with them, of course, is your right! "

Ye Feng smell speech a nod, end wine bamboo tube toward Zhalong Peng way, "since so, that I don't respect!"

Zha lunpeng smiles and immediately brings up the bamboo tube to drink to Ye Feng.

Stephen, on the other hand, stood up impatiently and walked over to the ten women. He said with a smile, "then I'm not welcome!"

Monica slapped the table hard and said angrily to Stephen, "don't you dare!"

Stephen looked back at Monica in surprise and said, "didn't he take it?"

Ye Feng took a sip of wine, then looked at Stephen and said, "I took it, but did I share it with you?"

Stephen frowned and said, "what's the matter? Aren't we together? You are a VIP, I am also a VIP. There are ten here. Can't you be so stingy? I don't expect to split with you. I just need two... " Then he immediately looked at the two women he had been staring at, and stretched out his hand to the two women.

But Ye Feng hums coldly and says to Zhalong Peng, "he is not the same as us. He is the subordinate of the group who captured your Suxi island!"

Zhalong Peng and Stephen's face moved when they heard the words. Stephen immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't talk nonsense..."

Zha lunpeng also frowned at Ye Feng and said, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng said to Zhalong Peng word by word, "am I not clear enough? I mean, he's a subordinate of the people who captured your island of Susi! "

Zhalunpeng looked at Stephen for a long time and did not speak, but his eyes were full of indignation and murderous.

Stephen's face changed, and even his slight drunkenness disappeared. His spine felt chilly. He looked at Ye Feng and said, "you can't do this..."

Seeing that Stephen is like this, Monica is very happy. This guy wants to hurt himself several times. She is still complaining about why Ye Feng must take this guy with her. Now she is very happy to see Ye Feng sell him directly.

At this time, Zha lunpeng looked at Ye Feng and said, "if he's from that side, why are you with him?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "my friend was kidnapped by them. He took me to look for people there! Now you can help me find Susi, and I don't need him! "

After hearing that he was staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Zhalong Peng immediately looked at Stephen. After a sneer, he immediately said something in Shawang language. Suddenly, two Aboriginal men came in and immediately detained Stephen.

Steven wanted to struggle, but he couldn't get away. He immediately looked up and said to Ye Feng, "you cross the river and tear down the bridge..."

Ye Feng hasn't spoken yet, but Monica sneers and says, "you are to blame!"

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