Stephen's face moved when he heard this, and then he turned his eyes and immediately said to Zhalong Peng, "she, she's the sister of the leader! My sister

As soon as Monica and Zhalong Peng hear this, their faces are all moving. It seems that Monica didn't expect Stephen to expose his identity at this time.

Zha lunpeng is also surprised, and then looks at Monica and Ye Feng. At this time, he slowly stands up and says to Ye Feng, "it seems that I believe you, but are you treating me as a fool?"

Stephen said immediately, "they're not going to attack Susi. His purpose is to take this woman to Susi and exchange two friends with him! Do you think he's going to help you fight that side? "

Monica stares at Stephen and says, "you What a shame

But Stephen gave Monica a cold snort, "it's you who are unfaithful online. No wonder I am!"

Zhalong Peng then said to Ye Feng, "what else do you have to say?"

Ye Feng also stood up at this time and said, "he didn't lie. I really want to go to Suxi island to save people, and she is really the sister of the person in charge there!" Speaking of this, Ye Feng said to Zhalong Peng, "but I didn't cheat you either!"

When Zhalong Peng heard this, he said to Ye Feng in a sharp voice, "haven't you cheated me? You're just going to exchange hostages. You don't want to help us at all! "

Ye Feng said to Zha lunpeng, "there is no necessary connection between the two. I said he didn't lie, which means that I did plan to do so before, but I didn't expect to meet you at all before? The plan never changes fast. After contacting you, I changed some details of the plan. Isn't that normal? The question is whether you believe me or not! "

Zha lunpeng looked at Ye Feng and said, "the biggest problem is that you never said that this woman is the sister of the person in charge on Suoxi island! Are you hiding it on purpose? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it can be said that after I tell you, you will probably make up her mind, or even leave her to threaten Susi island. Once this situation is formed, how can I save people? To tell you the truth, everything I do is mainly to save my two friends. As for everything else, I do it by hand, and everything must be based on the safety of my friends. Otherwise, I won't do anything to help you recapture Suoxi island! "

But Stephen immediately said to Zhalong Peng, "don't be fooled by him. His purpose is just to save people. The military strength there is so strong. How can he help you recapture Suxi island by himself? This is just a fool's lie. Only you can believe it!"

Zha lunpeng looks at Ye Feng and Stephen thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, he slowly sits down and then waves to the ten women kneeling in front of him, indicating that they should step down for the time being. After all, it's really unclear whether the three people in front of him are VIPs or enemies.

At this time, Monika said to Zhalong Peng, "I'm Virgil's sister, but I don't agree with many things about my brother. Even his many actions, I don't know. I'm sorry and ashamed for what he did to you Shawang people. I apologize for him..."

Zhalunpeng took a look at Monica, then said to Ye Feng, "do you really want to help us recapture Suoxi island? Your friend is right. You can do it alone? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I never guarantee that I can, but since I promise you, I will try my best to do it. As for the result, I dare not guarantee it!"

When he said this, he frowned and immediately added, "when you doubt me, I can say something to your satisfaction, but I don't want to do it. You treat us as friends and VIP. I don't want to cheat you by saying something I can't guarantee. That's what I can say to my friends!"

When Zhalong Peng heard this, he frowned at Ye Feng and said, "do you treat us as friends?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders to Zhalong Peng and said, "of course, because you are also treating us as friends, aren't you?"

Zhalunpeng fell into silence after hearing the speech. At this time, Stephen said to zhalunpeng, "don't be fooled by him. This guy doesn't speak the truth!"

After listening to what Stephen said, he stood up and waved. The two Aboriginal men who had been escorting Stephen also released their hands and then backed out.

Seeing this, Stephen felt that Zhalong Peng had believed what he said. He immediately said to Zhalong Peng with a smile, "chief..."

But before Stephen finished, Zhalong Peng said immediately, "I can't tell who is right and who is wrong, who is true and who is false Well, let God decide who you say is right and who is wrong! "

Stephen can't help but frown and say, "Heaven decide?"

Zhalunpeng said to the three, "you may not know that on mengchai Island, we are not only the Shawang people, but also the indigenous people of mengchai island. We call them mengchai people!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "mengchai clan?"Zhalunpeng said, "yes, mengchai people!"

Stephen looked at Zhalong Peng in surprise and said, "what do you mean?"

"You may not know this mengchai people, they are cannibals," he said

On hearing this, the three people's faces moved. Cannibals have heard of it and never seen it. I didn't expect that there is such a group on mengchai island?

Although Zha lunpeng stopped for a moment and didn't go on, all three of them felt an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, at this time, zhalunpeng said, "I can't tell which one of you is good or bad, so it's up to God. I will send you away from our Shawang tribe and go to the mengchai's sphere of influence. Please pray for God's blessing."

On hearing this, Stephen said in a loud voice, "chief, I'm telling the truth!"

At this time, Monika also said to Zhalong Peng, "if you don't believe us, you can put us to death. Why do you do that?"

Zha lunpeng looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you want to help us recapture Suoxi Island, then you must have the ability to leave mengchai alive. If you can solve the big trouble of mengchai people, even if you don't help us recapture Suoxi Island later, you can at least guarantee that we can rest in peace on mengchai island from now on! It's a great help to our Shawang people! "

Ye Feng didn't say a word all the time. At this time, he looked at Zhalong Peng, took a deep breath and said, "Monica, stay here, I'll go with Stephen!"

When Stephen heard this, he said in a loud voice, "why? I'm not going

But Ye Feng sneered, "do you have any choice?"

Zha lunpeng looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you worry that we are not good for him if you leave her?"

Ye Feng stares at Zhalong Peng and says, "when I treat others as friends, I can go through fire and water for them. But if I treat others as enemies, I can kill them. If you don't believe in my ability, I'll wait until I come back!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Zha lunpeng pondered for a while and said to Ye Feng, "OK, I'll believe you once, but you have to think clearly. We won't support all your actions over there. If you can come back alive, I'll send you away from mengchai island and guide you to Suxi island. But if you can't or come back, I promise her safety It's not working

Ye Feng nodded, but Monica said to Ye Feng, "I want to go with you!"

Ye Feng looked at Monica and said, "what else can you do besides being my burden?"

As soon as Monica heard this, her heart suddenly moved and she looked at Ye Feng. Although Ye Feng said so, she was not angry at all. After all, whatever he said or did was to save herself.

And the most important thing is that Monica thinks that Ye Feng is right. When she goes there, she just becomes a burden to Ye Feng. She can't help anything. If she wants to go, she just doesn't want Ye Feng to take risks for herself.

But Stephen immediately ran to the door of the small hall, "if you want to go by yourself, I won't go!"

However, as soon as Stephen ran to the door, he saw several aboriginal men standing in the way. When he saw Stephen, he immediately stared at him one by one.

At this time, Zha lunpeng said to Ye Feng, "then I wish you success in advance."

Ye Feng nodded to Zha lunpeng, then looked at Monica and said, "you are here waiting for me to come back!"

Monica goes to Ye Feng's body, holds Ye Feng's hand and says, "be careful! I'm waiting for you to come back! " Although the mouth said so, but the eyes seem to say, if you don't come back, I won't live.

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