Seeing the expression of Monika, Ye Feng can't help shaking her hand. Although she doesn't say anything, she is calming her eyes and telling her that she must be OK.

Then Ye Feng goes to the door and sees Stephen looking at himself in despair. He can't help but sneer at Stephen. This kind of people who are greedy for life and afraid of death are the so-called elites selected by Virgil?

Stephen then yelled to jarenpen, "chief, I don't want to go. I can help you attack Suoxi island. I'm Virgil's man. I know him very well. I can help you. Keep me for you!"

After staring at Stephen for a long time, Zha lunpeng said coldly, "if you are really useful, go to mengchai tribe to have a try. If you can come back alive, it means you are really useful. I will not withdraw the banquet here. I will wait for you to come back and celebrate for you again!"

When Stephen heard this, he knew that it was no use to ask zhalunpeng. He immediately broke away from the two Aboriginal men around him. After all, he was not an ordinary person. The reason why he didn't resist was that he thought it was unnecessary.

But now it's a critical moment of life and death. If Stephen doesn't fight back, he will have no chance to fight back. Of course, he will fight back.

As soon as Stephen got out of the room, he immediately ran to the door. However, as soon as he ran out, he saw that the outside was already covered with Shawang people, and everyone was holding bows and crossbows. All the bows and crossbows were on the string. Now he was aiming at Stephen. As long as he dared to move again, he could immediately shoot him into a hedgehog. No matter how good his skill was, he could avoid one or two arrows, and he could also escape the place where he was Any arrows?

Stephen was stunned and felt like he was in a cold sweat. At this time, he seemed to have no choice at all.

At this time, Ye Feng went to Stephen's side, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "if you want to prove that you are useful, it's not like that. Besides, there are cannibals. For you, it shouldn't be anything, right?"

Stephen's temple is green, and he looks at Ye Feng angrily. Ye Feng made all this. Originally, they have completely won the trust of Zhalong Peng and the Shawang people. If it wasn't for Ye Feng, he would have gone through the storm with the beauty of the Shawang people. Tomorrow, he might have been sent to Suxi island as a hero.

But all this was disturbed by Ye Feng. Stephen thought that he immediately smashed his fist at Ye Feng. Although he knew that it might not be Ye Feng's opponent, he had to vent his evil spirit.

Ye Feng just dodged Stephen's fist, then countered Stephen's arm, twisted it back and buckled him.

But he said to Stephen, "cannibals just sound terrible. In the final analysis, they are also human beings. As long as they are human beings, they have weaknesses and can be broken!"

But Stephen said angrily, "if you want to go by yourself, why do you have to drag me into the water?"

Ye Feng didn't speak yet. Zha lunpeng came over at this time, took a look at Ye Feng and Stephen, and said, "don't argue any more!" Said toward the door around the crossbow hand who said something.

The bowmen immediately came over and escorted Ye Feng and Stephen toward the northwest of the village, while Zhalong Peng stood at the door of the small hall and said to them, "I'm here waiting for the news of your return!"

Ye Feng and Stephen are escorted out of the village fence by a group of people and continue to walk forward. Stephen swears all the way. Now he has no other way to beat Ye Feng. Moreover, he is too weak to compete with so many warriors with bows and crossbows of the Shawang people. What he thinks now is that as long as the people of the Shawang people let him go, He immediately ran back, ran to the cave where they came, went back the same way, and went to the beach to find a way.

After thinking about this, Stephen gradually calmed down, and soon he and Ye Feng were escorted to a forest. Then the Shawang people let go of Ye Feng and Stephen, and they lined up one after another, pointing at them with a bow and crossbow, saying something.

Ye Feng looked back at the Shawang warriors behind him. It seemed that they were calling them into the forest, and they would not leave easily for the time being, just to prevent them from running away. Once they ran away, these Shawang warriors would shoot arrows at them.

Stephen saw that there was some difference between the plan in his mind and now. He could not help frowning and looked at the forest in front of him. There was no end in it, and there was no sound. He quickly observed the surrounding environment and thought that as long as he entered the forest, he would immediately recognize a direction to run. At that time, he would just hide here.

Thinking of this, the Shawang warrior behind him threw two bone blades at them and motioned them to pick them up.

After Ye Feng picked up one, he immediately went to the forest. Seeing this, Stephen immediately picked up one and followed Ye Feng.

After walking for a long time, Stephen looked back and found that there were no Shawang warriors behind him. He immediately ran to one side.

Seeing this, Ye Feng said to Stephen, "even if you can escape, you can't leave this island. And since the Shawang people don't enter this forest, it means that this deep forest is the territory of the mengchai people, you are not afraid that you will run aimlessly, but you will encounter it?"Steven just ran a few steps, listening to what Ye Feng said, his heart suddenly moved. It seems that what Ye Feng said is not unreasonable. Even if all his plans can succeed, what can he do when he escapes back to the coast? Without food, we have to die.

Thinking of this, Stephen immediately turned back to Ye Feng and said angrily, "it's not you? If you didn't pretend to be a gentleman, we would still be eating meat, drinking wine and playing with women! "

But Ye Feng sneered at Stephen and said, "do you really think that Zhalong Peng will be so kind to you and me?"

When Stephen heard this, his face suddenly moved. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "let's come here. He has planned it for a long time. It's just that we were sent here when we were drunk. Now it's ahead of time!"

Stephen still didn't quite understand Ye Feng's meaning. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "I don't quite understand!"

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "do you think that Zhalong Peng will believe what we said so soon? Normal people don't, do they? And treat us as VIP? Just a few words, that's it? "

Stephen frowned. Looking back, he felt that he believed them too soon and entertained them warmly. He said, "do you mean that all this is his plan?"

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "don't forget that Zhalong Peng is not the same as the indigenous people of the Shawang nationality. He is from the outside world like us. He won't be a fool, or he won't be able to get into the position of clan head in another nationality!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng said to Stephen, "Virgil usually selects talents. Are they all stupid people like you?"

When Stephen heard this, he said angrily, "are you smart? Don't you have the same way of being smart? You're in the same situation as me? What's the difference between us? "

Ye Feng said to Stephen, "do you remember what those people did when we were tied to the square?"

Stephen can't help frowning when he hears the words, "just want to kill us?"

But Ye Feng said, "at that time, they were all looking at Monica!"

When Stephen heard this, he thought about it carefully. It seemed that it was true. Then he was even more puzzled. "What do you mean? What on earth do they want to do? "

But Ye Feng said to Stephen, "let's go back together now, and we'll know what they want to do!"

Stephen smell speech facial expression slightly move to look at Ye Feng way, "you mean, you are intentionally left Monica?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's not intentional, because even if Monica wants to go with us, Zha lunpeng will find out the reason to detain her and won't let her go with us!"

But after a while of pondering, Stephen said, "in other words, cannibals can be fake?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, but their purpose must be related to Monica. We have to go back now!"

When Stephen heard this, he immediately sneered, "to save her, save yourself. I won't go back anyway. The chief you said is so insidious, so I won't go back and throw myself into the net!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately looked at Stephen, this just cold voice way, "are you sure not to go back?"

Stephen immediately said firmly, "I'll never go back after death!"

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