Ye Feng listened to Stephen say so, this just nodded, patted Stephen's shoulder, said, "everything is not forced, each treasure it!"

Ye Feng immediately turned around and ran to one side of the forest. Stephen stood in the same place and hummed coldly, "since I know it's a trap, I'll follow you back. That's what a fool does!"

Stephen immediately turned around and ran in the opposite direction to Ye Feng. After running for two steps, he heard a "whoosh" sound and felt a pain in his leg.

He immediately fell on the ground and thought it was the Shawang people who were chasing him. But when he looked back, he didn't see anyone. When he looked down at his leg, there was an arrow that was not too long. It looked like an arrow, but it was different from those of the Shawang people. It was shorter and thinner.

Steven immediately reached out and pulled out the arrow. But when he pulled out the arrow, he found that the wound didn't hurt at all. However, Steven didn't think much about it. He immediately stood up and ran on.

As Stephen ran in front of him, he listened to the rustle behind him, as if something had been following him all the time. But when he turned around, he found nothing, not even a shadow.

But even so, Stephen's heart is still a little weak. After all, this place is a primeval forest, and anything can happen. Fortunately, the Shawang people gave him a bone blade at that time, and he immediately pulled out the bone blade and held it in his hand.

At this time, there was another "whoosh" sound. Suddenly, he felt a pain in his other leg. He immediately looked down and saw that there was an arrow on his other leg, which was the same as just now.

In a panic, Stephen immediately leaned back against the big tree, held up the bone blade in his hand, and yelled at his back, "who's sneaky? There's seed coming out..."

When he yelled like this, he was just emboldening himself. He only hated that he didn't have a gun. However, he suddenly burst into the woods behind him. No matter whether he was a man or a beast, he directly swept him to death. But now he fell on the desert island, and the weapon he could have was the oldest bone blade in his hand.

It never occurred to me that when he called out like this, there was a rustle in the forest behind him. Stephen immediately moved his heart. He immediately held the bone blade in his hands and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. His eyes were staring ahead, and he did not dare to blink.

At this time, Stephen seems to see a person standing beside a tree, but if he doesn't look carefully, it's hard to find that the person is very short, and his whole body is smeared with the same color as the tree, so he can't see it if he doesn't look carefully.

Stephen's heart suddenly moved, he has seen that this person, whether in dress or body shape, should not be Shawang people, heart suddenly sounded three words, cannibal?

When Stephen was at the bottom of his mind, after seeing every tree not far away, there came out a man who was similar to what he had seen before, staring at himself one by one.

Stephen's heart is empty. He finds that these people look at their eyes, red and full of desire. He doesn't know if it's their own psychological function. He has identified these guys as cannibals, so he feels that they are not looking at a person, but at their prey.

Stephen thought of this, immediately yelled, and then turned to run, but then he found that his legs could not use strength, just a run, immediately fell.

Stephen was flustered. He immediately looked at his legs. However, he saw that the skin and flesh of the arrow in his legs were blackened. He was shocked. No wonder there was no pain when he pulled out the arrow. It turned out that the arrow had been coated with medicine.

When Stephen looked over there, he saw that the people by the tree were walking slowly towards him. Seeing that he was about to collapse, he immediately reached out on the ground and lay down in front of him. Although he knew it was useless, now he could only do so.

At this time, there were two "whoosh" sounds, and Stephen's hands were hit by an arrow at the same time. Stephen felt a pain immediately. He saw that the blood on his hands and back had already flowed down, but what made him even more scared was that the blood he shed soon turned black, and his hands soon lost consciousness.

At the same time, the dozen people had come to Stephen and looked around him for a while.

Seeing this, Stephen immediately begged for mercy and said, "I'm just passing by. I didn't mean any harm..."

The leader, with a stone in his hand, immediately hit Stephen's head. Steven immediately roared, but soon stopped moving.

At this time, Ye Feng is running towards the other end of the forest. He hears a cry behind him. But as soon as he leaves, it disappears. There is only a sound of birds flying in the forest behind him.

Ye Feng can't help but look back and frown slightly. He still thinks in his heart that he doesn't know if something happened to Stephen.

But Ye Feng has no intention to take care of this Stephen now. Since he went to mengchai Island, he has never been with him and Monica from the beginning to the end. Originally, he expected to keep him. Maybe he could help. Now it seems that he can't count on it at all.Ye Feng continued to run towards the front, but just after two steps, he heard the rustling sound coming from the woods on one side, but as soon as he stopped, the rustling sound on both sides also came suddenly.

Ye Feng thought and immediately ran a few steps, the side of the "rustle" sound immediately came, but he stopped again, the sound immediately disappeared.

When Ye Feng was surprised, he heard a "whoosh" sound. Ye Feng's heart suddenly fell down. He immediately fell to the ground. After falling to the ground, he rolled and hid behind a tree.

When he looked back, he saw a short and thin arrow on the ground where he was standing. Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, which showed that the "rustling" sound was not made by animals, but by human beings. It was impossible for animals to use such weapons as arrows.

Ye Feng is thinking about it, and immediately listen to a "whoosh" sound, Ye Feng do not want to think, immediately a jump, and toward another tree over there.

As soon as he dodged, there was an arrow on the tree. Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He expected that there might be more than one person on the other side. He immediately climbed up the tree.

In the process of climbing, the arrow shooting at the trunk constantly appeared on the trunk, and the action of Ye Feng was very fast. He quickly climbed to the top of a tree, and then sat on the trunk and looked not far away.

Ye Feng noticed that behind the trees not far away from him, there were people who were painted with the same pigment as the tree trunks. They all looked sharp mouthed and bearded. They not only looked like monkeys, but also had the same body shape. They were not even as tall as Shawang people's shoulders. Obviously, they were not Shawang people.

Those people saw that Ye Feng climbed up the tree, so they no longer hid. They ran around the tree trunk where Ye Feng was, took out a bamboo pole in their hands, and kept blowing towards it.

Ye Feng noticed that these guys didn't use bows and crossbows, but blowing rods. This ancient blow dry shooting range is far less than that of bows and crossbows. It can only be used in close quarters. So no matter how they blow, those arrows can't hurt Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately began to pick up the pinecones and other things on the tree. The pinecones were as hard as stones and could be used as attack weapons. Ye Feng immediately took these pinecones and smashed them at the people around the trees on the ground.

All of a sudden, those people around the tree trunks were hit by Ye Feng and fled everywhere. They did not dare to come out again after hiding in other tree trunks, but they did not seem to want to leave.

At this time, Ye Feng sat on the tree trunk and looked at the ground for a while. Seeing those guys for a while and a half, he did not dare to stand up again. Then he stood up and looked in the direction of the Shawang tribe.

However, most of the trees in the forest are towering trees with luxuriant roots, branches and leaves. At this time, Ye Feng saw that a group of people dressed up like this tree were running towards this side.

Ye Feng looked at the way those people were running, and he even used his palm to support the ground from time to time. This was a face that was not yet fully enlightened. His heart could not help but move. Were these people savages on the desert island?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng looked down at a savage hiding behind the tree trunk, frowning slightly. Seeing the appearance of these people, he already knew how to use tools such as blowing sticks, which means that he was not only a pure savage, but he was naked. When he was running away, he was actually like that. Is it because evolution is between apes and humans that the scientific community has always been What kind of ancients are you looking for?

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