However, these are not the problems Ye Feng should consider and worry about. After all, he is not an anthropologist or an archaeologist. These things will be handed over to those old scholars later.

Now what Ye Feng has to consider is how to get down from the tree and escape from the barbarians. This is what he needs to worry about and consider.

And the barbarians in the distance soon got to the tree where Ye Feng was, surrounded it with a water jam, and squatted on the ground one by one, looking up at Ye Feng.

Occasionally, there were two people with blowing sticks trying to blow arrows at the maple leaf on the tree. Of course, as before, they all ended up in failure. Although this kind of blowing stick launched quickly, its range was limited after all.

A group of barbarians were in a hurry under Ye Feng's tree, and even some people showed their teeth to Ye Feng on the tree, as if they could frighten Ye Feng off the tree.

After burning for a long time, there are barbarians under the tree trying to climb. Although these guys are born in the forest, their climbing skills are not so good.

Even if one or two climbs up occasionally, when they reach a certain height, they can no longer support themselves. They fall directly from the tree and fall directly to the ground. They can't get up for a long time after a dull sound.

However, it seems that the companions around them do not care about their life or death, but keep hissing towards the tree, and people continue to climb towards the tree.

Ye Feng secretly thought that it was not the way to go on like this. In this way, he would give them time to go to the test again and again, and someone would be able to climb the tree successfully.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately began to pick the nuts on the tree, and began to smash towards those who climbed the tree. At first, those people could endure the pain and continue to climb up, but after a long time, they didn't know whether they were exhausted or hurt by Ye Feng, climbing up one by one and falling down one by one.

For a moment, there were six or seven people lying on the ground who couldn't get up, but their companions still didn't care if they were hurt and continued to shout at Ye Feng in the tree.

Ye Feng saw that all the nuts around him would be picked up by himself, and it seemed that it was not good for him to consume them again. At this time, he saw a barbarian immediately began to climb up the tree.

This time, Ye Feng didn't hit him. He also hoped that the goods could climb up. Unexpectedly, the goods didn't live up to the expectations of the public. Finally, they climbed not far away from Ye Feng. Immediately, they caught the branch with one hand, and then they turned up with one effort.

The barbarian under the tree saw that someone finally climbed up, and immediately began to shout joyfully under the tree.

And at this time, Ye Feng still shot, he is waiting for this guy on the two, immediately grabbed the hand of the goods, then forced a pull, feet and forced toward the head of the goods, the goods suddenly fainted, and even vaguely heard the sound of neck fracture.

However, Ye Feng didn't mean to kill this guy. He was interested in the blowing rod and arrows tied with ropes around the goods' waist. Just now, he found that although these barbarians didn't wear anything, they were all tied with a straw rope around their waist. The blowing rod was tied around their waist, and the arrows were inserted in the grass. He immediately took the straw rope tied with blowing rod and arrows around the goods' waist. After that, he was very happy Just let go, let the goods fall from the tree.

The barbarians under the tree were stunned. The moment before, they were still happy. At this time, they found that their hero had died under the tree.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately shoved the arrow into the bamboo tube and left. He forced a blow at the person on the ground. In an instant, an arrow shot at a person quickly and hit the person's chest in an instant.

After all, the arrow blowing from the bottom to the top has the effect of gravitation. It can't blow high at all, but if it is blown from the top to the bottom, it will have no direction.

In addition, Ye Feng's aim was accurate. After a while, he shot several people. Those who were shot by him immediately hid beside the tree on one side, gasping for breath. Then he took out some leaf like things from the grass rope around his waist and kept painting the place where he was shot by Ye Feng's arrow.

When Ye Feng saw this, he took a look at the straw rope in his hand and found that between the blowing rod and the arrow tied to the straw rope, there were indeed some thick looking leaves woven with straw rope.

Ye Feng picked up a leaf and tore it open. He found that there was a roaring seed in the leaf, and there was mucus, just like the leaf of aloe vera, even with a faint herbal smell.

Ye Feng immediately thought that the arrow must have been poisoned by these barbarians, and this leaf is the herbal medicine for detoxification. Unexpectedly, these barbarians are so backward that they still know how to make and detoxify?

Thinking that Ye Feng looked under the tree again, he saw that the barbarians had already left their own tree, and they were looking for shelter, but they didn't dare to come out for a moment.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look. There were only five arrows on the straw rope, and there were at least ten or twenty people under the tree. His arrows were far from enough.

At this time, Ye Feng's eyes fell on the barbarians who fell under the tree. They were still tied with ropes around their waists, and the blowing poles and arrows were still there.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately began to slide down from the tree, to pick up the grass rope on the waist of those barbarians on the ground. The blowing rod and arrows were all tied to the grass rope. He just had to take all the grass ropes.However, as soon as Ye Feng came down from the tree, the barbarians hiding behind the tree immediately took out their blowing sticks and shot at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately several dodge to avoid, and then change a tree to climb up, and in the process of climbing, suddenly feel a pain in his calf stomach.

But Ye Feng didn't have time to take these into consideration. In fact, he didn't have to think about it at all. He must have been shot by those barbarians with a blow stick.

Soon Ye Feng climbed to the tree, found a fork to sit down, raised his leg to have a look, sure as he thought, he was shot three arrows on his leg.

Ye Feng clenched his teeth and immediately pulled out the three arrows. Then he immediately tore the leaves open and applied them on his wound.

The barbarians under the tree saw it and screamed in a hurry. Ye Feng took advantage of this time to hang all the grass ropes on the tree trunk, take down the arrows above, concentrate on a grass rope, and then tie the grass rope around his waist.

The harvest of this meal, at least in the hands of more than 20 arrows, the number of arrows is obviously more than the barbarians hiding below, this leaves maple is not afraid.

Ye Feng immediately took the blow stick and arrow, and blew towards the barbarians hiding behind the tree trunk. He quickly dodged away.

And the action is a little slow immediately by leaf maple shot, hide to start to his wound coating medicine.

Suddenly, twenty or thirty barbarians killed and injured Ye Feng alone. There were no more than ten people left, and they all hid far away from the tree trunk. As long as Ye Feng had the tendency to look at them, he immediately hid behind the tree trunk and couldn't get out.

Ye Feng tried two shots and found that it was beyond the range of the arrow. At this time, he secretly said that he couldn't spend it with them. He had to go back to Shawang as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng took a look. The distance between the trees in the forest was relatively close, and the branches of many trees were intertwined. He immediately moved from one tree to another from the trunk.

The barbarians hiding under the tree immediately began to chirp a few times. They followed Ye Feng far behind. Seeing Ye Feng looking back at them, they immediately sought shelter on the spot.

Ye Feng can't help but move. Although the trees are intertwined to facilitate him to move on the tree, they are not as good as on the ground. So far, they have only changed a few trees. When he returns to Shawang, he still doesn't know how many trees to move.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's heart crossed, and then he slipped down from the tree, and began to run towards the direction of the Shawang people. The barbarians behind him immediately caught up with Ye Feng when they saw that he was down from the tree, and the blow stick in his hand immediately played a role.

One by one, while chasing after Ye Feng, he took the blow stick and shot at Ye Feng.

Besides, these guys are used to running in the forest on weekdays. Their speed is faster than that of Ye Feng, and their accuracy of shooting arrows is also very high.

It seems that these guys are reluctant to leave. The purpose is to wait for Ye Feng to get down the tree. Once he gets down, Ye Feng can only let them fish.

One by one, the barbarians looked more excited. They didn't seem to care about whether there were protruding roots or weeds on the ground. They didn't even have to look at them. They were walking on the ground.

But in the process of running, these guys still seem to have the characteristics of beasts. From time to time, they need to support the ground with their hands before they can stand up and continue to chase Ye Feng.

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