No matter what, Ye Feng still runs upright when he runs, but those barbarians are just like orangutans or other wild animals. Their running characteristics are very different from those of human beings.

Moreover, the speed of these guys is absolutely no less than that of Ye Feng, even more than Ye Feng. They run towards both sides of Ye Feng, and then they attack Ye Feng in encirclement style. From time to time, they use the blowing rod to blow poison arrows at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's current situation, can only be left to dodge right, try to avoid confrontation with these barbarians, but even so, Ye Feng also from time to time with the blowing stick to shoot at those barbarians.

After all, Ye Feng is not an old hand at blowing the stick. He stands on the tree and shoots at the bottom. He is still a bit accurate. But shooting at the other side in the running, Ye Feng can be said to be shooting blindly. In a moment, the poison arrow on his waist rope has been used up.

Without reliable weapons, Ye Feng has only the bone blade that the Shawang people gave him. Ye Feng directly throws away the blow stick and holds the bone blade tightly in his hand. As long as these guys dare to get close, even if they are not bone blades but ordinary sticks, they will definitely fight with them.

As Ye Feng dodged the savages' poison arrows and observed the nearby terrain, he soon saw a high ridge breaking through in front of him. Ye Feng immediately opened his legs and ran to the other side.

This time, Ye Feng tried his best to get to the bottom of the slope before the barbarians. As soon as he passed the slope, he immediately leaned back and lay directly on the slope.

At this time, the barbarians also catch up with each other. When they go up the slope and jump up in the air, Ye Feng starts to fight. Although the bone blade in his hand is short, it's more convenient.

Ye Feng's hand is made directly from the bone. Facing his nearest barbarian, he plunges directly from his crotch. Although the bone blade is blunt, Ye Feng's force is too strong, so he plunges in all of a sudden.

After going in, Ye Feng pulled it out in an instant, but saw that the rising barbarian fell to the ground in an instant, holding his crotch and wailing, with blood flowing out between his hands.

Ye Feng didn't mean to stay. He didn't intend to play a long war with these barbarians. He had to solve all these barbarians in an instant.

He immediately shot at a nearby barbarian, who had just landed. He was startled and dodged to one side.

When the other barbarians discovered the accident, they immediately hid behind the tree trunk on one side of the slope, picked up the blowing pole in their hands, and shot at Ye Feng one after another.

Ye Feng of course also expected this, he jumped, directly grabbed a barbarian who wanted to escape to the tree trunk, let the barbarian block in front of himself.

However, barbarians are not so easy to control. When Ye Feng caught the guy, he found that the paint on these guys is not only simple, but also has the function of lubrication.

Holding this barbarian is like dragging a huge loach. Without noticing, he let the goods escape several times.

Ye Feng couldn't, so he had to hide behind a huge tree trunk, but at this time, it seemed that he was in the same predicament as before.

These barbarians had no intention of evacuating, and Ye Feng also heard a whistling sound, which sounded like the song of some kind of bird. It lasted for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng looked forward, but saw a barbarian holding a bamboo pole which was not much bigger than his finger. He was blowing it in his mouth. Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. It should be a sign or something.

That is to say, the barbarian is probably sending a support signal to his companions. If other barbarians rush to support him, he can't expect to get out of the forest today.

And at this time, Ye Feng suddenly heard a roar, a listen to this sound should be issued by the beast, but what beast Ye Feng is not sure.

At this time, the barbarians hiding behind the tree trunks began to run away one after another, and ran in one direction without looking back.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, the heart bottom can't help a Lin, just now these guys still have to chase to die oneself can't, how this wild animal just a call, frighten these guys all away.

At this time, Ye Feng heard the call of the beast not far away. It didn't sound like he was angry, it was more like wailing.

Ye Feng frowned, but he didn't think much about it. Since the barbarians retreated without fighting, he didn't have to stay here. He had better hurry up and run to the direction of the Shawang people.

Soon saw the Shawang tribe building in front of you, Ye Feng immediately ran past, directly from the fence type horse, and soon came to the Shawang tribe.

There are native people of the Shawang nationality over there. When they see Ye Feng, they are stunned. Then they shout a few times. In an instant, more than a dozen native people come out from all directions, each with a bone blade in his hand, and rush towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng doesn't care about them either. He just runs to the meeting hall where Zhalong Peng is. The aborigines behind him keep chasing him. He doesn't mean to give up chasing Ye Feng.On the road, many villagers saw it and immediately took their bone sticks or bone blades to join the fight. They chased Ye Feng all the way to Zhalong Peng's meeting hall.

Ye Feng ran in as soon as he could, but the indigenous villagers all stopped. It seemed that no one dared to step into the meeting hall.

Ye Feng finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then ran towards the back door of the meeting hall. Behind it was a corridor surrounded by carpenters, leading to another building behind.

Just at this time, Ye Feng heard Monika's cry for help, "you let me go..."

When Ye Feng hears this, he immediately rushes over and kicks the wooden door open. At this time, he sees that Zhalong Peng is naked and pressing Monika under his body.

This scene needless to say, Ye Feng also knows what Zhalong Peng wants to do. Zhalong Peng is stunned when he hears that the door is kicked open. When he turns around, he sees Ye Feng. His face suddenly changes. He immediately picks up the small crossbow on the bedside and says to Ye Feng, "what are you doing?"

Ye Feng sneer a way, "this words should be me to ask you?"? What do you want to do with me and Stephen? "

At this time, Monica's clothes are not neat. Seeing that Ye Feng is coming, she immediately gets up to run towards Ye Feng. However, she is grabbed by Zhalong Peng and strangles her neck. Then she points a small bow at Monica's neck and says to Ye Feng, "you come here and I'll kill her!"

Ye Feng frowned at Monica and Zhalong Peng. After throwing away the bone blade, he raised his hands and said, "don't mess with me!"

When Zhalong Peng saw that Ye Feng raised his hands, he immediately took a small bow and shot an arrow at Ye Feng. Ye Feng immediately dodged, and the arrow just hit the wooden door.

Ye Feng is in front of Zha lunpeng in an instant. He knocks Zha lunpeng down with one punch, and then drags Monica.

With a look of panic on her face, Monica tugs at Ye Feng's arm tightly. Tears are coming down.

And Ye Feng will protect Monica behind, looking at Zhalong Peng lying on the bed, cold hum a way, "you made up such a large pile of stories, just want to support me and Stephen?"

Zhalong Peng was lying on the bed for a long time, but he still felt a little dizzy. Then he touched his forehead, and then he looked at Ye Feng, "aren't you looking for cannibals? How can you come back alive? "

Ye Feng sneered, immediately picked up the bone blade on the ground, stepped forward, dragged Zha lunpeng, put the bone blade on his neck, and said in a cold voice, "from the square, your eyes are staring at Monica, I know you have bad intentions!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Zha lunpeng sighed and said, "well, I admit I didn't mean well! Don't kill me... "

Ye Feng sneered at Zhalong Peng, then turned back to Monica and said, "what do you say to do with him?"

At this time, Monica was very indignant. She went up and punched and kicked Zhalong Peng. Although her strength was not very strong, she also beat Zhalong Peng and begged for mercy.

After a long time, Monica said, "you're not satisfied with so many women in your tribe? How dare you think of me? "

Zha lunpeng looks at Ye Feng and Monica with a bitter face and says, "where can I see the women of this tribe? I've seen enough of it for a long time. I have evil ideas. I fell in love with you at the first sight But... "

Monica went up with a mouth and said angrily, "but what?"

But Ye Feng said harshly, "is there any other tribe on this island?"

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