On hearing this, Zha lunpeng looked at Ye Feng and said, "did you really meet him?"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard zhalunpeng say this. That is to say, what zhalunpeng said is not a lie.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately tightened the bone blade in his hand, and asked harshly, "what are your words, which are true and which are false?"

Zha lunpeng said to Ye Feng, "except for this, there is no lie! At the beginning, I was thinking of you and the ten beauties I sent you. Even if I leave her, you can't say anything! "

As she spoke, Zha lunpeng immediately took another look at Monica, who immediately stepped forward and smoked Zha lunpeng again.

Zhalong Peng was beaten by Monica and covered his mouth. Ye Feng said to Zhalong Peng, "is that barbarian tribe really cannibal?"

Zhalong Peng said immediately after hearing the speech, "can there be any fake? When we were just on this island, we had a lot to fight with them. At that time, we didn't know how many people died! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, so say of words, that Stephen more or less bad luck?

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately asked Zhalong Peng, "why did the barbarians scare away when they heard the call of wild animals? What kind of beast is there on this island? "

When Zha lunpeng heard this, his face suddenly looked at Ye Feng and said, "is the beast's cry that you heard particularly sad?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Zha lunpeng with a curse on his brow. "How do you know? Have you ever met one? "

Zhalong Peng said to Ye Feng in despair, "you release me quickly. I'm going to inform the people that it's back. It's back..."

At this time, Ye Feng saw that Zha lunpeng had no idea that his bone blade was still on his neck. He immediately began to struggle to get rid of himself. He frowned and said, "who's back?"

In the process of struggling, Zhalong Peng had seen blood on his neck. He didn't know whether he had cut his neck or the blood stains of the barbarian left on the blade of Ye Feng's bone.

At this time, Zhalong Peng pushed Ye Feng away and ran out of his mind, shouting at the Shawang language that Ye Feng didn't understand.

Ye Feng and Monica can't help but look at each other. They don't understand why Zhalong Peng is so fierce. Is that wild animal very fierce?

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that Monica's lazy clothes had exposed her chest because she was in a daze.

Monica just regained her mind. She immediately put on her clothes and said angrily, "he must have made an excuse to run away!" Then he immediately chased out.

Ye Feng didn't say much, so he immediately followed Monica out. When he ran to the front hall, he saw that Zhalong Peng was standing at the door of the hall, talking loudly to the Shawang people who were crowded at the door, and those people were all thrilled, and then scattered.

Monica rushed to Zhalong Peng, grabbed Zhalong Peng's neck and gave him a mouth. Then she said angrily, "do you want to run away? There is no door at all 1 "

it seems that Zha lunpeng doesn't care how Monica hits him in the mouth at all. He just says to Monica," run, or it's too late! "

But Monica frowned, and saw that Zha lunpeng's face was not like a liar, so she couldn't help believing it.

At this time, Ye Feng quickly walked over and pulled Zhalong Peng to ask, "what's coming?"

Zhalong Peng said, "python, python, big, big Python..."

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, loosen Zha Lun Peng, frown way, "a boa constrictor frighten you like this?"? How big can a python be? "

Zhalong Peng looked at Ye Feng with a look of horror and fear. "It's very big, very big. It's lying flat on the ground, almost to the waist..."

When Ye Feng heard this, he couldn't help but move. He was lying flat on his back. Isn't the diameter more than one meter? He had never seen such a thick snake.

But Monica sneered, "nonsense, how could there be such a big Python in the world? Higher than people? Why don't you say it's taller than the house? "

Zhalong Peng's tears were almost down, and he said to Monica, "I really didn't lie. When you see it, it's too late..." Said immediately pushed away the block in the door of Monica, ran towards the outside.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the door and saw that the whole Shawang tribe was in a crazy state. Many people simply took a few things and ran towards the outside of the village. Some people were leading their birds and animals in the feeding pen.

Even if Monica doesn't believe Zhalong Peng, she can't help but wonder if there is such a big boa constrictor in the world when she sees that the whole Shawang people should be such a snake and has fallen into a state of extreme madness?

Thinking about it, I couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and saying, "do you think what Zha lunpeng said is true?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said he didn't know, "I've seen the biggest python, which is a little thicker than human beings. It's already a python, but I've never seen a python that is taller and thicker than human beings. I just heard that there's a kind of Python called Titan Python, but it's extinct!"Just then, there was a strange noise in the distant forest. Ye Feng and Monica immediately looked there, but they saw that the trees were falling down one by one, as if they had been pushed down by a logging machine.

At this time, the people of the Shawang people became more crazy and kept shouting and running towards the other end of the village. Unexpectedly, someone wanted to jump directly from the horse, but fell on the horse and was stabbed by the barbed stake.

However, no one of the other clansmen has the energy and time to deal with him. One by one, they only care about their own lives at this time, even if there are companions who have fallen but not hurt.

In just over half an hour, there were almost no people in the whole Shawang village, even if the rest were either injured or old people who could not run.

Ye Feng then took Monica's hand and ran in the direction of the Shawang people's escape. Soon he saw that the group of people had climbed to a nearby hillside, where they were all lurking and panting. They were all scared and excited for the rest of their lives.

Zhalong Peng is also lying on the hillside, but his eyes are always staring at the Shawang village. He doesn't even notice that Ye Feng and Monica are lying down when they come to his sides.

At this time, a native of the Shawang nationality suddenly said something. Everyone looked in the same direction. Ye Feng and Monica also looked in the same direction.

But in the forest outside a corner of the Shawang village, the trees are falling to one side. Although Ye Feng didn't see it very clearly, he really saw that there was a dark black snake crawling in the forest, but he didn't see it very clearly from a long distance, and he couldn't feel the size.

When everyone held their breath, they saw that a python suddenly sprang out of the forest. When they first came out of the forest, they still couldn't feel the size.

But the python quickly swam towards the village of Shawang nationality. When they got to the front of Juma beside the village, Ye Feng and Monica really felt shocked. Even if the Juma didn't know the actual height, it was at least much higher than people's waist.

The Python's swimming body is a little higher than the horse's, and its black scales are shining in the sun. When the python comes out completely, Ye Feng's vision shows that it is at least 20 meters long, maybe more than that.

Zhalong Peng then said to Ye Feng and Monica, "I didn't cheat you. It's really back!"

Ye Feng then asked Zhalong Peng, "what do you mean it's back? Has it been here before? "

Zhalunpeng trembled a little and said excitedly to Ye Feng, "when we first landed on this island, we met once. At that time, it attacked the mengchai tribe. Then when we just built this village, we needed a lot of wood. When we were picking wood in the forest, we met again. Many people died that time, but Later, it swam into the sea. It has been several years now. At that time, it didn't seem so thick. This time, it seems to be longer and stronger than last time! "

Ye Feng listened to Zha lunpeng's words and said, "are you sure it's the same one?"

Zhalong Peng said, "I'm not sure, but I can only believe it's the same one. There are two such monsters. Is there room for us to live on this island?"

When Ye Feng pondered for a while, he saw that the python had already swam to the place where someone had been killed on the horse. The first half of the Python's body immediately straightened out and sent it. It was at least three or four stories high, spitting out scarlet letters. Then he immediately bit the body of the man who had been killed on the horse and was dragged into the air with the horse.

Some Shawang people could not help crying when they saw the scene, but immediately covered their mouths, as if they were afraid of being heard by the python.

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