After the boa constrictor swallowed the corpse of the Shawang people, but the whole piece of the horse was also hung in the boa constrictor's mouth, dragged by the boa constrictor's swimming body. The whole piece of horse was dragged away from the original ground by the boa constrictor's body. One part of the horse was stuck on a tree trunk, and finally it was torn off abruptly. Only a few horses were still hanging on the giant On the mouth of the python.

At this time, the python swam towards the village of Shawang tribe. Wherever it went, the wooden houses were like children's toys, which were directly crushed by his huge body.

The old people who didn't escape in the village were all concentrated on the most central square of the tribe. One by one, they watched the python swimming slowly towards them. Unexpectedly, some old people knelt on the ground directly, kowtowing to the python as if they were worshiping gods. They were still chanting words, as if they were praying.

Ye Feng can't help but say to Zhalong Peng, "do you just watch your people become the real object of the python?"

When Zhalong Peng heard this, he came back to his senses. He had already been scared by the huge body of the python. At this time, hearing Ye Feng say so, he said to Ye Feng with a little cry, "what can you do except look at this huge thing like this?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng immediately said to Zhalong Peng, "give me a bow and arrow, and I'll lead the python away!"

As soon as Zhalong Peng and Monica hear this, they can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise. Zhalong Peng doesn't want Ye Feng to be so afraid of death. He still looks at Ye Feng in disbelief and says, "don't you see how big the python is? If you go in the past, you will surely be dead. You can't save them at all! "

Monika said to Ye Feng, "as the patriarch, he doesn't care about the life and death of his own people. What do you do when you are an outsider?"

Ye Feng did not answer the two people's words, but stretched out his hand to pat Zha lunpeng on the shoulder and said, "do you have it?"

On hearing this, Zha lunpeng's face sank and said, "yes, yes, as many as you want!" Then he turned around and immediately said something loudly to the Shawang people who were hiding on one side.

The Shawang people began to hear zhalunpeng's words, and they all looked at Ye Feng in surprise. As zhalunpeng said something, they sent their crossbows, arrows and bone blades.

Ye Feng picked a short crossbow, put a short bow on his back, and pinned a big bone blade on his waist. He took all the surveillance he could carry. Then he took a look at Monika and Zhalong Peng, and said to Zhalong Peng, "if you have any more evil thoughts, I'll shoot you in the head with one arrow!"

Ye Feng said that is an arrow shot, has been the arrow shot at the side of the breakthrough of Zhalong Peng, scared Zhalong Peng suddenly a cry.

The python, who was swimming towards the center of the village, seemed to hear the sound. He stopped his wriggling body, raised his front body high and looked back towards the hillside.

As soon as Zhalong Peng saw this, he immediately covered his mouth. All the Shawang people lay on the ground and did not move. No one dared to make a sound again.

At this time, Ye Feng had already slipped down from the hillside. He had the arrow in his hand. At the same time, he took a short bow and shot an arrow at the python. However, due to the distance, the arrow didn't hit the Python's body at all, but it attracted the python's attention.

In the eyes of the python, Ye Feng is like a running mouse, running towards him quickly. It immediately wriggles and starts to turn around, swimming towards Ye Feng.

The old people of Shawang nationality in the square had already closed their eyes, waiting for the arrival of death. However, the python suddenly turned away and sat on the ground one by one.

At this time, Ye Feng ran towards the python, shouting loudly, as if he was afraid that his body was too small in his eyes and missed himself.

Zhalong Peng is lying on the breakthrough at this time, looking at Ye Feng's appearance, can't help sighing, "is this boy really not afraid of death?"

But Monica snorted coldly, her eyes never left Ye Feng's body, for fear that Ye Feng was in any danger.

At this time, a member of the Shawang nationality patted zhalunpeng's body. He was so scared that he almost gave birth again. He turned back and angrily scolded the member who patted him on the shoulder.

The clansman pointed to the forest not far away and muttered something to Zhalong Peng. Zhalong Peng's face suddenly moved and immediately looked at the forest there.

After watching for a long time, Zha lunpeng's face changed greatly, and then he mumbled something.

Hearing this, Monica can't help looking at Zhalong Peng in surprise. She saw that his eyes were looking at the forest in the distance in horror. She immediately looked there, but she didn't see anything. She couldn't help but wonder, "what's the matter with you?"

Zhalong Peng said to Monica, "the people of mengchai are hiding in the forest. They don't know what they want to do!"

Monica can't help but feel her heart move when she hears the words. Her face moves slightly and she looks at the forest again. This time, when she looks carefully, she finds that there are indeed some figures standing beside the tree trunks outside the forest, but the colors of those people's bodies are similar to those of the tree trunks. If she doesn't look very carefully, she can't distinguish them at all.After seeing this, Monica could not help but feel that there were at least 100 people of mengchai nationality hiding on the edge of the forest. They all moved furtively and didn't know what they wanted to do.

At this time, Ye Feng is running towards the python. In the process of running, he can't help but draw a bow and shoot arrows to attack the python. When the distance is enough, the arrows are shooting at the python one after another. However, the incident is shot on the Python's scale, and it's bounced away instantly. He can't go to the python at all.

Even so, the python seems to have been angered by Ye Feng, and swims towards Ye Feng at full speed. When passing by, the tree immediately falls to both sides under the pressure of its huge body, and all of them are stubborn.

Ye Feng saw that he was only 100 meters away from the python, and he began to turn around and take it to the other side of the forest instead of running towards the python.

In the process of running, Ye Feng threw away the short bow and held the crossbow directly in his hand. While running, he installed the arrows. This kind of crossbow can fire continuously and can hold at least five or six arrows at a time.

At this time of breakthrough, Monika and Zha lunpeng can't help but feel awed when they see Ye Feng's running direction. Ye Feng's direction is exactly where the mengchai people are hiding.

The mengchai people in the forest saw that Ye Feng was running towards them, and each of them took out a blow stick. As long as Ye Feng was close to their range, countless poison arrows would be fired at him.

But Ye Feng's attention at this time was on the python behind him. He didn't notice that the forest in front of him was already full of savages of mengchai.

At this time, the boa constrictor's swimming speed seemed to be speeding up, and soon shortened the distance from 100 meters to 50 meters. Ye Feng kept pulling the trigger on the crossbow, shooting at the boa constrictor behind him from time to time.

Although the range of the crossbow is not as good as that of the short bow, the strength of the crossbow is much larger than that of the short bow. However, the scale of the python is still indestructible. No matter how strong the strength of the arrow is, it will be no different from shooting on rocks and steel plates.

Although the arrow couldn't hurt the python, every time Ye Feng hit it, it added a little bit of Python's anger. At this time, the python even raised its head directly, spitting out snake letters from time to time, and made two strange noises from time to time, just like the wailing of an adult when he was injured.

At this time, when the mengchai people hiding in the forest heard the strange cry of the python, their faces changed. You look at me and I look at yours. Then they immediately put away their blowing sticks and began to retreat towards the deep forest.

As soon as they left, Ye Feng had already run into the forest, and the python immediately followed in.

At this time, Ye Feng no longer ran in a straight line. After entering the dense forest, he began to turn left and right around the tree trunk in front of him from time to time, taking the python behind him.

The python chased after Ye Feng. Although these tree trunks were not worth destroying by his huge body, once he swam, it was still a hindrance. After a while, Ye Feng threw away another section.

At this time, Ye Feng also seems to notice that in front of the forest, it seems that in addition to himself, there are other people running rapidly.

After Ye Feng had a closer look, he found that they were the savages of the mengchai nationality whom he had thrown away before. They had a large number of people, and their running appearance was obviously more scared of the Titan Python behind him.

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