Ye Feng didn't expect that the savages of mengchai tribe had already run away, and they had gathered so many people in such a short time. Seeing that they were running away one by one, they seemed to be more scared of the Titan Python than themselves, as if they were afraid that they would be swallowed by the Python if they ran a step slower.

But at this time, Ye Feng has no time to take care of these things. He is still in danger. Ye Feng also thought about whether to find a tree to climb up like those savages of the mengchai nationality. However, considering the size of Titan python, it is estimated that no tree can afford its huge body.

These trunks in front of the Titan Python are as thin as a newborn baby. No matter how thick the trunks are, they are not worth mentioning at all in front of the Titan Python's huge body. The countless trunks that fall behind because of the Titan Python's wriggling body are the evidence.

Ye Feng continued to run forward, but at this time, he seemed to see the border of the island. Behind the forest, there was an endless sea. Seeing this scene, Ye Feng could not help but feel a move. However, he saw that the barbarian of mengchai nationality in front of him turned his direction and ran along the sea towards the other end of the forest.

However, Ye Feng felt that everything in front of him seemed to be a bit out of line with the natural logic. How could it be that there were all centian trees on the beach, and there was no beach isolation in the middle, even the rocks.

But when Ye Feng ran to the edge, he realized that it was just a visual illusion. It was not the edge of the island, but a towering cliff. From the point of view of Ye Feng's running, the scene just below the cliff was completely blocked by the cliff, so it looked like the edge of the forest was the ocean.

After Ye Feng ran to the edge of the cliff, he looked down and saw that there were steep cliffs below. Next, there were intricate rocks on the beach. It was at least 20 or 30 meters high from here. If he fell down, he would fall on the rocks below.

When Ye Feng was just about to turn back, he saw that the trees behind him were falling down, and the Titan Python was still near Ye Feng, completely blocking Ye Feng's retreat.

Ye Fenggang is going to find the direction of mengchai's escape just now, but he sees that the Titan Python is already in the way. Apart from the two roads there and behind, the remaining two sides are cliffs, and the Titan Python's huge body has completely blocked the two roads.

At this time, the giant Titan Python slowly wriggled, the front half of the body has gradually risen, a pair of scarlet eyes as big as a fence opened round, huge mouth from time to time spit out snake letters, Ye Feng so close, just noticed that the Titan Python's mouth on both sides of the actually have a tusk, and more than that, in the back of the tusk also has a tusk There is a row of small teeth like serrations, and there are actually two rows of horses hanging under the mouth at the corner of the mouth.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. He stares at the Titan Python and tries his best to lower his body. He can touch the ground at any time by pulling out the bone blade with one hand. With the other hand, he tightly holds the crossbow in his hand and tries to make his breathing more even so that he doesn't seem so nervous.

The Titan Python didn't want to attack Ye Feng at this time. His huge body was still wriggling, and Ye Feng didn't pay attention. The Titan Python didn't know when he surrounded himself in the center of his body. His huge body was like a mound, completely blocking Ye Feng's sight, and even the whole air was filled with a cloud The smell of smell is particularly pungent.

Titan Python held his head high and looked down at Ye Feng. It seemed that he wanted to see clearly the origin of the animal who dared to fight against himself and attack himself. His mouth also made a series of wails from time to time. With the pungent smell of smell, it was extraordinarily penetrating.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng immediately took the crossbow in his hand and shot at the eyes on the head of Titan python. Ye Feng thought that he had been surprised, but as soon as he took the hand, the head of Titan Python immediately went back, and suddenly an arrow passed by the eyes of Titan Python.

Seeing Ye Feng in this situation, he even dared to do it himself. He immediately opened his mouth and let out a roar. His whole head went down like the head of a fighter plane and dived directly towards Ye Feng. It seemed that the whole space surrounded by Titan Python was full of flowing wind.

Ye Feng saw that the snake head was about to come in front of him in an instant. Even if he was lying horizontally, he would not be half as big as his mouth. At this time, he clenched the bone blade and crossbow. When the snake head came, he immediately jumped away and jumped to one side.

When Ye Feng's body soared, the snake head of Titan Python just dived down. Ye Feng was holding a crossbow. When his body was equal to the eyes of Titan python, he immediately shot an arrow. After the arrow was shot, he immediately saw that the eyes were like broken glass, and the black and red liquid objects in them immediately flowed out. At the same time, Tai Feng's eyes were like broken glass Tan Python made a huge wailing sound, which made Ye Feng's eardrum seem to be broken.

When Ye Feng just landed on the ground, Titan Python immediately raised his head again, and his body still hovering on the ground immediately kept wriggling. Every time he wriggled, he compressed the space where Ye Feng was, making Ye Feng feel more oppressive.At this time, Ye Feng felt as if there were some liquid dripping from his head. He immediately dodged and saw the black red liquid on the ground. He immediately knew that it was the liquid falling from the broken eyes of Titan python.

After the Titan Python raised his head and roared again, he rushed towards Ye Feng for the second time. But I don't know if it was because he was blind. The angle of rushing down seemed to be biased. He slipped directly from Ye Feng's side and ran straight into his body hovering on the ground.

Ye Feng didn't dare to neglect. At this time, he jumped up again and shot an arrow at the other eyes of Titan python. But this time, Titan Python seemed to learn to be smart. He immediately buried his head on the ground to avoid Ye Feng's arrow attack.

And Ye Feng had already made a move. When the head of the Titan Python sank to the ground, he immediately jumped over his head and picked up the bone blade in his hand. As soon as he fell on the snake's head, the bone blade in his hand pierced directly from the other eye of the Titan Python.

This time, Titan Python didn't avoid it at all. It seemed that it didn't expect that any creature would dare to jump directly on its head. At this time, it saw that its eyes burst instantly, and the black red liquid splashed Ye Feng's body. Then it heard another roar from Titan python, and the snake's head began to shake irregularly.

Ye Feng is sitting on the head of the Titan python. At this time, he grabs the gap between his eyes and his tongue. He doesn't let go. He doesn't let the Titan Python shake his head.

Ye Feng noticed that the snake on the ground was creeping, and the direction was a little towards the cliff. He thought that now the Titan Python was completely blind. With the pain, he even forgot where he was in the deep. If he let his body fall from the cliff, he would be buried with him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately looked around. Fortunately, the head of the Titan Python was so high that Ye Feng could be regarded as high. Seeing far away, he could see the surrounding environment at a glance.

At this time, the barbarians of mengchai nationality, who were not far away, were still staring at the situation. The roar of Titan Python scared them twice, and even some barbarians ran hundreds of meters away.

Although the others were still standing in the same place, they were really scared. They all widened their eyes and looked at what happened in front of them. When they saw the snake head, Ye Feng was still on it. They were all surprised to grow up.

At this time, at the other end of the forest, Monika is bringing a group of Shawang warriors to the nearby area along the fallen tree trunk. Zhalong Peng is timid and dare not come. It's Monika who asks Zhalong Peng to translate for her people, saying that an outsider is helping them fight against python, so they dare not fight against Python head-on. At least they have to help Ye Feng If ye Feng died, once the python came back, he would not know how many people would die in Shawang.

After listening to what Monika said, more than a dozen young Shawang people volunteered to follow her. However, when they saw the scene in front of them, they were shocked by everything in front of them.

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