But when everyone was shocked by Ye Feng's action, they saw that the Titan Python's head in mid air suddenly began to shake in mid air, and the frequency became higher and higher.

At this time, Ye Feng is holding the eyes of Titan Python again and again, but the whole body is still shaken in the air by the python. If you don't pay attention, it will fall down. Monica can't help but worry about Ye Feng.

The head of Titan Python is at least two or three stories high. If Ye Feng falls down, even if he doesn't fall to death, he will be crushed to death by the huge body of Titan python.

At this time, Ye Feng noticed that there were two rows of horses hanging on the corner of the Python's mouth, and his hand was in the eyes of Titan python, but there was liquid flowing out. Yes, Ye Feng's hand was slipping, and it was sooner or later that he couldn't support it.

Want to know these, Ye Feng immediately with his body shaking in mid air, see the swing of the anti horse shaking range, while it shakes over the moment, Ye Feng immediately get rid of, and then toward the anti horse to meet the past.

However, at the moment when Ye Feng's body soared into the air, the Titan Python suddenly opened its mouth and bit Ye Feng. The mouth of the Titan Python was several times larger than that of the crocodile in the underpass of the Angolan forest. Let alone a leaf maple, even if there were more leaf maples, it would be swallowed in one bite.

Ye Feng didn't expect that Titan Python would suddenly be like this, but he immediately understood that although Titan Python was blind, snakes almost didn't rely on their eyes. They wanted to feel their prey with heat, so although Titan Python's eyes were blind, they could still feel their own existence.

Monica was also surprised. If Ye Feng was swallowed by the Titan python, she would not survive. She didn't even understand why Ye Feng had that jump.

At this critical moment, Ye Feng had already grasped the horse with one hand, and immediately laid his body on the horse. Just after lying down, Titan Python swallowed it with Ye Feng and the horse.

Ye Feng suddenly felt a very strong smell of smell, and immediately in front of a black, it is obvious that the Titan Python has been combined to the mouth.

However, Ye Feng didn't slide down the throat of Titan python. After all, there was another section of horse resistance just stuck in Titan Python's mouth, and his section was just serialized in that section, which just saved Ye Feng's life.

But even if ye Feng would not be swallowed, he felt that he would be smoked to death by the smell of the Titan python, and even felt that his eyes were almost choked.

But in front of him, it was dark, and Ye Feng didn't need to open his eyes. He immediately touched the horse and wanted to follow the horse to the mouth of Titan python.

When Ye Feng just grasped a barb of resisting the horse, he found that the barb had loosened. He was flustered. He secretly said that if the horse completely broke up, he would be buried in the belly of the snake.

But then Ye Feng's brain suddenly flashed again. He immediately pulled down the loose barb and took a deep breath. But he couldn't bear it. He immediately held his breath. After he got full strength, he immediately stabbed the barb directly up.

This bar, Titan Python immediately opened his mouth, a roar, the throat of the pipe suddenly a bloodbath from Ye Feng's side, as if encountering several levels of wind in general, coupled with the deafening sound, almost Ye Feng directly from the mouth to spray out.

Fortunately, Ye Feng caught the barb on Titan Python's jaw so tightly that it was not ejected, but his body was also blown in the air by the gust of wind.

Originally, when Monica saw that Ye Feng was swallowed by the Titan python, she immediately took the bow given by the Shawang people and started shooting at the Titan python, hoping to avenge Ye Feng.

However, just as Titanic Python was successfully attracted by Monica and rushed towards her, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his mouth, which stopped his attack and gave a roar.

At this time, Monica was shocked by the Titan Python rushing towards her. When she came back, she found that Ye Feng was still in the mouth of the Titan python, and she burst into tears with joy.

At this time, Ye Feng saw that the Python's head was not very high from the ground. He immediately swung on the barb and jumped down. When he landed, he rolled on the ground. Then he stood up and ran to meet Monica.

In the process of running, Ye Feng waves to Monica and signals her to get away.

Monica didn't know how to come. She thought Ye Feng was waving to her. Instead of avoiding, she rushed to Ye Feng.

And the Titan Python was having a headache for the barb of his upper jaw at this time. From time to time, he let out a few roars, but after a few roars, the Titan Python recovered his calm, and immediately felt where Ye Feng was, and immediately chased Ye Feng.

Monica was running towards Ye Feng. At this time, she saw the Titan Python behind Ye Feng rushing towards Ye Feng. She stopped and was stunned.Ye Feng also felt the wind behind him. As he ran, he looked back. But he saw that the Titan Python was swimming fast towards him on the ground. And his mouth didn't know whether it couldn't close its mouth because of the barb on his upper jaw, or he wanted to eat himself. He rushed towards Ye Feng with his mouth open.

Ye Feng ran to the front with enough strength, but she saw that Monica was standing not far away from her, and her look seemed to have been stunned.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moves. He runs towards Monica at this time. Undoubtedly, he wants to kill her. Thinking of this, he immediately bypasses her.

Sure enough, the target of Titan Python is Ye Feng. It seems that it will not stop eating Ye Feng. As soon as Ye Feng makes a turn, Titan Python immediately follows the turn to catch up.

Ye Feng completely made a 180 degree turn and ran directly towards the cliff. He knew that no matter where he ran, the Titan Python would chase him. He had completely angered him. He would only stare at himself today.

Therefore, Ye Feng's mind has already made up an idea, and he runs towards the edge of the cliff without any intention of turning or slowing down.

And the Titan Python is also in full swing behind, there is no intention to give up chasing Ye Feng, this person a snake, one after the chase.

The Shawang and mengchai look at Ye Feng and Titan python, especially the Shawang people. They admire Ye Feng. After all, Ye Feng is in trouble with this giant beast to save the old man in their family.

At this time, Ye Feng was almost on the edge of the cliff, but he didn't plan to slow down at all. He ran directly towards the edge of the cliff.

Seeing this, Monica suddenly understood that Ye Feng seemed to want to die with the Titan python. Thinking of this, she immediately yelled to Ye Feng, "don't do anything stupid..."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Feng had already reached the edge of the cliff, and then he fell down directly. The Titan Python also came directly to the edge of the cliff. When he got to the edge of the cliff, he didn't mean to stop. He rushed out directly from the edge of the cliff and immediately fell down from the cliff.

Titan Python's eyes are blind, although it can test the heat sensor to track Ye Feng, but it can't detect this kind of terrain without heat, so it doesn't know that it has been led to the edge of the cliff by Ye Feng, so it rushes out directly.

Looking at the Titan Python's huge body is dragging towards the cliff, and even the rocks above the cliff are crushed by its huge body, the Titan Python even began to shake its tail, trying to hook something on the cliff to prevent its body from falling.

But unfortunately, just now, because of its own circling on the edge of the cliff, the trees around it have long been pressed down by its huge body, and even if there is, its huge body, a tree trunk can not bear.

After the Titan Python's body completely disappeared from the cliff, all the onlookers responded that the Shawang people immediately ran towards the edge of the cliff. However, Monica could not accept the fact. She just felt that her legs were weak and she was sitting on the ground with tears.

Meanwhile, the savages of the mengchai nationality, who were hiding in the distance, were also chattering, as if they were talking about something, and they could not help walking towards the edge of the cliff where they were, to see what the Titan Python looked like after falling.

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