A group of Shawang aborigines ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down the cliff, only to see that the huge body of the Titan Python had fallen on the rocks below, and many rocks had been smashed by its huge body, but even so, the Titan Python was still wriggling below, but its movement was very slow.

However, the Shawang people didn't see Ye Feng's body, and they didn't know if he was crushed by the huge body of the Titan python. If so, Ye Feng would surely die, although even if he didn't fall so high, he would certainly have broken bones.

The barbarians of the mengchai nationality in the distance also stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down at the situation below. They thought that the Titan would die if he fell like this, but they didn't expect to see the giant beast moving. The barbarians could not help fighting a cold war.

Everyone's eyes are fixed on the Titan Python at the bottom of the cliff. After all, it's still wriggling. No matter the native people of Shawang or the barbarians of mengchai, they can't let go of it. As long as the monster doesn't die, once it recovers, it will still be demonic on their island.

After all, the warriors of the Shawang people scattered one after another and went down the cliff along the downhill road. After all, the chance is rare. If we don't seize the chance to take advantage of his illness and kill him, we may never have another chance.

After a long detour, more than a dozen indigenous Shawang people finally got to the bottom of the cliff. However, when they got close to the Titan python, they were still scared and didn't dare to get close. All of them were holding bows and crossbows and crept towards the python.

However, they only noticed that the huge body of Titan Python had been pierced by a sharp rock. No wonder for such a long time, Titan Python was just wriggling, but it didn't mean to swim. Injury was the second. The most important thing was that its body had been fixed by the sharp rock on the ground. It was impossible Swim away.

Seeing the Titan Python like this, the indigenous people of the Shawang people gradually became more courageous and began to approach there again.

However, at this time, one of the aborigines gave a cry, and then all the aborigines looked to the other end, only to see that there were more than ten or twenty savages of the mengchai nationality coming down the cliff.

Seeing this, the indigenous people of the Shawang people are all in awe and start to stop and watch out for the barbarians of the mengchai people. After all, if there is no Titan python, the biggest enemy of the Shawang people on this island is the barbarians of the mengchai people.

At this time, the savages of the mengchai nationality saw the indigenous people of the Shawang nationality and slowed down. They all held the blowing sticks in their hands and slowly approached there.

Seeing this, the indigenous people of the Shawang nationality immediately aimed their bows at the barbarians of the mengchai nationality. Seeing this, the barbarians immediately stopped, and the two people looked at each other like this.

At this time, the Titan Python suddenly raised his head and let out a howl that seemed to roar. It was obvious that although he lost his eyes, he could still feel that many people around him were staring at him by virtue of heat sensing, but his body was completely fixed on the sharp stone, and he could not move at all. After a roar, his head began to move slowly I put it down.

The cry of the Titan Python made both the Shawang and mengchai people give a cry, and instinctively retreated a lot. However, after seeing the Titan Python fall down again, they were relieved.

At this time, one of the barbarians of the mengchai nationality, who looked like a leader, called to the Shawang nationality, but the language was fundamentally different, and the Shawang nationality did not know what he was talking about.

The barbarian leader said something together, but when he saw that the other side was confused, he immediately pointed to the Titan Python between them. Then he took the blow rod in his hand and blew a poison arrow at the python, and immediately pointed to the Titan python.

At this time, the indigenous people on the Shawang side felt that the other side seemed to tell themselves that their target was Titan python, and they didn't want to fight with them.

At this time, Monica on the cliff has already gone to the edge, kneeling on the ground and looking down, but she doesn't see Ye Feng's body, only the giant Titan Python's body. She also feels that Ye Feng is pressed by the Titan python, and her tears can't stop.

At this time, the mengchai barbarians were trying to walk forward. After a few steps, they immediately took the blow stick and began to blow and shoot at the Titan python, one by one.

Seeing this, the indigenous people of the Shawang people began to bow and shoot at the python. However, the scales of the Titan Python were as solid as a rock. The arrows of the Shawang people and the poison arrows of the mengchai people had no effect on it.

But no one of the two people is willing to stop. They are probably threatened by the Titan Python on the island. Now they vent their resentment for many years. No matter whether they can shoot into the body of the Titan Python or not, they still keep shooting, even if they use up all the arrows they bring.

At this time, it was noticed that there were several arrows on the body of the Titan python. Whether the Titan Python made a wailing sound or not, it would twist its body. The arrows also moved with the body of the Titan python. It didn't mean to slip.Shawang and mengchai both stopped shooting and began to observe why the arrows could be shot into Titan Python's body.

Soon the indigenous people of the Shawang people had found the trick. The arrows that had been shot into the body of the Titan Python didn't hit the scales of the Titan python.

Although the scales on Titan Python are as solid as a rock, they are invulnerable, but after all, the scales on Titan Python are not a whole. They are linked together one by one. There is a gap between the scales, and the arrows just hit the gap between the scales.

After seeing these things clearly, the indigenous people of the Shawang nationality began to observe the rules of the scales on the Titan python, and knew where the scales were and where the gaps were. After finding out these tips, all the Shawang people began to draw bows and shoot arrows again, this time aiming at the gaps between the scales on the Titan python.

These Shawang aborigines are born archers. Although they are not good at shooting, their shooting accuracy has improved significantly after they found the trick. In a moment, Titan Python's body is full of arrows.

The barbarians of the mengchai nationality have been studying what's going on. They haven't figured out what's going on yet. They see that the Shawang nationality has started shooting again, and this time the arrows are rising geometrically. They can't help but wonder why the Shawang nationality's arrows can be shot, but the poison arrows in their blowpipe can't What's the matter? The final conclusion is that the bows and crossbows of the Shawang people are more powerful than their blowers.

Titan python, who has been shot by Shawang's arrows, roars and wails from time to time. Although these arrows hit it like a needle, it can't stand the needle. At this time, it can't stop twisting its body to get rid of it. But the more it wriggles, the bigger the wound that the sharp stone pierces its body will be pulled by it, and the bigger the wound, the bigger the body will be Pain. If it doesn't fight back, it will be shot to death sooner or later. But if it wants to fight back, it will be pulled to death. It's in a dilemma.

Monica was sitting on the cliff and looking at the scene below, she could not help murmuring, "don't worry, they are going to avenge you! You may rest in peace

At this time, however, a hand suddenly stretched out from the cliff, which made Monica jump and almost fall.

However, when Monica was thrilled, she saw another hand stretched out and firmly grasped the edge of the cliff, and then her head came out for a moment, and the blue veins on her forehead appeared, obviously struggling.

And as soon as Monica saw the head, she burst into tears and burst into laughter and rushed over there, saying, "you're not dead?"

With that, Monica had reached the edge of the cliff, grabbed the man's hands and pulled him up with all her strength. When the man came up to lie on the edge of the cliff, Monica suddenly jumped on him and hugged him tightly, "you scared me to death!"

The man took a deep breath, patted Monica on the back and said, "how could I die so easily?"

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