Ye Feng see immediately subconsciously back a few steps, but Ye Feng ran so far, unexpectedly saw the Titan Python has been following behind him, Ye Feng heart is still strange, Titan Python should not be firmly stuck by the sharp stone, how now has been out?

Ye Feng didn't think so much. He ran to the seaside all the time. At this time, he heard that Titan Python was humming. Ye Feng looked back and saw that Titan Python was lying on the ground.

But even so, Ye Feng didn't dare to take it lightly. He thought Titan Python couldn't do it several times, but he had attacked Ye Feng several times and almost succeeded every time.

Ye Feng walked around the Titan python. When he came to the back of the Titan python, his face suddenly changed. It turned out that the reason why the Titan Python could chase himself was not that his body escaped from the sharp stone, but that the Titan Python pulled his body in two in order to eat himself. It was only the first half of the Titan python that kept chasing him, All the way back on the beach are all kinds of filthy things from Titan Python's body, including the body of a person and some undigested animal bodies.

Ye Feng took a close look at Titan python, and saw that it had not moved, but still did not get close to it. This kind of extinct creature, who knows whether it has the function of resurrection that modern creatures do not have?

Ye Feng has been walking around the first half of Titan Python's body for a long time, and then he goes to the Shawang people and Monica.

The aborigines of Shawang and the barbarians of mengchai both saw the Titan Python chasing Ye Feng with only the upper part of his body at that time. However, they were frightened by this sudden event and marveled that the Titan Python could chase Ye Feng without half of his body.

When Ye Feng walked towards them, these people came back to their senses one by one. The people of Shawang nationality ran towards Ye Feng in cheers. When they got to Ye Feng's body, they immediately lifted Ye Feng up and threw him into the air. It was obvious that they regarded Ye Feng as a hero.

Seeing this, Monica can't help smiling. Standing outside the crowd, she looks at Ye Feng and thinks of her kiss on the cliff. It seems that she still feels on her lips. She can't help touching her lips.

At this moment, all the barbarians of mengchai nationality not far away came towards them. When the people of Shawang nationality saw it, they immediately called out. All the people put Ye Feng down and looked at the barbarians of mengchai nationality coming towards them as if they were facing a big enemy.

Some people even began to pull up their bows and arrows. Although they had a common enemy Titan Python just now, Titan Python had been completely eliminated by Ye Feng, and the enmity between the two families would soon be on the table again.

Seeing this, the barbarians of mengchai immediately stopped and looked at the indigenous people of Shawang and Ye Feng for a long time. After a long time, one of the leading barbarians said something. All the barbarians of mengchai threw away their blowing sticks one after another, as if they were like Shawang and Ye Feng saying that they had no malice.

The head of the barbarian said a few words to Ye Feng, which Ye Feng did not understand. The barbarian leader, regardless of Ye Feng's understanding, knelt down on the beach and worshipped Ye Feng.

And the barbarians behind also knelt on the beach and kept kowtowing to Ye Feng. They couldn't help it. They seemed to be still shouting "Sabah fever" and didn't know what it meant.

The only thing that can be sure is that it is because they have eliminated Titan python, which is equivalent to helping the mengchai people eliminate the biggest hidden danger on the island, so they are thanking themselves.

But because of the language barrier, Ye Feng was unable to communicate with each other. At this time, a group of mengchai barbarians got up one after another and turned away from the beach.

Looking at the disappearance of the mengchai people, Ye Feng said to Monica, "where's Zhalong Peng?"

"He should still be in the Shawang tribe," she said

Ye Feng nodded and said, "go, find him and ask for a boat!"

But Monica Yefeng said, "that guy, I want to kill him. Do you still want to find him?"

But Ye Feng said to Monica, "he is the only one who can speak Shawang and English on this island now, so he must be kept as an interpreter for the time being!"

Monica thinks that there is nothing that people on this island can understand. If you want to communicate with the Shawang people, you can't do without the translation of Zhalong Peng.

When Ye Feng, Monica and several warriors of Shawang returned to Shawang village, there was no one in the whole village. After walking around the village, they saw an old man. The old man pointed to the hill not far away, as if Zhalong Peng and the villagers had not dared to come down.

Ye Feng asks Monica to stay for a rest, while he goes to the hills with the warriors of the Shawang people. However, he finds that Zhalong Peng and a group of Shawang people are still hiding behind the slopes of the hills, one by one as listless as a vented ball.

However, seeing Ye Feng and the warriors of the Shawang people coming back, they were both surprised and excited. Many villagers stood up one after another and walked towards them. More people of the Shawang people asked what happened to the warriors.The warriors told the villagers about Ye Feng's brave deeds, and the indigenous villagers of Shawang looked at Ye Feng with admiration.

Zhalunpeng also stood up at this time, listening to the people say how Ye Feng killed the Titan python, but he was very complicated and happy. After all, Titan Python is the biggest disaster on the island. It's a good thing to get rid of it.

But at the same time, Zha lunpeng is still a little scared. After all, he had evil thoughts about Monika before. Ye Feng can even kill Titan python, which is not the same as playing. He is worried that Ye Feng will settle the accounts in the future.

And at this time, Zhalong Peng also saw Ye Feng coming towards him. He could not help but feel more scared. He instinctively stepped back, but he did not dare to run away, because he knew he could not run away.

At this time, Ye Feng had already walked quickly to Zhalong Peng and said to him, "where's your boat?"

Zha lunpeng didn't expect that Ye Feng just asked about the boat. He immediately said, "yes, yes It's just that the boats are so small that I don't know if I can get out of here and go to Susi. "

Ye Feng hears the speech for a while after pondering a way, "go back to the village first, then show me the boat again!"

After hearing that Ye Feng just wanted to leave, Zhalong Peng was relieved that he almost violated Monica. He immediately told the people to go back to the village. All the indigenous people of Shawang immediately cheered and went down the mountain to go back to the village in high spirits.

Back in the village, when I saw that the horse was destroyed by Titan python, the Aborigines were still scared, and the ancient beast appeared in their minds from time to time, but fortunately, it was dead.

After arriving at the village, all the indigenous people of the Shawang people surrounded Ye Feng. The story of killing Titan Python by him is well known among the Shawang people. Looking at him one by one now is like looking at gods. Even the head of their clan, zhalunpeng, has never looked like this.

And at this time, the forest on one side sent out a rustle of sand, and everyone was stunned. Is there a second Titan Python in the secret passage?

However, we soon found that the sound in the forest was not made by the Titan python, but by the savages of the mengchai nationality. The whole forest seemed to be the savages of the mengchai nationality. They stood there one by one, or at least hundreds of people.

The people of the Shawang people can't help but feel awed. They secretly say that the mengchai people don't want to attack the Shawang villages when they are destroyed by Titan python, do they?

All the aborigines could not help but take out their bows and crossbows. They were all in a posture of facing the enemy. However, the barbarians in the forest on the mountain did not take the offensive trend. Instead, they came down seven people, six of them were savages of the mengchai nationality, and one of them was dressed, so he should not be from the island.

When the six savages of the mengchai tribe approached, they found that the man in the clothes was actually Stephen, but it seemed that there was something like herbal medicine on his forehead.

They were all puzzled. Soon the six barbarians came to a place not far from the village, raised their hands one after another, and then turned around. At first, they didn't understand what they meant. But when they saw that they didn't have a blowing pole, they realized that they were saying they didn't have any weapons.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the front of several films and took a look at Stephen. When Stephen looked at Ye Feng, he immediately cried out, "help me!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at Stephen, but he doesn't speak. At this time, the six barbarians suddenly kneel on the ground, kowtow to Ye Feng, then turn around and leave.

Ye Feng realized that the mengchai people thought that Stephen should be their own, so they released the Stephen they had captured to show their respect?

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