Stephen was knocked unconscious by the savages of the mengchai tribe. When he woke up, he found that he was braking in a cave deep in the cave, and he was tied to a rock.

The cave is full of savages of the mengchai nationality. They all look very ghostly and ghostly. In addition, the cave is dark, so it looks very terrible.

The mengchai people seem to be behind the Shawang people, but their population seems to be far more than that of the Shawang people. The whole cave is full of people.

What scares Stephen most is that there is a stone similar to a cooker next to him, which makes him feel that mengchai people are cannibals, and he is going to be the dinner of mengchai people.

However, the mengchai people didn't fight him. From time to time, people came back to ask people to leave. Sometimes, after hearing strange calls, people left the cave one after another. They didn't know what happened outside the village.

In the process of being detained by the mengchai people, Stephen saw a lot of graffiti on the cave wall. It seemed that the painting was simple and scribbled, and he didn't see it clearly at first.

After a long time of thinking, I finally understood what it meant. It seemed that there was a dragon on their side. At first, they worshiped it as a God. But later, the Dragon began to eat their people, and they regarded it as a devil.

But the Dragon doesn't seem to be there all the time. It seems that it appears only after a period of time. Every time it appears, it has to eat people. At first, the mengchai people will resist. But after it is not the opponent of the Dragon at all, it begins to sacrifice people. Every time the dragon appears, it will sacrifice 20 people, so that the dragon can eat and leave quickly.

After that, foreigners came to the island. At first, the mengchai people didn't know each other's origin and purpose, and they didn't know their existence. Until one time, they went out hunting and met a new foreigner. It seemed that the two groups were in fear, so they fought each other. After each group was injured, the two people began to feud.

After that, their leader came up with an idea that since the dragon would appear at a certain time, it would be better to sacrifice to his own people than to foreigners, so he began to attack foreigners frequently. It seems that the records also mentioned that the Dragon appeared several times after foreigners came.

Stephen can understand these, but also thanks to his grandfather is an archaeologist, when he was young, he often saw grandfather with stone hieroglyphs research, but also often asked Stephen some strange questions, and at that time, Stephen seemed to be quite interested in these, but after his grandfather died, he joined the army, he never contacted this It's not like that.

He didn't even think that he could use what his grandfather taught him when he was a child in his lifetime. Although Stephen can't guarantee that he can understand it completely, at least half of them can understand what it means. With his own association, the smooth story shows that the direction of association is at least right, and that's all.

After that, Stephen heard the barbarians of the mengchai tribe come back to the cave and keep shouting "Sabah heat". At first, Stephen didn't know what it meant. Later, combined with the patterns on the pen, he guessed that it was related to the dragon. And seeing the barbarians excited, it should be that the Dragon died or was driven away, so the "Sabah heat" was not a victory It means that the name of the dragon, or the last possibility, is the name of the person who drives or kills the dragon. It should be warrior, hero and so on.

Stephen even thought of a term in his heart - Dragon Slayer. Thinking of this, Stephen could not help but secretly say that if he could leave alive, he might be able to write a book. Just write about this strange experience.

However, Stephen never thought about why there was a dragon on this island and what it was, probably because he knew he was going to die, so he was not in the mood to think about it.

Just as I was thinking about it, many of the mengchai people came back. The barbarian leader called everyone out of the cave. It seemed that they were saying something at the cave. All the mengchai people were excited and even hugged and wept.

After a while, all the people of mengchai went to the same place, and a few people came back to untie Stephen, took him and left. They didn't know where to take him.

Along the way, Stephen kept trying to communicate with the mengchai people. He even felt that the mengchai people should not be cannibals. The reason why they were called cannibals by the Shawang people was that they often caught them to sacrifice.

Stephen was a little relieved to think that he was not a cannibal, but his heart moved. Mengchai people have the habit of sacrificing, so they should not take themselves to sacrifice to the dragon.

Along the way, Stephen was terrified, until he was taken to the forest not far from the Shawang village. Then he was escorted to the Shawang village, and he was handed over to Ye Feng directly, and the people of mengchai all knelt down to worship ye Feng.

This makes Stephen a little curious. Is Ye Feng the "Sabah heat" they call him, the so-called Dragon Slayer?

Just thinking about it, the mengchai people on the other side of the forest knelt down in the same place and worshiped Ye Feng. Nearly 200 people chanted "Sabah heat" at the same time, which made Stephen more convinced that Ye Feng was a dragon slayer.Thinking of this, Stephen asked Ye Feng, "did you kill a dragon?"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "dragon? What dragon is there in the world

In order to verify whether what he saw in the cave was true, Stephen immediately asked, "you must have killed something, or driven something away?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I killed a Titan Python!"

Stephen immediately suddenly, his face is quite excited to say to Ye Feng, "that's right, they regard the python as a dragon, you killed the python, so they call you" Sabah heat ", which may be the meaning of dragon slaying warrior or dragon slaying hero!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Stephen in surprise and says, "can you understand what they mean?"

But Stephen shrugged his shoulders and said, "when I was a child, I studied archaeology with my grandfather. I was held in a cave by them. When I saw their graffiti in the cave wall, I understood what they meant. Although I can't say it's all right, I can't say it's all right."

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Stephen. He didn't expect that the boy was captured by the mengchai clan. He didn't die. He also knew some secrets of the mengchai clan?

At this time, Monica came over, looked at Stephen white, and snorted, "you're not dead yet? Cannibals didn't eat you? Do you think your meat stinks? "

Stephen can't help but look at Monica, then said to Ye Feng, "they may not be cannibals!"

But Ye Feng said, "if it's not cannibal, what will he do to catch you, and he almost caught me. Why should he catch us?"

Stephen said, "maybe we were captured to sacrifice the Dragon Oh, Titan Python! That's why they arrest the people of the Shawang people. They don't want their own people to suffer, so they arrest outsiders. So the people of the Shawang people think they are cannibals! "

Ye Feng doesn't know whether what Stephen said is true or false. He looks at Stephen with half faith, but seeing that Stephen is very serious and confident, he believes more.

But at this time, these are not what he cares about. It is not so important for him whether the mengchai people are normal aborigines or bloody and ignorant cannibals. After all, he does not intend to live on this island for a lifetime.

But this news may be very good news for the Shawang people. If the other people are not cannibals, and the purpose of arresting is to offer sacrifices to the Titan python, now the Titan Python is dead, there is no need to arrest people in the future. I hope the two people can forget their past grudges and get along well from now on.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately went to Zhalong Peng's front and said, "is my boat ready?"

"I've got people ready, but they don't seem to want you to leave," he said immediately

Ye Feng surprised way, "why?"

Zhalong Peng said playfully to Ye Feng, "you killed the python monster. Now they all regard you as a hero and a warrior, and you have saved our people. Of course, they don't want you to go! They even want to recommend you to be the patriarch! "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but a surprised way, "do clan head?"? Forget it, I have my own business to do. I have to leave! "

Zha lunpeng heard that Ye Feng didn't want to stay and grab the clan leader with him, and immediately relaxed, "well, I'll let them urge again!"

Ye Feng took a look at zhalunpeng, and then said, "but we are a guide. I think about it. The only one who can talk to us here is you, so please!"

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