As soon as Zha lunpeng heard this, he was immediately confused. After a long time, he quickly said to Ye Feng, "I can draw you a maritime map..."

Ye Feng immediately said, "that can't do. Who knows if your painting is true or false? Only if you take us there in person can I rest assured! " Then, without waiting for Zhalong Peng to speak, he immediately added, "it's such a pleasant decision!"

What else did Zhalong Peng want to say? Monica immediately sneered and said, "if you don't go, let's make a good calculation of what happened before!" Said immediately toward Ye Feng said, "I don't want his life, you directly castrate him!"

As soon as Zha lunpeng heard this, he immediately clamped his legs and looked at Ye Feng and Monica with a depressed face. They agreed happily, but they were not happy at all.

At this time, Ye Feng walked up to Zhalong Peng and patted him on the shoulder. He said in a cold voice, "you can not agree, then we can not go. Your people don't want me to be the head of the clan here, and I can't think about it. I feel that it's a good choice for us to have a beautiful and beautiful scenery."

At this, Zhalong Peng immediately said to Ye Feng, "I'll send you!"

Ye Feng looked at Zhalong Peng and said, "don't force it!"

Zha lunpeng said firmly to Ye Feng, "absolutely not reluctantly!"

Ye Feng nodded. At this time, the indigenous people of Shawang came back and reported to Zhalong Peng that the boats were ready by the sea.

After Zhalong Peng told Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "go now!"

Zha lunpeng couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the words, "so suddenly?"

Ye Feng frowned at Zhalong Peng and said, "how? Are you going to stay for the holiday? "

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Zhalong Peng couldn't, so he had to tell the Shawang people that he wanted to send Ye Feng to Suxi island. Maybe he would come back after a while and let them take care of themselves.

As soon as the Shawang people heard that Ye Feng was going to leave, they were very disappointed. Few people even cared about whether Zha lunpeng was at risk this time. Zha lunpeng was very hurt.

But just like this, Zha lunpeng immediately nodded and said to Ye Feng, "go, go at once!"

Ye Feng did not know what the Shawang aborigines and Zhalong Peng had said, but he could see that the Shawang people were very disappointed.

And when they went to the seaside, almost all the people who could walk in Shawang went to see them off.

When he arrived at the seaside, Ye Feng found that the boats they talked about were just some canoes, which were all made by hollowing out the tree trunks.

Seeing this, Stephen could not help but frown and say, "don't you want to die to make this ship go to sea?"

But Zhalong Peng said to Ye Feng and Stephen, "the technology here is limited, and the ships that can be made are just like this!"

After looking at it, Ye Feng frowned slightly. After pondering for a moment, he immediately said to Zhalong Peng, "if there is no boat, then make a raft!"

Zhalong Peng nodded when hearing the speech, and immediately asked the people to go to the scene to pick wood and start making rafts. There are many people and great strength. When the rafts are almost finished, Monica said, "why don't you build a shed on the raft with wood?"

Ye Feng said a good idea, and then asked zhalunpeng to tell their people to continue to pick wood and build a wooden shed. After they were firmly bound with ropes, Ye Feng asked him to tie two specially high logs on the raft and shed. Then he said goodbye to the Shawang people.

The people of the Shawang nationality were all standing by the sea, looking at a few people reluctantly. At this time, the people of the mengchai nationality also went to the sea. Not only that, they also brought a lot of wild fruits and even the bodies of wild animals.

Ye Feng can't help but feel a move. He nods to the people of mengchai to express his gratitude. He accepts the wild fruit, so the animal's body is not needed. After all, it's impossible to make a fire and roast meat at sea.

And the Shawang people gave Ye Feng some fishing tools, such as sharpened wood and special rope woven fishing nets, so that if they were hungry at sea, they could catch fish to satisfy their hunger.

Later, the two people helped push the raft into the sea. Ye Feng stood on the raft and waved goodbye to the Shawang and mengchai people.

The two people stood on the shore watching them leave. When the raft drifted away, they could not see clearly. The Shawang people and the mengchai people turned around and suddenly realized that this was the first time that the two people had stood together so harmoniously after the Shawang people landed on the island.

The mengchai people croaked to the Shawang people and then left with them. The Shawang people didn't understand, but there was no more conflict. I believe it was some kind of friendly words.

That night, the Shawang people also found that the mengchai people had brought a lot of animal bodies outside their village, but they did not see the mengchai people. The next day, the Shawang people also sent some relatively advanced tools to the mengchai people, such as crossbows and bone blades.

After that, the two peoples gradually began to communicate, gradually became familiar with each other's language, and even gradually merged into a race, but these are the afterwords.At this time, Ye Feng had already gone along the coast to the place where they landed. When they got there, Ye Feng immediately jumped into the sea and swam to the shore. After finishing all the previous parachutes, he swam back to the raft with his parachute.

Stephen knew that Ye Feng was going to use the parachute as a sail, otherwise he would not know how long it would take to drift on the sea just by following the current with a raft.

After Ye Feng got on the raft, several people reasonably opened the landing hill and tied it to the pole. At this time, the raft began to increase its horsepower with the help of the wind.

Zhalunpeng had not been out to sea for a long time. Looking at the sky, he said to Yefeng, "I remember Suxi island is only two days and nights away from here!"

Monica could not help but make complaints about it. "Even if miles, or even miles, where is the distance between day and night?"

"What's our level now?" he explained? It would be nice to work out five days and nights! "

Ye Feng then asked Zha lunpeng, "what did you use when you fled?"

Zhalong Peng said to Ye Feng, "it's similar to this. A few simple wooden rafts are not as big as the present one. They have made about 20 rafts, each of which can squeeze five or six people. All the rafts are tied together, but without sails, they are floating to mengchai Island completely by ocean currents."

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded and said, "that is to say, according to our current speed, the time can be shortened by two-thirds! It will be there in about two days, which means that Suoxi island is not far from here! "

Stephen asked Ye Feng, "if it's so close, why hasn't it been found?"

Ye Feng is also a little puzzled about this problem. It's possible that Susi island can't be found on mengchai Island, but with the ability of Susi Island, it's impossible that he doesn't know that there is a mengchai island so close to them.

But since he couldn't figure it out, he didn't think about it for the moment. Ye Feng picked up a fruit, sat on the side of the raft, washed it with sea water, and then wiped it on his body, eating and looking at the distance.

At this time, Monica also sat on Ye Feng's side and whispered to Ye Feng, "these two guys are not fuel-efficient lights!"

Ye Feng hum a, made a wink toward Monika, indicated that he understood her meaning, let her not talk much, he had his own plan.

Seeing Ye Feng, Monica stopped talking and picked up a fruit to wash and eat.

Stephen stood over there, leaning against the shed, glancing at Ye Feng and Monica from time to time. Seeing that both of them were facing away from themselves, he immediately winked at Zhalong Peng on one side.

Zha lunpeng was surprised and said, "what?"

He asked in a loud voice, which made Stephen's heart move. He scolded cha penglun as a fool, and immediately said, "is the current in the right direction?"

Zhalunpeng immediately said, "it should be right, but when we came here, the wind direction was just the opposite. Now the wind direction should be right!"

But Stephen frowned, "right? We want to be sure, but we can't be sure! "

Zhalunpeng said, "at night, when I look at the stars in the sky, I should be able to know the location!"

Stephen just nodded, then looked at Ye Feng and Monica sitting there again. Seeing that they didn't look back, he immediately glanced at Zhalong Peng again.

Even if Zhalong Peng was stupid, he could see that there was something wrong with Stephen. He could not help looking at him with a frown and asked what was wrong with Stephen with his eyes.

Steven then came over and took two fruits, and then said to Zhalong Peng, "I don't know how many days I'll stay on this raft. Let's have some fruits to rest!"

Zhalong Peng took the fruit from Stephen and sat down side by side with him. Then he looked at him and whispered, "what's the matter?"

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