Stephen then whispered to Zhalong Peng, "just get that boy out of the sea, and we can go back the same way!"

When Zhalong Peng heard this, he suddenly looked at Stephen. He didn't come back for a long time. After a long time, he would come back. Stephen is the key to Ye Feng.

When Stephen saw that Zhalong Peng didn't say a word, he immediately whispered, "think about it. Anything can happen in this sea. It's possible that you can go back to Suzy island or not!"

As soon as he heard this, Zha lunpeng thought to himself that his last time drifting from Suxi island to mengchai island was a near death. As Stephen said, it's really hard to predict his life and death when he went to Suxi island this time.

But then he looked at Stephen in surprise and said, "don't you want to go back

But Stephen said to Zhalong Peng, "it's my business to go back, but I don't want to take him with me!"

As soon as he heard this, he couldn't help staring at Stephen for a long time. He didn't really understand what Stephen meant.

And at this time, but listen to the voice of Monica came from behind, "what are you two talking about here!"

Stephen seemed to have thought about it for a long time, and immediately said to Monica, "Oh, I asked him what he used to do!"

"Ah, yes, he asked me what I used to do," he said with an embarrassed smile

Monica also looked at Zhalong Peng in surprise and said, "yes, I'm curious. You didn't go to Suoxi island before. What are you doing?"

Zha lunpeng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't work before. I played games at home all day!"

"How did you get to Suzy?" she said with a frown

But Zhalong Peng said, "I didn't say that last time. I had an accident at sea, and then I drifted to Suxi island!"

Monica snorted coldly, "it's an otaku!" Then he said in a strange way, "how dare you, an otaku, dare to..."

Before Monica finished, Zhalong Peng immediately said, "don't mention that, OK? I'm wrong. I've realized my mistake!"

Ye Feng then stood up and said to Monica, "he is also a hanging wire counter attack. He has changed from an otaku to a leader who can be hundreds of people of the same age. Of course, he is brave!"

Zha lunpeng was embarrassed when he heard this, but he knew that what Ye Feng said was true. He had accomplished nothing before. He could not do anything except play games and read novels. Even after he went to Suxi island to make bows and crossbows, he had read them on the Internet before.

However, Zhalong Peng didn't tell the truth. In fact, after he was lovelorn, he bought an ocean going boat and jumped into the sea to commit suicide.

After he was rescued, he wanted to continue to die. But after being rescued several times, he gradually found that the life here was more suitable for him. After all, there was no noise of the city, and the civilization of the people here was still relatively backward. They all felt strange when they made something for themselves. They found all the satisfaction that they could not find in the original world here, and even found it There are as many women as he wants here. Although these women may not be able to compare with those in the city, they are all the same when the lights are turned off. Besides, occasionally some of them look good after cleaning up. In addition, after that, he became the heir of the clan leader and ruled the whole tribe, which he did not dare to think about before.

In Susi Island, he can not only enjoy the best food and the most beautiful women here, but also control the life and death of all people. He has become a local emperor. This is not what the hanging silk counter attack is. Therefore, Zhalong Peng has long forgotten that he did nothing at first, so he dares to have evil thoughts when he sees Monica.

Although Zhalong Peng is now the head of the Shawang clan, he is still cowardly because of his nature. It can be seen from his confrontation with the mengchai clan that their weapons are more advanced than those of the mengchai clan, and they dare not face up to the mengchai clan. The Shawang clan led by Ye Feng has been destroyed by the mengchai clan many times.

After listening to what Ye Feng said, Zha lunpeng thinks of Ye Feng's performance on the island. He can kill Titan Python by himself. This is what he can only do in the game before. Let him do what he sees in the novel. He dare not lend him 18 courage.

At this time, when he thought that Stephen was going to return Ye Feng, he felt a little bit of stage fright. When he got to Ye Feng's hand, he thought that if he couldn't get down for a round, he would belch. Thinking of this, Zha lunpeng couldn't help telling himself that he couldn't go with Stephen. Although it was dangerous to go to Suxi Island, he couldn't get to Suxi island if he wanted to hurt Ye Feng.

Finally, when night fell and the sun sank below the sea level, the stars appeared gradually. Zhalong Peng looked at the stars in the sky and said to Ye Feng, "there should be no wrong direction! It's the opposite of the last time we came here! "

Ye Feng nodded, lying on the raft, and then said to Monica, "you go into the shed to have a rest. It's estimated that there will be more than one day's journey!"

Taking advantage of the darkness, Stephen immediately sat down on the side of Zhalong Peng and whispered to him, "do you think about it?"Zhalunpeng looked at Stephen nervously and hesitated to make a statement. However, Stephen handed zhalunpeng a wooden fork he had just broken, "attack him when you have a chance!"

Zhalong Peng immediately put the fork away, but he still didn't speak. Stephen glanced at Ye Feng, then stretched out and said, "sleep!"

Looking at Stephen also sleeping, Zha lunpeng can't help but tangle up. If he doesn't help Stephen, it's very likely that Stephen will be bad for himself. After all, he is also a subordinate of those people in Suxi Island, and he's probably not a good bird.

But if he helps Stephen, he can see even if he is stupid. Steven wants to use himself as a gun. If he succeeds in the sneak attack, he will certainly come out to help himself. But if he fails, he may not only help himself, but also kill himself.

Zha lunpeng sat there, holding the fork tightly in his hand. He felt uncomfortable like a knife. Now he was restless.

I don't know how long more, Zha lunpeng is a little sleepy. At this time, he looks back at Ye Feng and Stephen and sees that they seem to be asleep.

Zha lunpeng suddenly remembers that he almost violated Monica. Although it's over, Ye Feng doesn't say there's any follow-up, but he can see that now Monica is targeting herself everywhere. Obviously, Monica won't let it go.

And this Monica is the sister of the leaders of those people in Susi island. It's very likely that they use themselves to go to Susi Island first, and then let the people in Susi Island catch themselves and settle the accounts later in the autumn.

Thinking of this, Zha lunpeng's heart began to lean towards Stephen. As long as Ye Feng is killed, there will be only one Monica left, which is not justified at all.

Although zhalunpeng used to be an otaku, his nature hasn't changed much after so many years, but he hasn't killed anyone. Every time there are outsiders drifting to mengchai Island, they also kill them. Although it may not come from his original intention, after all, he is the patriarch and also participates in the process of killing, so killing is not too difficult for him.

At this time, zhalunpeng squeezed the fork head in his hand, gritted his teeth and immediately wanted to give it to Ye Feng. But just at this time, Ye Feng turned over and just faced him. Although Ye Feng closed his eyes, the courage zhalunpeng had just summoned was instantly annihilated.

Zha lunpeng sat there staring at Ye Feng for a long time, but thinking of the consequences after he went to Suxi Island, he decided to take a risk, or he would die if he went to Suxi island.

Zha lunpeng thinks that he moves slowly towards Ye Feng immediately. Finally, he grits his teeth, picks up the fork in his hand, and is ready to tie it down to Ye Feng's neck.

But at this time, Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes, which really scared Zhalong Peng. If Ye Feng knew that he wanted to hurt him, he would die. At this critical moment, Zhalong Peng immediately turned his direction and stabbed Stephen in the chest.

Stephen is still half asleep and half awake. He suddenly feels a sharp pain in his heart. When he opens his eyes, he sees that Zhalong Peng is stabbing his fork in his chest.

Without waiting for Stephen to speak, Zhalong Peng immediately picked up the wooden fork and looked at Stephen's heart again. Stephen suddenly felt weak. He didn't understand why Zhalong Peng didn't harm Ye Feng. Instead, he came to kill himself and had already taken the lunch box.

Ye Feng then sat up and looked at the scene in front of him and said, "why did you kill him?"

Zhalong Peng said immediately, "he wants me to hurt you. I think about it, but I still don't think I can do it!" He had to admire his own urgency. In this critical situation, he could even think of a good speech.

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