Ye Feng didn't say anything. Instead, he went to Zhalong Peng and Stephen and looked at Stephen lying on the raft. At this time, he seemed to be dead.

At this time, Zhalong Peng quickly released the wooden fork that was tied to Stephen's chest, stood up and said, "you have to believe me, it's him who wants you!"

Ye Feng frowned at Zhalong Peng and said, "how about you? You didn't mean to hurt me? "

Zha lunpeng's face moved slightly and said to Ye Feng, "no, I absolutely don't!"

Ye Feng took a look at the wooden fork on Stephen's chest and said, "if you don't harm people, what's the matter with this wooden fork?"

Zhalong Peng immediately explained to Ye Feng, "this is what he gave me. He asked me to kill you, so he gave me one of these!"

Ye Feng stares at zhalunpeng for a long time and doesn't speak. However, zhalunpeng's heart is empty. I don't know if ye Feng believes his words.

At this time, Ye Feng squatted down and explored Stephen's breath and pulse. Then he stood up and kicked Stephen's body into the sea with his feet.

With the sound of "plop", Zha lunpeng felt relieved. It seemed that Stephen's existence was a burden to him. After all, there was no proof of his death, and the last body was gone. Ye Feng would not know anything.

At this time, Ye Feng's hand gently patted on zhalunpeng's shoulder. Although it was not heavy, zhalunpeng felt as if a huge stone had fallen on his shoulder. He could hardly breathe.

Ye Feng said to Zha lunpeng in a deep voice, "what are you and Stephen secretly talking about? I know very well why you killed Stephen. You also know very well. You don't have to say so much!"

On hearing this, Zha lunpeng looked at Ye Feng and said, "no Listen to me... "

Ye Feng patted Zha lunpeng on the shoulder and said, "you'd better listen to me first. The purpose of taking you is to send us to Suxi Island, and then you'll go your way and I'll go my way. Maybe I won't see you again in my life, so before that, you can be your guide!"

Zha lunpeng looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully, and then tentatively asked, "when you get to Suxi Island, will you really let me go?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "why don't you go? Is it helpful for me to stay in Suxi island?"

On hearing this, Zhalong Peng shook his head like a rattle and said, "no, absolutely no help!" In fact, he was really afraid that Ye Feng would not let himself go on the pretext that he was not familiar with the topography of Suxi island.

Ye Feng said, "what are you worried about? Why should I bring a person who will only become a burden without any help to increase my burden? "

When Zhalong Peng heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "this is what you said. You have to keep your word!"

Ye Feng said to Zha lunpeng, "if I have only one advantage, it may be that my words are true."

Zha lunpeng was completely relieved, then collapsed on the raft and explained, "in fact, when that guy came to me, I didn't think it was right, but you know, I offended you after all, so I was worried too..."

Ye Feng then stretched a stretch way, "don't explain, I only see the results, as for your heart at that time is how tangled, has nothing to do with me! Go to bed early, there will be some time before going to the island! "

Zha lunpeng also wants to explain a few words to Ye Feng, but seeing that Ye Feng has closed his eyes at this time, he can't say anything. He also lies on the raft, but he doesn't feel sleepy at all. He worries that once he falls asleep, he may open his eyes again and be in the sea.

Think about it and think that it's not right. If Ye Feng really hurt himself, he still has the chance to open his eyes again. Until Dongfang began to turn white, Zhalong Pengcai figured out that Ye Feng really hurt him, where to wait for him to fall asleep. This night is white tension.

When Zhalong Peng finally woke up early, he found that Ye Feng and Monica were sitting on one side of the raft, eating the fish that had just been fished in the sea. The fish's viscera had been hollowed out and cut into pieces by Ye Feng, just like sashimi.

Originally, Monica was more resistant. Although she had eaten sashimi, it seemed that the variety was different from the one Ye Feng caught, and the color was different. But she was hungry. She didn't feel as bad as she thought. Maybe she was too hungry.

Zhalong Peng knew that there was no fire on the raft, and it was good to eat raw fish. Ye Feng took a look at him and said to him, "get up and eat something, and then see if the course is right."

Zhalong Peng walked over and ate a few pieces of raw fish. He and Monica must not be averse to this kind of food. After all, when he first went to Suxi Island, he ate more than this.

After eating two pieces of fish, Zha lunpeng looked up at the sky and looked at the distance. At this time, his heart suddenly moved and said to Ye Feng, "no! Look aheadWhen Ye Feng heard that he was looking in the direction of Zhalong Peng, he saw that there seemed to be a black thing in the distance, which should be land. He could not help but frown, "isn't this coming? What's wrong? "

Zhalunpeng said, "Susi island is not so big, even only half of mengchai island. It's impossible to have such a long coastline. When I left, it was about such a long distance. It looked like the size of a nail. It couldn't be so long!"

Hearing the words, Monica couldn't help but say to Zhalong Peng, "it's so far away, of course, I can't see clearly. Maybe you were far away at that time?"

Zha lunpeng shook his head and said, "it's impossible. The size will change, but the shape can't change. Suxi island should be oval, and you see, the one in front of it is obviously a long one..."

Ye Feng frowned, then said in a deep voice, "no matter what island it is, first land to add water and fruit!"

Then the three of them didn't say a word. The raft continued to drift towards the coastline of the island. I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, Monica said, "look..."

Ye Feng and Zha lunpeng were all moved when they heard the news. They immediately looked in the direction that Monika pointed out. However, they saw that a ship was coming quickly not far away.

Zhalong Peng's face moved and said, "is there any pirate or something like that?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word. It's so desolate here. I've been drifting for so long. I've even seen a boat. If I'm a pirate here, won't I starve to death?

Soon the ship was right in front of the raft. It looked hundreds of times bigger than the raft. If you can't see the raft clearly, you can't resist it if you drive directly from the raft.

However, at this time, the ship in front suddenly stopped, and soon several people appeared on the deck, all holding guns and aiming at the raft.

Zha lunpeng's face couldn't help but move. Instinctively, he hid behind Ye Feng and said, "what did I say? Maybe it's a pirate!"

And at this time, the ship immediately put down a kayak, and soon a kayak quickly drove towards them, two people on the kayak, also holding weapons, drove to the raft nearby, and then stopped.

One of the men in the kayak said to Ye Feng, "who are you?"

Ye Feng saw that they were all wearing casual clothes, and the ship was not a warship, but the weapons were very militarized, unlike ordinary people.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said, "we are in a shipwreck. We are trapped on an island for a long time. We just made a raft and want to go back to land!"

The people on the kayak looked at Ye Feng and the three of them, and then said, "does that need rescue?"

Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "of course, we need to rely on this raft. We really don't know when we can get back to land!"

The kayak came slowly, and the man said, "come on up!"

Zhalong Peng said to Ye Feng immediately, "you go, I won't go, I'll go back!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I haven't found a place yet. What are you worried about? Follow me first

Zhalong Peng was not happy, but he didn't dare to resist. He followed Ye Feng and Monica into the kayak. The kayak immediately turned around and drove towards the ship.

Soon the kayak was under the ship, and then they boarded the ship and looked on the deck. Then they noticed that the deck of the ship was full of men, at least about 20 of them, all in casual clothes, but all with weapons. When they saw the three of them coming up, they could not help but look more.

Ye Feng also looked at those people, heart secret way these guys in the end is who, army not army, people not people.

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