At this time, a man came out of the captain's room. He was a man with a beard, a pair of toad glasses and a vest, showing his strong muscles. Because his beard and Toad glasses had covered most of his face, he could not see his actual age.

Beard walked to the front and back of Ye Feng's face, paced back and forth, looked at the three people for a while, walked to the front of Ye Feng and said, "where are you going?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to the man in front of him, "I told you just now that we are shipwrecked. We are refugees."

Whiskers with questioning tone Oh, after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, this went to Monica's front, and staring at Monica for a long time, this took off the toad mirror.

After whiskers removed the toad mirror, Monica could see clearly that one eye of the man was obviously a false eye, and the corner of the other eye was also full of scars, which made his eyes look particularly terrible.

After looking at Monica for a long time, whisker said, "what's your name?"

Monica's heart suddenly fell, and she blurted out, "Monica..."

Ye Feng originally wanted to stop Monika from telling her real name, but it seemed that it was too late.

But after staring at Monica for a long time, he said with a smile, "Monica, that's a nice name!" With a shrug, he went back to Ye Feng and said, "we have other things to do, but we can't go back. If you don't mind, stay on this ship for two days. After we finish our work, we can go back! Do you think so? "

Although the mouth seems to ask Ye Feng, but the tone seems to give Ye Feng an order in general, and there is no time for Ye Feng to answer, so he turns around and says, "take them to the cabin! Give me some food and water

Then he looked back at Zhalong Peng, who only had leaves to cover his body, and added, "prepare some more clothes for our savage friends!" Then Eric went into the captain's room again.

Then came two people, toward the three humanity, "follow me!" Immediately take them down the deck to the side of the boat.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at the long and narrow horizon in the distance. It seemed that the direction of the ship was the horizon. He couldn't help wondering what these people were going to do?

Soon they were brought into the cabin. It was not too big, but it was not too small. There were two rows of upper and lower bunks, and there was a table in the middle. There was nothing else.

After the three people went in, some people immediately brought some food and water, and others brought three sets of clothes. They said, "we don't have women's clothes here. Make do with it!"

After Monica took her clothes, she said, "can I have a separate cabin? It's not convenient for me to be here! "

But the man said, "you need to change your clothes. There's a bathroom here. There's no spare cabin Make do with it... " Then he went to one side of the upper and lower bunk and pushed open a door, which was a small bathroom.

Monica took a look and found that there was still some peculiar smell in it. She could not help touching her nose. Before she spoke, the visitor had already gone out and left a sentence, "don't run around if you have nothing to do!"

As soon as Monica hears this, she can't go into the bathroom and change her clothes. When she comes out of the bathroom, Ye Feng and Zha lunpeng have already changed their clothes.

Zhalong Peng hasn't worn his clothes for a long time, and even put on his T-shirt upside down. Sitting there, he felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

At this time, Monica came over and said to Ye Feng in a low voice, "this should be an armed force, right? I think they all have weapons! "

Zhalunpeng immediately said, "is it the gang who robbed Suoxi island?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "it's hard to say. I can't see it now!" Then he immediately picked up the sandwich in front of him and took a bite of it. "Don't make meaningless guesses, just fill your stomach first!"

Zhalong Peng hasn't eaten any formal food for a long time. During his ten years on the island, he has been eating the meat and fish of wild animals. He is a little excited with the sandwich in his hand.

Monica sat down to one side of the bed, picked up something and simply took a few mouthfuls, then said to Ye Feng, "that beard, one eye is fake, the other eye is not blind, but also full of scars. It's really scary!"

Ye Feng opened the window on one side of the table, looked at the deep blue sea outside, and the horizon gradually approaching in the distance, and asked Zhalong Peng, "you see clearly, isn't that Suxi island?"

Zha lunpeng also took a look at it from the window, then shook his head and said, "definitely not. Our Suxi island is not so big!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, drank a mouthful of water and said to Zhalong Peng and Monica, "you eat first, I'll go out and have a look!"

As soon as Monica heard this, she immediately got up and said, "I'll go out with you. I don't want to stay here with him!"

Ye Feng knows what Monica means. He was almost invaded by Zhalong Peng. It's good that he didn't kill Zhalong Peng immediately. He won't stay here with him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded and said to Monica, "then come with me!"After that, Ye Feng and Monica got out of the cabin, and then walked towards the deck. As soon as they got to the door of the deck, they saw two people standing by the side of the boat, leaning against the railing to smoke.

When they see Ye Feng and Monica coming out, they can't help looking at them, especially Monica. After changing into a man's T-shirt, they look even more unique.

Ye Feng then walked toward two people in the past, toward two humanitarians, "excuse me, give root smoke!"

The man just took a look at Ye Feng, or took out a cigarette for Ye Feng, and helped him light it.

Ye Feng has not smoked for a long time. After taking two deep breaths in a row, he thanks to the two people.

The two didn't talk much. They just nodded, but their eyes were still spinning on Monica. Monica was very uncomfortable when they saw her. If it wasn't for the gun in each other's hand, they really wanted to scold them and ask what they were looking at.

Ye Feng then asked two humanitarians, "friend, where are you going?"

One of them immediately said to Ye Feng, "here, don't ask!"

The other one said with a smile to Ye Feng, "if you want to play with your little girlfriend and our brothers, I can tell you!"

Ye Feng's face moved slightly. As soon as Monica was about to curse, she heard a familiar voice behind her and said, "no one told you, don't walk around?"

Ye Feng and Monica immediately turn around after hearing the speech, but they see that behind them is the beard. He is still carrying the pair of toad mirrors and is coming towards them.

The two men standing by the bed immediately threw away their cigarette ends and nodded to their beards.

The beard then waved a hand toward two people way, "busy your go!"

After waiting for two people to leave, this just says toward Ye Feng, "what do you want to ask, ask me directly, don't ask my subordinates!"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, just want to ask what beard, Monica immediately asked, "are you pirates?"

Beard smell speech can't help but smile a way, "do you see us like?"

Monica wants to say something like, in her impression, pirates are all Cyclops, and the beard in front of her has just one eye, doesn't it just fit?

But Monica didn't dare to say it. She just looked at her beard and said nothing.

Beard then looked at Ye Feng and said, "how about you? You think we're pirates, too? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders, did not answer the beard directly, but looked at the horizon in the distance and said, "where is that? Your base? "

Whiskers also looked to the distance, and then pondered for a long time, then said, "that used to be our home!"

Monica can't help but wonder, "home?"

But Ye Feng asked, "ever?"

Beard lit a cigarette and said, "yes, once home!"

Ye Feng didn't ask any more, but at this time, after he took a cigarette, he continued, "it used to be the place where we were born and raised, not the home we used to be?"

Monica was surprised. "So you're going home?"

Beard but a trance of way, "go home?" After a long time, he continued, "yes, go home!"

Ye Feng asked at this time, "what's the name there?"

The beard said, "I don't know. No one knows what the place is called!"

But Monica said, "isn't that your home? You don't even know the name of your own island? "

Whiskers then saw Monica and said, "do you know the name of the place where you were born and raised?"

Monica couldn't help but be surprised when she heard the words. She looked at her beard in surprise and didn't say anything for a long time.

Ye Feng is surprised to see a beard, he always feel beard know Monica, but this is just his own feeling.

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