However, from the look of Monica, she seems to have no idea of beard. Ye Feng is surprised.

And what surprised him was more than that, including the strange island in front of him. Beard said it was his home, but he didn't even know the name of his own home, which was very strange.

After taking a deep puff of cigarette, whisker looked at Ye Feng and said, "what's the relationship between you and her?"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the beard, and then said, "friend!"

But he said with a smile, "it's not just friends, is it?"

Monica a listen to this, can't help but face a red, Ye Feng but didn't say anything, this is let Monica some disappointed.

The smile on his beard's face gradually solidified at this time. After throwing away the cigarette end, Chao Yefeng continued to say, "you are definitely more than refugees who have been shipwrecked."

Ye Feng and Monica moved again, but they didn't explain anything, but they shrugged their shoulders and said, "but if you don't want to say it, I won't force it!"

Ye Feng looked at the beard for a long time, then said, "what do you want to go home to do?"

After seeing Ye Feng, he took a deep breath and looked at the horizon. Then he murmured, "clear away some things that shouldn't exist!"

Monica frowned at her beard and said, "what shouldn't exist?"

After hearing this, he couldn't help looking at Monica. He didn't speak for a long time. Finally, he said, "there should be something in the world, something that might change the world after it exists!"

"Change the world? Is it better or worse? " Then, without waiting for the beard to answer, he immediately said, "I asked more questions. Since I want to remove them, it must be bad!"

But he looked at the distance thoughtfully. After pondering for a long time, he said slowly, "to tell you the truth, I don't know whether it's good or not in the end, but it's not good at present."

Ye Feng and Monica can't help but take a look at the beard, and don't quite understand what he means.

Beard then slowly took off the toad mirror, revealing his strange eyes, in the sunlight, it is particularly frightening.

But Ye Feng saw the tangle in his heart from the beard's only good eyes, and from the beard's speech and behavior, he could see that he was not as fierce as his appearance, but also a person with a story, but he didn't want to talk about it deeply.

At this time, Zha lunpeng came from the cabin. After seeing Ye Feng and Monica, he immediately came over. However, after just taking two steps, when he saw his beard turning his head and his eyes, he suddenly stopped.

After taking a look at Zhalong Peng, he said with a smile, "the savages are no different from us when they change their clothes!"

Ye Feng asked his beard, "do you know Suoxi island?"

Beard a listen to this words, surprised looking at Ye Feng way, "Suxi island?" After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "never heard of it! Yes? Are you going to Suzy? "

Ye Feng nodded, and his beard said to Ye Feng, "in fact, there are many islands that are not marked on the map in this sea area. After we have finished our work, we can help you check it!"

Monica immediately said, "thank you so much!"

Bearded side head looked at Monica, eyes in the words, finally nodded, "you're welcome!"

Then he immediately said to the three men, "you can look around on the deck now. When you get to the front, you'd better go into the cabin!"

Beard just turned to go, Ye Feng called beard way, "do you need help?"

Beard a listen to this words, can't help but turn head toward leaf maple frown way, "you want to help?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "anyway, you don't have time to send us to Suxi island for the time being. I have nothing to do on board. Besides, I can't get favors in vain, can't I?"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, he asked, "can you use a gun?"

Ye Feng continued to shrug, "it's OK!"

Beard smell speech, immediately from the waist took out a pistol to Ye Feng, "open a gun to try!"

Ye Feng took the pistol, just a seabird flew by, Ye Feng raised his gun to pull the trigger, instantly the seabird fell into the sea.

Whiskers can't help but eyebrows but looked at Ye Feng and said, "friend, it seems that your origin is not simple!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's nothing but simple. It's just a military career!"

Beard staring at Ye Feng, looked up and down for a long time, then said, "well, then you come with us! But I said in advance, it could be very dangerous! You have no obligation to help us! "

Ye Feng continued to shrug his shoulders and said, "it's my principle to be rewarded for favors."Beard looked at Ye Feng and said, "you don't even know who we are. Maybe you are helping a bunch of bad people!"

After Ye Feng put away the pistol, he said with a smile to his beard, "in this world, there are no pure good people and pure bad people. The difference between good and bad depends on what angle he stands!"

As soon as he heard this, he nodded and said, "OK, thank you very much." He said, looking at Monica and Zhalong Peng, "then they..."

Monica immediately stepped forward and said, "I'll go with you, too!"

But Ye Feng said, "you stay on the boat, you won't shoot, and when the time comes, who can take care of you?"

Whiskers also nodded and said, "yes, there will be some watchmen on board. You should be safe!"

Zhalong Peng then said to Ye Feng, "I don't have to go with you, do I?"

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Monica immediately took Ye Feng's arm and said, "no, I must land with you!"

Ye Feng and whiskers smell speech, have not spoken for a long time, and Monica said, "even if you don't take me, I will go secretly, when it's more dangerous!"

Listen to Monika said so, Ye Feng sighed a little, "OK, then you can go ashore with us, but at that time, you can be obedient, can't run around!"

Seeing that Ye Feng agreed, Monica immediately nodded with a smile and said, "OK, as long as I follow, I'll listen to you for everything!"

Zhalunpeng immediately added, "I don't know anything, so I don't have to go ashore, do I?"

Ye Feng took a look at Zha lunpeng and nodded, "then you stay on the boat and wait for us to come back. When we go to Suxi Island, we still expect you to lead the way!"

At this time, he said to Ye Feng, "give her that pistol, and I'll give you this one again..." Said to one side, took a submachine gun in the hand of a passer-by to give Ye Feng, "once a soldier, this can make?"

Ye Feng took the submachine gun, immediately loaded the cartridge clip, then held it in his hand, nodded to his beard, "no problem!" Then he handed the pistol to Monica and said, "this is for your self-defense. It's not dangerous. When you don't need to shoot, don't shoot!"

Monica nodded to Ye Feng and said, "well, I'll listen to you!"

After staring at Monica and Ye Feng for a moment, Beard said with a smile, "your relationship is still unusual!"

Monica smell speech face immediately is a red, beard at this time but asked Ye Feng way, "by the way, what do you want to do Suoxi island?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Monica immediately said, "he has two friends who have been kidnapped by people on Susi Island, so he's going to save them!"

On hearing this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "are there any armed forces on Suxi island?"

Ye Feng then toward the beard a little way, "and should the armed forces is not small!" Then he pointed to Zhalong Peng and said, "they were originally the aborigines of Suxi island. They were driven away by the present armed forces of Suxi island!"

Whiskers smell speech and looked at Zha lunpeng, then eyes slightly move, but did not say anything, just nodded, toward Ye Feng said, "when our things are solved, we help you to save people in Suxi island!"

Ye Feng said with a faint smile, "I help you, but I don't want you to help me save people!"

The beard patted Ye Feng on the shoulder and said, "nothing, help each other!"

Just then someone came and said to his beard, "boss, I'm going to the shore!"

After hearing this, he immediately looked at the coastline not far away. It looked much longer than before, but it had an end, indicating that it was not a continent, or an island.

After Ye Feng and Monica take a look, they can't help but move in their heart. They secretly say what's going on on this island. Now everything is still unknown.

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