Soon the ship had reached the shoal, but looking at the beach in front of us, there was no port, so the ship couldn't reach the shore at all, so everyone had to go to land by kayak.

Fortunately, there were about ten ships on top of the ship, and soon they all came to the shore. After all the people got off the kayak, someone immediately pulled the kayak ashore. At this time, they asked everyone to join in the woods on the shore.

Whiskers said to the crowd, "this time our goal is very clear. There is only one. Destroy all the facilities on the island!"

all nodded as like as two peas, and Ye Feng noticed that there were several twins in the crowd, almost identical, and even triplets, accounting for more than half of the total number.

When he was on the ship, Ye Feng didn't contact these people too much, so he didn't pay attention. At this time, he couldn't help looking at them and said to his beard, "are you a team of twins?"

Beard is toward Ye Feng a smile, but did not answer Ye Feng's question.

Ye Feng took a look at it and didn't think much about it. Instead, he said to his beard, "I didn't see any facilities on the island on the boat just now!"

Whiskers immediately said, "we are landing at the other end of the island. All the facilities are at the other end of the island. Now we have to go around first, and then act according to the circumstances." Then he immediately asked all the others, "is there a problem?"

When everyone said that there was no problem, bearded immediately took another look at Ye Feng and Monica, and then said to the two people, "you two should protect yourself, and the others should be convenient!"

After making sure that everyone is OK, the beards immediately wave their hands, and a group of people immediately enter the woods and start to move towards the other end of the island. This island is the same as the previous mengchai island. There is a mountain in the middle of the island, which just divides the island into two ends.

Ye Feng did not see any facilities, it is estimated that all of them were blocked by the mountain in front of him.

However, this time, unlike in mengchai Island, the beards were well prepared. They not only brought guns and ammunition, but also water and food.

During the March, Monica always held the pistol in her hand and followed Ye Feng's side. Ye Feng went to the side of the beard and asked him, "it's not a short time to know each other. What's your name?"

Beard smell speech looked at Ye Feng, a long time did not speak, then handed Ye Feng a cigarette, oneself also point on a, this just said, "we this group of people have no name!"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. At this time, he looked at the twins walking on one side and said, "are you all from this island?"

Beard nodded and said, "without exception!"

Ye Feng seems to have understood something in his heart, but he said, "it seems that the geomantic omen on your island is very good. It's twins!"

Beard didn't speak any more, and continued to smoke. At this time, Monica went to Ye Feng's side and said in a low voice, "it's really strange to have so many twins!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at Monica, and then whispered, "maybe it's not twins!"

As soon as Monica hears this, her face suddenly moves. She doesn't understand Ye Feng's meaning. However, looking at Ye Feng, she sees that he doesn't continue the next topic.

Walking for more than half an hour, did not walk to the foot of the mountain, Monica some can not hold up, Ye Feng see toward Monica way, "do you want to have a rest?"

Before Monica could speak, whisker looked back and said to the crowd, "have a rest in place!"

All the people stopped and sat on one side, holding water to replenish water. Some people took off their coats and said, "the air here is getting more and more humid. It's not so stuffy!"

Whiskers remind that humanity, "there are so many mosquitoes here, you'd better be careful!"

The man said with a smile that it was ok, but he waved the mosquitoes around him with his clothes.

Monica looks over there, her face moves, and she doesn't speak for a long time.

Ye Feng saw the look in Monica's eyes, can't help but wonder, "what's the matter?"

Monica was stunned for a long time. She still didn't speak. She just looked at the man in front of her.

Ye Feng followed Monica's eyes, but saw that there was nothing special about the man. However, after a long time, he found that when the man raised his hand, there was a black number at the distance of one hand under his armpit, which seemed to be a tattoo. Besides, there was nothing else.

Ye Feng then said to Monica, "what do you see?"

Monica still didn't speak, but turned her eyes to others. After looking at a large number of people, she said to Ye Feng, "you're right, they're not twins!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "what do you see?"

Monica whispered, "they're like me!" With that, Monica picked up her short sleeve, then lifted her arm and pulled the cuff down to show it to Ye Feng.

looked as like as two peas. Monica had a number on the side, and the figure was exactly the same as that one, but the number was different.Ye Feng actually guessed it before, but at this time, after seeing the profile of Monica to confirm her own idea, she was still a little shocked. How could the bearded team all be clones?

And at this time, beard came over, sat on the side of Ye Feng and Monica, looked at the two people's surprised eyes, this just toward the two humanity, "you all found out?"

Monica said to her beard, "are you all clones?"

Although Monika's voice is very small, people around her all look at her.

But with a calm look on her face, she said in a deep voice, "that's right!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "you say this is your home, so this is Suoxi island?"

Beard shrugged and said, "what's the name of this place? I don't know!"

Ye Feng said to his beard, "you are human clones. How did you leave this island and why did you come back?"

After staring at Ye Feng and Monica for a long time, he said, "we had to work hard to escape, but after several years of thinking, we still want to come back and destroy it. We shouldn't exist at all!"

Monica said to her beard, "since you've run away, you should live the life you want..."

At this time, he took off his sunglasses. Then he looked at Monica and said, "we can't live the life we want. In recent years, our bodies have all kinds of problems. Do you know why I lost one of my eyes?"

Monica shook her head and said, "I can't stand the pain and itch without warning. I picked it out myself!"

Listen to beard say so, Monica can't help but fight a cold war, staring at beard, can hurt itch to oneself will pick out the eye bead, this is she can't imagine.

At this time, beard continued, "all people here have more or less developed various symptoms, which shows that cloning is defective. We should not exist, let alone reproduce with real human beings. This will only destroy the world, so we are back, and we want to destroy these!"

Ye Feng and Monica can't help but be silent when they hear the words. They look at the other clones and see that they are also looking at them.

Ye Feng this time, toward the beard way, "you know she is?"

Beard smell speech brow frown, "he?"

Ye Feng took a look at Monica, and her beard suddenly understood, but her face was still a little surprised and said, "is she?"

Ye Feng then toward the beard way, "in the ship, I think you look at her eyes some wrong, you know her?"

Beard shook his head and said, "I don't know!" But then he said, "but I've seen it!"

As soon as Monica heard this, she couldn't help but wonder, "have we met? Why don't I have any impression? "

Beard said, "I've seen it in an experimental cabin, and there's more than one you! At least a dozen! Where did you come from? I thought you were noumenon

Monica couldn't help but be stunned. She didn't know what to say and looked at her beard.

Ye Feng suddenly realized that these people were all products made on this island, and so was his beard. He had an impression of Monica because he had seen her clone in an experimental cabin in the laboratory.

This led to the fact that when he was on the ship, he looked as if he saw an acquaintance. In other words, this island is actually the destination of him and Monica. Zhuo wanqiu, Scarlett and Virgil should be here.

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