Before Ye Feng said anything, he stood up, patted the dust on his butt, pinched the cigarette ends on the tree trunk, and then threw them away. He also reminded people to pay attention to fire prevention. Once the forest caught fire, it was no joke. The whole island might be burnt out.

Someone said to his beard, "burn it up, burn it up. Anyway, we're here to destroy the island, so we can save a lot of work."

Others echoed the man's words, but whiskers said, "we can't do this until we're sure we can wipe out all the copies on the island!"

Someone immediately said, "what are you afraid of? Anyway, we don't expect to leave. We come here with the mentality of dying together..."

However, after a look at the beard, he shut up and kept silent. One by one, he learned to look like a beard and snuffed out the cigarette ends on the tree trunk. Then he began to go on the road.

Ye Feng walks to one side of Monika. No one talks any more along the way. However, Monika whispers to Ye Feng, "did you hear that just now? They didn't leave a way for themselves at all!"

Ye Feng of course heard this, that is to say, the beard did not tell him the truth in some places. At that time, he let himself stay on the ship and said that he would help them to find Suxi island after they finished their task. Those are all lies, but why the beard told this lie is still unknown.

However, Ye Feng thought carefully, after all, he and this beard are also the first time to meet, people do not have to tell him the truth, some aspects of concealment is normal, as long as he feels that this guy is reliable on the whole, at least he has not found anything suspicious about this beard.

After walking for more than half an hour, I arrived at the foot of the mountain. I ordered everyone to have a rest. Then I went to the foot of the mountain and looked at the mountain for a while.

Ye Feng and Monica sit on one side to rest, but they look at the group of clones from time to time. At this time, Monica whispers to Ye Feng, "I have a feeling!"

Listen to Monika say so, leaf maple side head looks to Monika way, "what feeling?"

Monica said, "I can't say, but I always feel that the purpose of their coming here is not just to destroy the cloning labs!"

Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears what Monica says. It's not what Monica feels, but what he feels.

He thought and then said to Monica, "don't say anything more at the moment. Then you should protect yourself and don't take risks!"

Listening to Ye Feng worrying about herself, Monica can't help but look at Ye Feng. Then she reaches for Ye Feng's hand and says to Ye Feng, "be careful, too! Their purpose is not clear. We can't lose our lives for them! "

Ye Feng nodded and patted Monica's hand to show that he knew about it. At this time, he saw that his beard came back and said to the crowd, "have a rest, eat something, we'll go up the mountain and we'll go straight to the top of the mountain to have a rest!"

Everyone answered and took out something to eat. Whiskers took two cans to Yefeng and Monica and handed them to them. "You can eat some too. The next rest will be to the top of the mountain."

Ye Feng and Monica took the tin and opened it to eat. But they saw that they were sitting on one side with a worried face. They didn't eat or speak. They just looked at the top of the mountain in a daze.

Ye Feng quickly finished the can, went to the side of the beard, sat down, asked for a cigarette with him, lit it and said, "what are you looking at?"

Whiskers toward Ye Feng said, "nothing, just think of the previous life on this island!"

Ye Feng asked his beard, "what kind of life did you have here before?"

Whiskers said, "we are lucky. We are coolies. After we finish some work, we are locked up. Some of us eat and some of us sleep. Some of us are unlucky..." Said he also lit a cigarette, smoked up, but did not continue to say.

After smoking a cigarette, Ye Feng asked his beard, "what's wrong with those people?"

"They exist like pigs," said whisker! They were born for the sake of others! "

Ye Feng didn't quite understand the meaning of whiskers. They work as coolies. Don't they exist for others? What does whiskers mean?

After he took a few more puffs of cigarettes, he said, "you can't imagine that they were made to give life to others with their organs. That is to say, from the beginning of existence, they were made to wait for death."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at beard way, "organ dirty transplant?"

Whiskers nodded and said, "yes, they all have the original ontology. Because there are some defects or diseases, they have cloned one again, in order to cut their dirty organs or other things and transplant them to the ontology..."

When Ye Feng heard that, he could not help but be silent. He just heard that Virgil had said that they had cloning technology, and now they also have Cao Yihai's memory transplantation technology. After the combination of the two, he wanted to input the memory of the dying into a new body, so as to achieve the so-called immortality in form.But I didn't expect to use this method. If it goes on like this, as long as an ontology is infinitely copied and cloned, any organ on one's body can be replanted if it is exhausted or aged?

Beard looked at Ye Feng and said, "these are not the most pitiful ones. The pitiful ones are those who are born with congenital defects. They may be destroyed immediately after they see the world!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath after hearing the speech, and then looked at his beard and said, "so, a clone without defects is going to be transplanted. The direct humanitarian destruction of congenital defects is that you coolies have lived the longest?"

Whiskers nodded to Ye Feng and said, "there was no defect in our cloning at that time, but because the ontology had not yet been transplanted, it was dead, or other exotic reasons, so we were not allowed to be transplanted. At that time, we were also preparing for the destruction of the human way, but after all, the expansion of the island needed manpower, and they didn't want to Then we found someone from the outside, so let's work as coolies. After we ran away, we found that we were also flawed! "

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately said to his beard, "so to speak, those so-called flawless clones are not perfect either, just because they haven't found any defects in a short time?"

He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. In a word, this kind of anti human and anti nature research shouldn't exist!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while at this time. After a long time, he asked his beard, "if you are a clone, you should have partial memory of noumenon. What is your noumenon for?"

Whiskers said, "I'm not? He is an ordinary worker. As far as I can remember, he fell in the process of going to work and broke his spleen. It's very serious. He has to change his spleen to continue to live! "

Ye Feng immediately interrupted, "according to reason, an ordinary worker can't afford this kind of clone transplant operation!"

Whiskers nodded and said, "yes, he really can't afford to pay, but he signed a confidentiality agreement, because at that time, the experiment here was not sure whether it would succeed, so he was just an experiment..."

Ye Feng immediately asked, "after that, has he saved his life?"

Beard shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know. I only have his memory before DNA extraction. I have no memory after that, but as far as I know, I don't have it. Otherwise, there won't be me!"

Ye Feng understands the meaning of whisker. If his noumenon is saved, then his spleen should have been transplanted to his noumenon, so it is impossible to have him, because there is no need to clone again.

Whiskers then said, "but it's also possible that at that time, after all, it was an experiment. I may be one of their clones. Who knows how to operate this ghost thing?"

Ye Feng can't help staring at his beard for a moment. Then he said, "reasonably speaking, you can't escape from this kind of desert island. How did you do it?"

Whiskers at this time but staring at Ye Feng looked for a long time, this just said, "you seem to be very interested in these things?"

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