Beard voice just fell, Ye Feng did not speak, then listen to a person said, "there seems to be someone on the top of the mountain!"

On hearing this, the people who had been sitting on the ground for a rest stood up one after another and looked towards the top of the mountain, but no one was seen at this time.

Someone asked if the person who said there were people on the top of the mountain had read it wrong. The person definitely said that he had not read it wrong. Just now, he clearly saw a man on the top of the mountain.

At this time, whiskers pondered, and then said to everyone, "whether you are wrong or not, now start to move to the top of the mountain, in case the ship has been found!"

After hearing this, all the people began to clean up and continue to move towards the top of the mountain. Without saying anything, they followed the crowd to the top of the mountain.

Ye Feng and Monica are still walking alone on one side, and they don't speak. Ye Feng is thinking about it in his heart. He has forgotten a situation before. Since Virgil and their ships already have cloning technology, don't they know anything about radar technology?

If so, it means that the people on the island may have known their arrival for a long time, and they haven't made any move yet. Maybe they just want to catch a turtle in a jar, or they have found that Monica and themselves are also among them, and they are worried about hurting themselves and Monica by mistake. Of course, it's mainly Monica.

Therefore, Ye Feng is thinking that it may not be a wise choice for him and Monica to follow the beards. This will not only lead to the disputes between the beards and the island, but also affect his plans.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng originally wanted to say to Monica that they would leave the team of beards if they had a chance. But when he thought about it carefully, he and beards had a lot in common in the purpose of coming to the island, and they could cooperate with each other.

Now is to continue to follow the beard and leave the beard, the two options have their own advantages and disadvantages, it depends on how Ye Feng weigh the choice.

However, Ye Feng didn't think clearly for a moment. After all, he didn't know what Virgil's attitude was towards him, and whether he regarded Monica as his sister or just as a perfect clone art. Therefore, Ye Feng couldn't decide his next action for the time being.

They continued to walk towards the top of the mountain. No one spoke on the road. They just looked at the top of the mountain from time to time, as if to prevent anyone from observing them on the top of the mountain.

However, except for the person who called for someone at the top of the mountain before, no one else had ever seen someone at the top of the mountain. Some people even whispered, asking if the goods were really wrong.

The guy raised his hand and swore to the sky, saying that he had never lost sight of it. People who had not believed in it could not help but be suspicious when they saw that their companions had already vowed.

In the afternoon, when the sun was at its zenith, the group finally climbed to the top of the mountain. Everyone's clothes were drenched and their beards let their companions rest. They walked around the top of the mountain and observed the situation nearby.

In fact, Monica couldn't climb halfway up the mountain. She held on to the top of the mountain by leaning on Ye Feng's back from time to time. However, she couldn't move a step when she got to the top of the mountain. She sat on a stone and gasped.

Although Ye Feng was also tired, he walked around the top of the mountain with his beard. The space on the top of the mountain was large and uneven, with stones and scattered trees and weeds everywhere.

Ye Feng and beard went all the way to the other end of the mountain. They squatted beside a stone and looked down at the other end of the mountain.

Under the mountain is a modern building, located in the forest, taking up a lot of space, inside the tall buildings, surrounded by barbed wire.

Although you can see it clearly from the top of the mountain, if you were on the other side of the island at that time, I'm afraid that this area would not be found at all.

After staring at the foot of the mountain for a long time, Ye Feng said to him, "is this the next one?"

Beard nodded and said, "that's it!" Said in the eyes, mixed feelings, full of love and hatred in general.

After all, if beard is really a clone, his birthplace is this island, the area in front of him. He has lived here for many years. No matter what the purpose of the people here was, at least he has some feelings for it.

What's more, beard has been away from here for many years. Now when he comes back, it seems that the area below is almost the same as when he left. I can't help but move.

Ye Feng will look in the eyes of whiskers, in fact, he can also understand the complicated mood of whiskers at this time.

After staring at his beard for a long time, he said, "are you going to blow up that side?" He asked the beards, hoping to give him a clear answer as to which side to choose.

After pondering for a long time, he looked at Ye Feng, but he didn't speak. Then he sat down and lit a cigarette.

He also handed a leaf maple, after helping leaf maple point, oneself fiercely smoked a few, this just asked leaf maple way, "do you believe that there are people in this world who don't want to live?"Ye Feng didn't quite understand the meaning of whiskers, but seeing whiskers frowning tightly, he couldn't help looking at whiskers.

At this time, he seemed to realize something. Beards, when they landed on the island this time, they once said that they didn't intend to leave alive. They intended to die with the people on the island.

But now Beard said so, Ye Feng seems to have understood the meaning of beard, he immediately said, "do you want to cure your problems?"

Beard looked at Ye Feng with a bitter smile and said, "although we were born with some problems, apart from birth, what is the essential difference between us and your normal human beings? Should the desire for survival be the same? "

Ye Feng smell speech can't help nodding, said a yes, this is his heart.

Whether it is human cloning or normal birth, as long as they are born, they are all human beings. There is no choice in the way of birth, but they should have the right to choose how to survive.

At this time, whisker looked at Ye Feng and said, "at this time, I don't want to hide it from you. This time, we are here to negotiate with them and let them help us cure our physical problems through their technology..."

After another pause, he continued, "if we have no choice, we will choose to die with them!"

Beard said and smoked a cigarette, this just looked at Ye Feng way, "sorry, cheated you, but I don't want to cheat you again, you can choose to stand on our side, also can choose not to help us, oneself to save your friend!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng didn't answer the question of whiskers, but said to whiskers, "according to what you said before, there is almost no perfect way for human cloning. If they don't have a way to treat you?"

After he took a hard puff of his cigarette, he said in a deep voice, "if the last glimmer of hope is gone, then we Including all the clones on this island, there is no need to live! "

Ye Feng pondered for a while, but he didn't speak. At this time, he said, "the girl around you is also a clone, but I found that she doesn't have any visible defects, which shows that my previous conjecture is correct. Since we are relying on technology, then our problems can be solved by technology. I still guess before Yes, but after I saw her, I'm sure I'm right. They must have perfected the technology! "

Ye Feng is silent when he hears that. Naturally, he doesn't tell him that Monica is the perfect clone. Virgil is determined to find her now. Once he says it, he knows what it means to Monica.

However, if Virgil is in such a hurry to rescue Monica and bring her back to the island, it means that the key point of the so-called technical perfection lies in her. In this way, she can't tell them about this. Otherwise, even if she doesn't have evil thoughts, her subordinates may not take her as a threat to force Virgil to submit.

Just then, Ye Feng suddenly saw an unmanned aerial vehicle flying over his head. After hovering on the top of the mountain for a while, he immediately began to fly down the mountain.

Whiskers also saw, immediately stood up, picked up the hands of the machine gun at the unmanned aerial vehicle for a while, soon the aircraft was hit, fell to the ground smoking.

At this time, Ye Feng also stood up and said in his heart that the UAV must have come up to check the situation on the top of the mountain. In fact, the current network technology can realize real-time sharing. Even if the UAV is broken, the picture on the top of the mountain has spread.

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