What's more, people at the foot of the mountain must have heard the sound of the machine gun firing at the aircraft just now.

However, it has no practical significance to hear it or not. As long as the situation on the top of the mountain is transmitted through the camera on the aircraft, it has little significance to shoot or not.

Ye Feng didn't know what happened when the people at the foot of the mountain heard the gunfire, but the people at the top of the mountain stood up one after another and walked towards the beard and Ye Feng.

Some of them saw the aircraft just now, but many of them didn't notice it. At this time, Monica came to Ye Feng and asked what happened to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng didn't speak. He said immediately, "the people on the island already know that we are here. They must have been very clear about our whereabouts and the actual situation."

When they heard this, they were all silent, and then they said, "if you want to retreat now, go down the mountain and go back to the boat, and then you can sail away!"

After hearing this, they murmured to each other, and Ye Feng said to them, "actually, you should think that with their technology, when your ships are at sea, they may already know! So you have no way back! "

People can't help but look at Ye Feng when they hear Ye Feng say so. The secret is that Ye Feng is right. With the technology on the island, people on the island already know when their ships appear on the coastline.

Whiskers then said, "yes, they knew we were coming, so we have no way back now, but if you want to go, the brothers who stay will guard you to board the ship and watch you leave."

When people were still hesitating and muttering, they didn't know who said, "what are you going back to do? Go back and wait for all kinds of problems to come out, and then wait to die? Now that I'm here, I'm not going back! "

When others heard this, they immediately echoed, "yes, now that we are here, let's go. We can leave this island and hide. But can we hide from illness and death?"

Other people also want to understand at this time, they have no way out, even if they can really leave the island, what can they do? The purpose of their coming here is to change all this. They have just arrived on this island now. How can they go back and retreat.

Seeing that all the people agreed to stick to the end, whiskers immediately nodded with satisfaction, and then said to the public, "since everyone has decided to stay, let's talk about the next action!"

Everyone said to his beard, "boss, we all listen to you. We'll do what you say!"

At this time, beard squatted beside the stone, looked at the area below, and then said in a low voice, "we have weapons, and we don't have any special action, just do it directly!"

People listen to beard so say, can't help nodding, the leaf maple of one side at this time but say, "how can you do so?"

People listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help but look at Ye Feng, beard is frowning toward Ye Feng said, "what do you have good advice?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "now the other party obviously knows that we are coming. We rush to work recklessly now. We will only fall into the trap that the other party has already prepared. Maybe we have been completely annihilated before we get there!"

Beard immediately asked, "so if it's you, what's your plan?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "since the other party knows that we are coming, we will find a place to camp and settle down first!" Then he took a look around the top of the mountain, and then said, "but the top of the mountain is definitely not a good place. It's too easy to expose your whereabouts here. Once you're surrounded, you can't escape!"

Ye Feng said, looking down the mountain and observing the terrain near the Virgil base, then he saw a sunken forest not far away from the base and immediately said to the people, "our destination is there!"

People can't help looking at the direction of Ye Feng's fingers when they hear the words. After having a look, they say to Ye Feng, "if we are surrounded, isn't it very dangerous?"

Ye Feng then said to his beard, "you're right, but we have two advantages over there. One is that we are quite close to the base. Once there is an emergency, we can retreat and advance. The other is that there is a forest, which can prevent them from tracking us again with unmanned aerial vehicles. We can have many natural bunkers. As long as we get there first and settle down, we can observe the actual situation of the base According to the current situation, we can decide the next step! "

After hearing the speech, the bearded and the public could not help pondering. What Ye Feng said seemed to have some truth. Moreover, bearded heard Ye Feng say that he had been in the army, and immediately nodded, "OK, let's make the decision first!" He said, "go to the destination first!"

With that, they began to go down the mountain one after another. Fortunately, there is a slope at the other end of the mountain. It's not like the mountain walls on mengchai island are vertical.

At this time, no one spoke. They hurried to the deep forest that Ye Feng said. After walking for an hour, they finally arrived at their destination.When everyone was sitting in the deep pit to have a rest, Ye Feng immediately said to his beard, "let two people stand guard in the direction of the base, and pay attention to every move there!"

Beard a listen to this, immediately command two men, let them according to Ye Feng's command to stand guard.

Ye Feng is sitting on the ground to rest, and Monica is sitting on Ye Feng's side and asks Ye Feng in a low voice, "are you really going to help them attack the base?"

Ye Feng then said to Monica, "I've made it clear at the top of the mountain. If I go to your brother directly, I have to use you to exchange my friends with him. But if I cooperate with them, I can see the situation first. Maybe I can take advantage of the chaos and make some achievements."

Just then, whiskers came over and sat down, handed Ye Feng a cigarette, and then said to Ye Feng, "thanks to your help, although we have a gun, but we have never done this kind of thing, we really have no experience!"

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and said to his beard, "I can see that you don't even have a basic plan!"

Whiskers nodded and said, "so we're counting on you next!"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette, looked at his beard and said, "do you believe me? I'm not afraid I'll pit you? "

The beard was stunned, but then he said with a bitter smile, "we people have been trapped by fate. We are afraid of who will come to the pit. We are all dead. I'd rather believe you!"

Ye Feng listened to whiskers say so, immediately reached out and patted whiskers shoulder way, "since you believe me, I will try not to let you down!"

Then Ye Feng immediately said, "you are familiar with the base. Do you remember the terrain inside?"

As soon as Beard heard this, he immediately took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Ye Feng. "This is a map I drew from my memory, but it's what the base looked like a few years ago after all. I don't know if there has been any change in the past few years."

Ye Feng took the drawing and opened it to have a look. Where is the map drawn by whiskers? It's just like a ghost symbol. At first glance, it's drawn by people who have no painting talent. It's a circle and a box, which marks the name of the building. But the distance between the box and the circle, as well as the details of the building and so on, are not marked at all, except to understand one thing Except for the general terrain of the base, this map is useless.

At this time, Ye Feng closed the map and gave it back to the beard. The beard took the map and looked at Ye Feng? That's all I can remember! "

Ye Feng is toward the beard but said, "very good, simple and clear, I have recorded the heart, do not need it!" Then he asked, "do you have a telescope?"

Bearded immediately went to one of his men on one side, took out a telescope from his bag and handed it to Ye Feng. Ye Feng put out the cigarette and immediately walked towards the high ground on one side. Then he picked a tall tree and climbed up to the top. After sitting down on the top of the branch, he took the telescope and looked towards the base.

Although there is a telescope, it is a forest after all. In front of it, there are lots of trees and leaves, which cover many places. There are not many places to see. However, Ye Feng found that no one could see where he could only see.

Ye Feng took the telescope to see several times, did not see a person, heart can not help but wonder, this base is an empty city?

Thinking of Ye Feng immediately down, back to the deep depression, asked beard, "the base usually do not see anyone?"

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